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CRFG Publications 1969-1989 Index - D

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  • Date Growing in California. By Wilbur G. Wood. 1986 YB, pp 51-53
  • Farm Conference '87 Revelations on Growing Dates. By Alice Ramirez. 1987 #4, pp 16-19
  • Tissue Culture of Salinityresistant Date Tree. By M.H. Panhwar. 1988 #4, p 3


  • Two Exotic Suggestions. Luma apiculata; Debregesia edulis. By John M. Riley. 1982 #4, pp 5-7


  • Backyard Rootstock Trials. By Leo W. Manuel. 1983 #4, pp 9-11
  • Deciduous Fruittree Varieties for Low Chill Areas. By Bob Fitzpatrick. 1988 YB, p 23
  • Deciduous Fruit Varieties. By Jim Neitzel. 1980 YB, pp 20-40
  • Deciduous Fruits for Southern California. By Paul H. Thomson. 1971 #4, pp 4-8
  • Deciduous Fruits for the Home and Garden. By Claude Sweet. 1985 #1, p 23
  • Rating Deciduous Fruits. By Robert W. Fitzpatrick. 1980 #2, pp 11-15


DIALIUM INDUM - Velvet Tamarind
A large Southeast Asian evergreen tree bearing fleshy pods with a black velvety rind and edible sweet orange-red pulp. Propagated by seed.

DILLENIA INDICA - Elephant Apple




DIOSPYROS DISCOLOR - Mabolo, Velvet Apple
A lovely medium-size tree from the Philippines, similar to black sapote in form. The fruits are the size and shape of an apple but covered with reddish-brown hair and edible flesh, variously compared to a peach or mild cheese. Propagated by seed or grafting. See Mabolo
DIOSPYROS DIGYNA (D. EBENASTER) - Black Sapote, Chocolate Pudding Fruit
A beautiful glossy-green, evergreen, landscape tree that becomes more cold tolerant as is matures. The round, green to black fruit, a favorite in Mexico, is about 3-4" across. Bitter when unripe, the soft black pulp is non acid, sweet and insipid when it is ripe. Mixed with lemon, made into bread or jelly or combined with milk or cream into a shake or pudding, it is a good fruit. The green fruit is said to be poisonous and has been used in Central America to stun fish. Propagated by seed or grafting. See Black Sapote
DIOSPYROS KAKI - Japanese Persimmon, Kaki
Best adapted climatically to the cotton belt, this hardy tree is the favorite fruit of Japan and China. The fruit are large and round, about 3" across, bright orange, with either a pointed end or flattened end. There are about 1000 known varieties, but the most common in the West are 'Hachiya' and 'Fuyu'. The flesh of the first is astringent until they are extremely soft, when they have a rich flavor. The 'Fuyu' may be eaten firm-ripe, like an apple, because its flesh in non-astringent at all stages. See Persimmon
A deciduous tree from China and Asia Minor, it bears a fruit ½-¾" across, yellow becoming purple black. The flesh is firm sweet and date like. In the Orient and California, it is much used as grafting rootstock for kaki.


DIOSPYROS TEXANA - Black Persimmon

A native deciduous persimmon found in many states, The small fruit are extremely astringent unless dead ripe. It is the preferred rootstock of Florida growers because of its well-developed taproot. See American Persimmon


  • All About Bananas. By William F. Whitman. 1983 YB, p 81
  • Babaco: New Fruit in New Zealand to Reach Commercial Production. By Dick J.W. Endt. 1981 YB, pp 48-52
  • Biological Control of Avocado Root Rot: a Grower's Report. By Robert W. Fitzpatrick. 1987 #2, p 16
  • Choosing a Variety of Papayas (Carica Papaya) for Export to Europe. By A. Shai. 1982 YB, pp 63-65
  • Collar Rot of Apples: Prevention. By R.W. Fitzpatrick. 1987 #2, p 24
  • Crusades of an Apple Lover. By Charles E. Estep, Sr.. 1989 #2, pp 20-25
  • Disease Control for Deciduous Fruit Trees. By Bob Fitzpatrick. 1988 YB, pp 19-20
  • Further Report on Establishing a Mango Grove. By Jerry H. Staedeli. 1977 YB, pp 32-34
  • Growing Rare Fruit from Seed. By John M. Riley. 1981 YB, pp 1-47
  • Growing the Cavendish Banana. By Brian Lievens. 1982 YB, pp 59-62
  • Host Plants for Diseases. 1989 YB, p 40
  • Jojoba Horticulture. By Paul H. Thomson. 1975 YB, pp 98-162
  • Keeping California Clean. By Peggy Winter. 1982 #2, p 27
  • Kiwifruit: a Cost and Revenue Analysis. By Claude Sweet. 1978 YB, pp 14-56
  • Macadamia in California. By Paul H. Thomson. 1980 YB, pp 46-109
  • More Information on Diseases of the Cherimoya. By G.M. Sanewski. 1985 #1, p 11
  • Note on a Fungus Disease. By Robert R. Chambers. 1989 #4, p 13
  • Passionfruit the World Over. By Muriel B. Fisch. 1975 YB, pp 13-55
  • Questions and Answers. 1985 #3, pp 19-20
  • Subtropical Fruits and Nuts of Spain, Kenya and South Africa. By Muriel B. Fisch. 1975 #1, pp 6-13
  • The Cherimoya. By Miguel Cervantes Gomez. 1983 YB, pp 5-29
  • The Chestnut. By Arlo Hale Smith. 1976 YB, pp 15-51
  • The Paw in Southern Michigan. By Corwin Davis. 1982 YB, pp 38-41
  • The Paw Paw. By Paul H. Thomson. 1982 YB, pp 5-31
  • The Rose Apple. By Burton E. Fisch. 1976 YB, p 106
  • The Tree Tomato. By Muriel B. Fisch. 1974 YB, pp 268-290
  • Update on Apple Hobby. By Charles E. Estep Sr.. 1988 #2, pp 14-15
  • Verticillium Wilt on Cherimoyas. By Jonathan Brown. 1978 #3, p 27



