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sustainable agriculture resource center

Welcome to Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s Sustainable Agriculture
Resource Center. Here you'll find information for consumers and resources for professional, or aspiring professional, growers.

Consumer Resources

find your famerbullet Find Your Farmer!
CFSA's searchable database of Carolina food, farms, farmers' markets, grocery stores, manufacturers and more.

bullet What’s In Season: Carolina Produce season availability chart, NC Seafood availability chart , SC Seafood availability chart

bullet Why Buy Organic? and Why Buy Local?

bullet Questions to ask Your Farmer

photo of farmer holding young plantGrower Resources

The most successful farmers treat their farming operations as a business, starting with a business plan and following up with good recordkeeping to determine areas for improvement. The information in this section is designed to lead you through the process of planning, growing, harvesting & handling, livestock processing and marketing sustainable agricultural products. Plus, CFSA offers many hands-on, in person opportunities to network with your fellow producers and learn from leading ag professionals how to make your farm economically successful and ecologically sustainable. Events include Farm Tours and our annual Sustainable Agriculture Conference.

Related Links: The National Organic Program, ATTRA (National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service) and Organic Consumers Association