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CDC's Injury Center 10th Anniversary 1992-2002
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    The Institute of Medicine's and National Academy of Sciences' 1985 and 1989 reports spark a national call for a consolidated federal focus on injury prevention. The mission — bring the public health perspective to injury prevention. Its aim — apply the same kinds of techniques that had proven so effective in preventing infectious disease transmission and reducing the effect of chronic illnesses to reduce injuries and their effects. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention merges existing programs to form a division for injury control.

    1990s 2000s
    1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
    National Injury Center

    HHS Secretary takes the lead and issues the official order to create a national center to focus on the prevention and control of injuries. On June 25, 1992, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control is born.

    Expanding Injury Research

    CDC continues funding for 10 Injury Control Research Centers (ICRCs) throughout the United States to study ways to prevent injuries and disabilities. Started in 1987 and located at universities across the nation, ICRCs conduct research in prevention, acute care and rehabilitation. They also serve as training centers. In 2002, another ICRC is added.

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    This page last reviewed May 2002

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    National Center for Injury Prevention and Control