University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
January 15, 2009
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California Sea Grant
Federally funded research and education program on management of coastal marine resources for sustainable use.

Center for Forestry
The mission of the Center for Forestry is to sustain forested ecosystems through scientific inquiry. The center seeks to create and disseminate knowledge concerning ecosystem processes, human interactions and value systems, and restoration and operational management practices.

Genetic Resources Conservation Program
Funding to preserve genetic collections at risk in the UC system and the state and support for education concerning genetic resources conservation.

Hopland Research and Extension Center
The 5,300-acre Hopland Research and Extension Center is the UC's principal field research facility for agriculture and natural resources in the North Coast region. Most of the acreage is rangeland in the foothills of the Mayacamas Mountains, part of the Coast Range. About 25 acres are on the valley floor and suitable for cropland.

Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program
Land use planning and range management strategies that ensure multiple uses of hardwood rangelands while improving oak regeneration and maintaining diverse wildlife habitat.

Kearney Foundation of Soil Science
Research reports on soils, plant nutrition, and water science projects.

Renewable Resources Extension Act
Supporting education and programs related to biodiversity, conservation, water quality and water quantity on forests and rangelands in California.

Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center
Land, labor, facilities and management for agricultural research and public education in matters relating to agriculture in Mediterranean woodland ecosystems.

Sudden Oak Death
Information on the distribution and monitoring of Sudden Oak Death in California. Also, educational materials, information for homeowners, symptoms, and events.

© 2009 - Regents of the University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
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