Executive Director Shilts A Message from Executive Director Bill Shilts

Something Old, Something New

On July 1, 2008 a momentous merger of two venerable institutions took place, a merger that will impact both of their futures in significant ways. The State Scientific Surveys, internationally recognized institutions with roots back to the establishment of the first State Geological Survey in 1851, were transferred by Governor Blagojevich to the administration of the University of Illinois, which was established in 1867. The Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) has been located on the campus of the University since 1885, ...More from Executive Director Shilts

Dr. Shilts recipient of the ISGS Special Recognition Award
Events, Lectures, Seminars
Conceptual, Spatial and Numerical Modeling for Decision Support Workshop
2009 Naturally Illinois Expo
Earth, Wind, and Fire 5K Run and 2.5K Walk
ISGS Annual Awards
INRS Calendar of Events

Press Releases and Highlights
FutureGen site confirmed excellent
INHS Press Releases/Highlights
ISWS Highlights
ISTC Highlights
ISGS Monthly Highlights

No ISTC Research Proposal Solicitation for FY2010

The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC), formerly the Waste Management and Research Center, will not have a solicitation for FY2010 research proposals this year. ISTC has insufficient new funds available in FY10 to justify a full solicitation. We will notify you next year if circumstances change. Thank-you for your interest in the research program at ISTC.

INRS Mission Statement

To provide objective integrated scientific research and service, in cooperation with other academic and research units of the University of Illinois and elsewhere, that allow citizens and decision-makers to make choices that assure sustainable economic development and enduring environmental quality for the people, businesses, and governments of Illinois.

INRS Vision Statement

In providing our citizens with proactive research to assure wise and sustainable management of Illinois' natural resources, the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability will serve as a national and international model of cooperative, multidisciplinary research and service as a key to economic development and environmental quality. The integration of multidisciplinary, natural resource research institutions with a major University is a unique opportunity that will continue to be an example for the nation and the world.

Illinois Natural History Survey BuildingIllinois Natural History Survey Since 1858, the INHS has been the guardian and recorder of the biological resources of Illinois - the state's biological memory. With a staff of over 200 scientists and technicians, it is recognized as the premier natural history survey in the nation.
Illinois State Geological Survey Building Illinois State Geological Survey The ISGS is a premier state Geological Survey serving the needs of Illinois with earth science information relevant to the State's environmental quality, economic vitality, and public safety. Some 200 scientists and technical support staff conduct basic and applied research in geology, compile geologic maps, and gather and manage the state's geological data.
Illinois State Water Survey Campus Illinois State Water Survey The ISWS has flourished for more than a century by anticipating and responding to new challenges and opportunities to serve the citizens of Illinois. Today, the ISWS continues to demonstrate flexibility and adaptability by developing new programs, while continuing to provide long-standing services upon which Illinoisans have come to rely.
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Building Illinois Sustainable Technology Center ISTC is a change agency that performs research, spreads awareness, and facilitates implementation regarding practices, technology and systems that improve sustainability. The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (formerly the Waste Management and Research Center) has been providing assistance to Illinois businesses and the public since 1985.

History of the Scientific Surveys and ISTC
Updated 1/15/09 AW