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Title: Indian Health Service Research Program
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Research Events
& Conferences:

Aug. 25 - 28 2008, Portland, OR

20th Annual Native Health Research Conference

Jan 7 - 18 2008, Baltimore, MD

Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health-Winter Institute 2008

Nov. 7 - 8 2007 Bethesda, MD

Fall Science meeting for NARCH investigators and project directors

August 22 - 23 2007 Denver, CO

Research for Native Health

July 23 - 27 2007 Baltimore, MD

Social Determinants Of Health In Indigenous Populations

June 11 - 29 2007 Portland, OR

Summer Research Training Institute

June 4 - 7 2007 Phoenix, AZ

19th Annual IHS Research Conference

Check here often for future Research related events and updates

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I H S Research News and Events



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For further information please feel free to contact:
Indian Health Service
Office of Public Health Support
Division of Planning, Evaluation, and Research

Ms. Juanita Echo-Hawk Neconie, (301) 443-6586
Ms. Teresa Sappier, M.A. (301) 443-6622
801 Thompson Avenue, TMP, Suite 450
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Fax: (301) 443-0114