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Silly daddy. Forgot book to return. Need to return home. :(
Two libraries, then B&N.
@sanuzis Which service are you using? We used Vonage until we moved and went to cells exclusively.
@jrdkirk Are you rephrasing the same idea or would you argue for a form of annihilation? Neither?
I wish twitterfon gave me the option of seeing name instead of twitted id on updates. Also want to see my favs.
I do now. Thanks!
Who would have thought: our mail wasn't been held by local post office, but regional distro ctr.
Headed to the post office to pick up all our mail.
Loves the smell of Dreamland firing up the pits, just after it rained. Smells delicious.
RT @gileskirk: On this day in 1521, the Protestant Reformation was formally launched when Pope Leo X excommunicated Martin Luther.
Michael is watching the 2001 Holiday Bowl and remembering what a REAL QB and comeback looks like.
At CFA in Commerce, GA
In Greenville, SC
@vpynchon As a law student, that is encouraging to hear.
Michael is driving, driving, driving.
Raleigh to Birmingham.
RT @kristenmstewart Birmingham folks: There are few more days to enter my giveaway or take advantage of a sale -
Michael enjoyed visiting friends in Richmond, but is ringing in the new year at the in-laws in Raleigh.
@newrepublicans Which books? From what I understand he has changed some of his ideas.


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