Utah's diverse landscape supports thousands of insects and plant pathogens. UTAH PESTS is your portal for learning more about pests and their beneficial counterparts around the state, and how Utah Extension personnel are working to provide a greater understanding of these organisms in our world.

Click on one of the web site links below to get started!

integrated pest management

Choose this site for the plant pest advisories, the IPM Mini-Grant program, weather data, and much more.

plant diseases     

Choose this site for a multitude of fact sheets on diseases and disorders of field crops, fruits, ornamentals, turf, and vegetables.

insects and their relatives

This site will help to shed some light on the insect world, with fact sheets, images, slide shows, and more.

utah plant pest diagnostic lab

The UPPDL, the only lab of its kind in Utah, is here to identify and provide management recommendations for your pest problems.