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just spent more money on a purse in Taipei than I spent all 2 weeks in VN.
Jtown in saigon is way bigger than sf's.
@JohnSong is that some kind of sexual innuendo??
staying in luxury high-rise in HCMC; right below are families living in homes made of corrugated metal and plastic tarps. depressing.
new trend alert in vietnam: iced out grills. dentists here will drill and permanently glue diamonds in your teeth. making my appt today.
Just drove by a place called pho saimin. Wtf?
The view atop ponagar is amazing
Visiting the cham temple where my grandma found out my uncle was going to die.
Can't sleep. Having lots of really paranoid nightmares about home.
Found out i can fall asleep riding on the motorbike
Eating breakfast number 2 today. Preparing to visit my ancestral burial grounds
@wukaiyuan i just bought some pastries a few days ago from tous les jours at diamond plaza. koreans everywhere!
Contemplating going for a morning run in the monsoon. Y/N
Eating bun bo hue while staring at a stuffed rodent
Riding on a bike in Nha Trang is effing cold in shorts
Hi from vietnam!
@glenda haha zomg. (i saw it too.)
@JennyPurr are you single? text me woman!
just booked my flight to viet nam for thanksgiving bishes!
i miss my nipple.