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The University of Tennessee | Institute of Agriculture

Department of Agricultural Economics

Frequently Used Tools:



  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Extension

While no courses in the Department are devoted solely to nursery, they enter the teaching program in a variety of ways. Many examples involving nursery are used in various courses in the teaching program. The economic and business principles developed in agricultural economics courses can be combined with course work available in other departments to provide an in-depth understanding of horticulture businesses.

Selected Publications

A Marketing Systems Approach to Removing Distribution Barriers Confronting Small-Volume Fruit and Vegetable Growers
Eastwood D., J. Brooker, C. Hall, E. Estes, T. Woods, J. Epperson, and F. Stegelin
Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin, 2004

Consumer Perceptions of Landscape Characteristics, Disease and Pest Problems, and the Value of Powdery Mildew Resistant Dogwood
Klingeman W. E., J. R. Brooker, D. B. Eastwood, J. B. Riley, B. K. Behe and P. Knight
Research Series 07-01, The University of Tennessee, 2001

Trade Flows and Marketing Practices within the United States Nursery Industry: 2003
Brooker J., D. Eastwood, C. Hall and K. Morris
Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin 404, 2005

Position Announcement

Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor
Nursery/Greenhouse & Fruit/Vegetable Marketing and Management

Selected Publications

Using Computers To Manage The Modern Nursery
QuickBooks Pro 2006

Manning D. and A. Barefield
PB 1677, The University of Tennessee, 2006