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The University of Tennessee | Institute of Agriculture

Department of Agricultural Economics

Frequently Used Tools:

THE Beef Cattle fIRM

Record Keeping Software for Cow/Calf Producers

THE Beef Cattle fIRM is a computer software program designed for beef cattle farmers and ranchers. It is a tool to help maintain individual cow, bull and calf performance, sale information and inventory records. Performance summaries are then available for each cow, bull, group or even the entire calf crop. These records can then be used to make business decisions based upon performance. THE Beef Cattle fIRM uses Cattlemen's Sense:

  • Enter Bull and Cow Data once, then enter calf records as calves are born or weaned.
  • View data, summaries and reports on screen or print to your printer.
  • Print blank input forms from the program as you need them.
  • Add your own codes to fit your needs.
  • Select data to include in reports. Use Calf Crop, Birth Dates, Weaning Dates, Yearling Dates, Breeding Dates or Pregnancy Check Dates.
  • Beef Industry Federation (BIF) Standards are used to calculate performance measures.
  • Complete herd health history including preventive vaccinations and treatments can be applied to the cow herd, calf crop, herd sires and/or individual animal record or groups of records.

THE Beef Cattle fIRM is flexible and easy to use:

  • Easy backup and restore.
  • Pick Lists and Pre-filled Fields for quick entry of repeatable information and dates.
  • Find animals by Eartag number or permanent ID.
  • Enter only the information you wish to keep on your herd. Most data fields are optional.
  • Print reports in the order you want, including by location or group.
  • Unlimited Cow, Calf and Bull numbers.
  • Expert support by University personnel who can answer both computer and management questions!