2009 Naturally Illinois Expo

Friday, March 13 and Saturday, March 14, 2009

photos from all 4 divisions of INRS

Plan to join us in the spring for the 2009 Naturally Illinois Expo, hosted by the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability. The Expo will build on the tradition established by the Illinois State Geological Survey's (ISGS) Open House. The Expo celebrates the formation of the University of Illinois' Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability (INRS), which unites the four state scientific surveys—the ISGS, the Illinois Natural History Survey, the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (formerly the Waste Management Research Center), and the Illinois State Water Survey. The Expo will be held at the Natural Resources Building, 607-615 East Peabody Drive, Champaign, Illinois (the same site as the former ISGS Open House).

You will find over fifty exhibits, demonstrations, and hands-on activities of interest to the public, teachers, and students of all levels, especially those who may be interested in science-related careers. New exhibits will include:

  • Fun with Weather
  • Stream Table
  • Rain Check Network
  • Tips to Help You Go "Green"
  • Coal Swamp
  • Mud to Parks
  • Illinois Natural Areas Inventory
  • Medical Entomology Lab
  • INHS Traveling Science Center
  • and much more!

  • The Naturally Illinois Expo is a great school field trip destination.

    The second running of the Earth, Wind, & Fire 5K Run and 2.5K Walk will kick off at 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning.

    Find more information, as it becomes available, on this Web site or e-mail expo@inrs.illinois.edu, or contact Eric Plankell at (217) 265-8029. We recommend that school field trips and other large groups contact us in advance so we can help them plan and ensure that everyone has the best experience possible.

    Sponsors of the INRS Expo and Lecture Series

    Updated 1/12/08 AW