Glenda’s Favorites

seanbonner Dear dude talking on your mobile phone loudly while crapping in a public restroom, Your mother should be ashamed.
eric L
finderic @glenda holy crap that fight is on? gah. must find a sports bar now. that's a crazy yay area death match. hometown boy vs pinoy.
Alex Hillman
alexknowshtml longing for an "unfollow" button in real life.
noel Girl Talk was unheard of when I first heard him. Now he's in Microsoft ads... that makes me weep.
mzhummina Society, please accept my regretful resignation #6wordepitath
hotdogsladies To TWOOL: 1. Pretend you love EVERYBODY; 2. Feign insight; 3. Self-link; 4. Sand all edges; 5. Go obvious; 6. Stop trying; 7. Shit lists.
Nick Douglas
nick Wit is a curse, because your peers lack it.
Ariel Waldman
arielwaldman OH: "I'm being transparent, but concealing!"
Ariel Waldman
arielwaldman Dear cowlick... fine, fucking stand up for yourself.
Rudy Jahchan
rudy From now on, when I GTD, I'm going to blast the beginning of the A-Team theme. Finish some code? A-Team theme. Buy groceries? A-Team theme.
John Halcyon Styn
Halcyon at ALL times we have 1 foot in dog shit, and 1 hand holding an ice cream cone. Our life is about which one we focus on: Crap or Cone.
girl6 new trend alert in vietnam: iced out grills. dentists here will drill and permanently glue diamonds in your teeth. making my appt today.
Dan Budiac
dansays Bored in rural Wisconsin. My kingdom for a Wii.
Melissa Gira Grant
melissagira What's harder: watching yourself in the mirror while you have an orgasm, or watching yourself cry?
Liz Dunn
LizDunn @scamper and @doomdoomdoom you boys are so adorably emo. Are you listening to Garbage and singing along? "I'm only happy when it raaaaiinns"
crispycracka You know who else enjoyed memes? Hitler.
cbake76 I love the debates we get in here at Marvel sometimes. Today, I'd like to think I coined a phrase: "threshold of ridiculousness."
glenda OK SFers -- I, of all people, have absolutely *NO IDEA* how I overlooked this before, but "Never Gonna Give You Up" is 20555 at G3. FYI.
CarrieBicknerZ Untangling a bureaucratic mess. This is one of my great talents. I wish that I had a more interesting great talents.
CarrieBicknerZ Puzzling over my darling husband's " NYC is like a big dormitory" tweet.


Evan Williams Dunstan Eric Case veen Buzz Andersen danah boyd Brian Walsh seanbonner Richard Ault BenJ Nitin Borwankar om tedr Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas Niall Kennedy Keith Kamisugi Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Adam Hertz Liz Dunn adam Scott Beale Manuel Viloria Aubrey Sabala Jackson West Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters George Kelly Sanford B lane heidi Tim Bonnemann Dan Cederholm
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