  • Gleanings: Dormancy. By Jim Neitzel. 1982 #1, pp 22-24

Dioecious. A plant of Ethiopia, it is a densely foliaged medium size shrub with lots of thorns and bears yellow sour fruit about the size of a large grape. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. See Dovyalis
DOVYALIS CAFFRA - Kei Apple, Umbolo
Dioecious. A South African very thorny bush used as a hedge because of its impenetrability. Fruit is 1" across, yellow, acid and is generally cooked. Propagated by seed or air layer. Grows well in subtropical climates. See Kei Apple
DOVYALIS HEBECARPA - Ceylon Gooseberry, Kitembilla
A large, thorny bush, native to Ceylon, that bears 1" purple, acid fruit. Often used as a barrier hedge because of the thorns and its vigorous growth habit. Propagated by seeds and cuttings.
A natural hybrid from Florida, it has advantages over its parent as only one plant is needed for fruiting and the fruit is sweeter with less acid. It has fewer thorns than other Dovyalis. The fruit, about 1 ¼", with velvety bronze skin, tastes like an apricot when fully ripe. Propagated by air layering and cuttings.


  • Flacourtiaceae. By Marvin Darling. 1980 #2, pp 9-10
  • Miscellaneous Musings of a Misgiving Miscreant. By John Delevoryas. 1972 #2, pp 1-3

DRAGON'S EYE - Euphoria longana See Longan


  • Adventure in Avocado Growing Under Drip Irrigation. By Burton E. Fisch. 1973 YB, pp 49-66
  • Bits & Pieces. By Peggy Winter. 1985 #2, pp 26-27
  • Drip Irrigation for the Home Garden. By Pat Weissleader. 1985 #2, pp 22-24
  • Fruit Experiments in Upland, California. By Pat Weissleader. 1984 #4, pp 21-23
  • Good and Bad Days with the Kiwi Vine. By Raymond F. Vincent. 1974 #2, pp 5-7
  • Idea Box: a Longterm Timer. By John F. Donan. 1985 #4, pp 11-13


  • Book Review: American Indian Food and Lore. Reviewed by Rick Parkhurst. 1977 #4, p 12
  • Drought-resistant Fruits and Nuts for the Water-efficient Landscape. By Tom Del Hotal. 1989 J, pp 8-19

DUKU - Lansium domesticum See Langsat

DURIAN BLANDA - Annona muricata


  • Bits & Pieces: Mild Durian. By Peggy Winter. 1988 #2, pp 23-24
  • Durian Letter. By Dr. Sandhu. 1983, #2 p 3
  • Durian: Durio Zibethinus. By John McIntyre, Jr.. 1977 YB, pp 39-40
  • Fruits We Liked in Southeast Asia. By Peggy Winter. 1984 #3, pp 16-17
  • Return to the Philippines. By John McIntyre. 1978 YB, pp 5-13
  • Southeast Asia. By Peggy Winter. 1983 #2, pp 21-22
  • Things I Didn't Know About the Durian and the Mangosteen. By Peggy Winter. 1982 #4, pp 25-26
  • What We Learned and Saw and Tasted in Malaysia. By Peggy Winter. 1986 #4, pp 20-22

A large Southeast Asian tropical fruit, it is a favorite in Asia but most westerners object to its odor (garlic-like). It is banned from most hotels and discouraged on public transportation. Some varieties are said to be not as objectionable as others. It is loved by those who manage to get past the smell. The fruit is large and covered with a hard, spiked rind that surrounds sweet white or yellowish flesh. Occasionally planted in Hawaii and Puerto Rico. See Durian

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