California Business Portal

Promoting California's Regions

California's Economic Regions

Access a description of the economic regions and how they were defined.

The California Economic Strategy Panel

The California Economic Strategy Panel engages in an objective and collaborative biennial planning process that examines economic regions, industry clusters, and cross-regional economic issues.

The California Regional Economies Project

The California Regional Economies Project (Project) offers new insight into the dynamics of California's economy. Through a regional perspective, we are able to better understand how the economy is changing, where the changes are concentrated, and what catalysts and conditions are causing those changes. We can also see how change in one region affects other regions and the state as a whole.

California Regional Economies Project
Learn about the project, and access Regional Profiles, Reports and Studies completed during the first phase of the project.

Local and Regional Labor Market Information

Local Area Profile
Access an overview of labor market information in a particular area within the state.

Labor Market Information for Economic Developers
This site provides labor market information for the economic developer, and includes access to local area profiles, industry and labor force data, and occupational information.

Local Organizations by Region

Visit some of the local economic, workforce, business and community development organizations in each region, either by clicking on the name of the region.

The Northern California Region
The Northern Sacramento Valley Region
The Greater Sacramento Region
The Bay Area Region
The Central Coast Region
The San Joaquin Valley Region
The Central Sierra Region
The Southern California Region
The Southern Border Region

local economic, workforce, business and community development organizations in each region Southern Border Southern California Central Sierrra San Joaquin Valley Central Coast Bay Area Greater Sacramento Northern Sacramento Valley Northern California Southern Border Southern California Central Sierra Central Coast San Joaquin Valley Bay Area Greater Sacramento Northern Sacramento Valley Northern California