Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest

Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest is an ecological research forest in interior Alaska. Along with Caribou-Poker Creeks Research Watershed, Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest is one of only two boreal forest research facilities in the boreal forest, or taiga, zone of Alaska. The forest provides a place to conduct ecological and forestry research, unencumbered by other management objectives. Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest is leased to the USDA forest service, PNW station by the State of Alaska. University research activities are coordinated through the Boreal Ecology Cooperative Research Unit (BECRU) formed through a cooperative agreement between the University of Alaska and the USDA Forest Service.

The Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest (BCEF), located approximately 20 km southwest of Fairbanks, Alaska, was established in 1963 with about 3360 ha (8,300 acres) of upland, interior Alaska boreal forest. In 1969, the experimental forest was enlarged to 5053 ha (12,487 acres) to include representative floodplain forests along the Tanana River. The Forest is within the Tanana Valley State Forest, a unit managed by the Division of Forestry, State of Alaska. In 1987 the Bonanza Creek Long-Term Ecological Research program was established, with BCEF as its primary research site.

The area represents a transect of typical vegetation and landforms in interior Alaska, and includes a section of the Tanana River floodplain at an elevation of approximately 120 m and adjacent uplands. These uplands form the southern limit of the Tanana-Yukon uplands, rising to a ridge crest of 470 m (LTER Clickable Image Map).

The vegetation, a mosaic of forest and non-forest types, corresponds to four broad topographic zones: upland hills and ridges, lowland toeslopes and valley bottoms, old Tanana River terraces, and the active floodplain.

Activities within the area interfering with long-term research plots is restricted through the lease agreement. Research development within the area is managed by BECRU, Permission to conduct research can be obtained by contacting the lead principal investigators or the site manager

The material found within the Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest website is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the following awards:DEB-0080609, 9810217, 9211769, 8702629. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necesarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest is also funded by the USDA Forest Service (Joint Venture PNW01-JV11261952-231). © Bonanza Creek LTER, 2003.
