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The University of Tennessee | Institute of Agriculture

Department of Agricultural Economics

Frequently Used Tools:



  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Extension

While no courses in the Department are devoted solely to horticulture, they enter the teaching program in a variety of ways. Many examples involving horticulture are used in various courses in the teaching program. The economic and business principles developed in agricultural economics courses can be combined with course work available in other departments to provide an in-depth understanding of horticulture businesses.


Selected Publications

An Economic Analysis of Sequential Cropping Systems in Greenhouses in Tennessee: Tobacco and Tomatoes
Rhea A.J., J. R. Brooker, S. D. Mundy, D.B. Eastwood, and C. E. Sams
Research Series 09-01, The University of Tennessee, 2001

Measuring and Assessing the Image of Retail Garden Centers
C. R. Hall
AE02-51, The University of Tennessee, 2002

Tennessee Produce Growers: Production and Post-Harvest Handling Activities
A. J. Rhea, and C. R. Hall
Research Series Report 01-03, The University of Tennessee, 2003