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NIOSH Program Area:

Office of Compensation Analysis and Support (OCAS)


Claim Information--Main Page


Part B - NIOSH Dose Reconstruction Referrals from
the Department of Labor (DOL)

Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act

modified 1/9/2009

Cases Referred to NIOSH by DOL 28,405
Cases Currently Returned to DOL (80%)
~ cases returned with a completed final dose reconstruction report 19,337
~ cases pulled from NIOSH and dose reconstruction by DOL1 799
~ cases pulled from NIOSH and dose reconstruction for SEC2 2,273
Cases Currently Administratively Closed by NIOSH (1%)3 447
Cases Currently at NIOSH (19%)
~ cases assigned to Health Physicists for dose reconstruction 2,422
~ cases with a completed draft dose reconstruction; awaiting OCAS-1 670
~ cases not yet assigned to Health Physicists for dose reconstruction 2,467


Statistics by State and Worksite

1 DOL pulled (withdrew) case from NIOSH and dose reconstruction due to claimant request, claimant death without a known survivor, or insufficient employment or medical information.
2 NIOSH pulled case from dose reconstruction and returned it to DOL for Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) consideration.
3 Draft dose reconstruction report completed. Administratively closed due to claimant refusal to sign OCAS-1 form.
4Of the total active claims at NIOSH, 2,359 out of 5,559 (42%), represent dose reconstructions returned to NIOSH by DOL for rework due to additional employment, an additional cancer needs to be dose reconstructed, or the affect of a technical change based on a Program Evaluation Report is being examined.

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Page last modified: January 11, 2009
Page last reviewed: May 30, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

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