Bonanza Creek LTER
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The Bonanza Creek Long Term Ecological Research program is located in the boreal forest of interior Alaska, USA. Our facilities are centered in the city of Fairbanks. Research at our LTER site focuses on improving our understanding of the long-term consequences of changing climate and disturbance regimes in the Alaskan boreal forest. Our overall objective is to document the major controls over forest dynamics, biogeochemistry, and disturbance and their interactions in the face of a changing climate. The site was established in Fairbanks, Alaska in 1987 as part of the National Science Foundation's Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Program.

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Bonanza Creek Research News and Highlights

September 21, 2009 Monthly LTER Meeting: 3-5 pm Alaska Time. IARC 417
Speaker: Randi Jandt Topic: Resilience and adaptation of fire management in Alaska

September 14-16, 2009 LTER All Scientists Meeting:
Are you planning to attend the ASM this fall? If so, visit the ASM website to get all the latest information on registration, lodging, workgroups, and more! We hope to see you there.

June 7, 2009 BNZ Researchers in the NEWS!! Check out this recent Fairbanks Daily News Miner article about permafrost research at Eightmile Lake in Healy, AK : 'Stampede Trail has a story of permafrost's warming potential'.

June 4, 2009 NEW!!! BNZ Geospatial Data Server Check out the new spatial data interface for BNZ by clicking HERE.

March 5-7, 2009 2009 Bonanza Creek LTER Symposium at Pike's Landing More nformation is available HERE.

January 31, 2009 NEW!!! BNZ Streaming Data Web Page Check out the new streaming climate data interface for the BNZ-LTER climate stations by clicking HERE.

December 03, 2008 A key for predicting postfire successional trajectories in black spruce stands of interior Alaska. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-767 Published Online : Due from the printer January 5, 2009

August 8, 2008 The Ecological Society of America presented the organization's sustainability science award to F. Stuart (Terry) Chapin III of the Institute of Arctic Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

June 18, 2008 Vladimir Romanovsky met with eco-expidition team "Your Environmental Road Trip" ( to discuss his permafrost research activities and it's relationship to climate change. The team is finshing up their year-long exploration of environmental stability across all 50 states. Check out their web site to see video clips or information about their travels.

April 17, 2008 NEW Data Submission Information
March 29, 2008 "In a Time of Change"-Radio Spotlight : AK: Marching to the Beat of a Different Drummer.
Read about and listen to this broadcast at ARRN (starts at 7min into broadcast)
March 28, 2008 A day in the life of Kenji Yoshikawa

The Bonanza Creek LTER has two primary research sites located in Alaska's interior:

goldarrow Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest (BCEF), located approximately 20 km south of Fairbanks at 64.8 N, 148.0 W.

goldarrow Caribou-Poker Creeks Research Watershed (CPCRW), located at 65.16 N, 147.5 W, approximately 45 km north of Fairbanks.

weather Data Policies | Webmaster Click for Fairbanks, Alaska Forecast

The Bonanza Creek LTER, including this website, is supported by the National Science Foundation through awards DEB-0620579, DEB-0423442, DEB-0080609, DEB-9810217, DEB-9211769, DEB-8702629 and by the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station through agreement number RJVA-PNW-01-JV-11261952-231. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the supporting agencies or the program as a whole.

© Bonanza Creek LTER, 2008.
Last modified 30-Sep-09
