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traffic on 280?! I protest!
trying to figure out if I can grade papers during meetings & Christmas gatherings
should have started coffee before attending to kids--I'm about to get Superdad demerits for actions committed in grumpiness
@artboulet twitter seems to have just posted a 3-hour-old update to my FB. You?
@artboulet I'm having the same prob w/ Twitter not updating Facebook
@kristenrudd has a special knack for redemptive imagery. The toothpick thing stirs me to awe and wonder
waiting on the 71 to take me home
grading at Starbucks--glad for my AT&T DSL now that I'm away from home. (Google & grading go great together.)
fallen box of orzo, you are not my friend
making French toast with the world's best helper
@kristenrudd I was afraid of "Mommies" vs. "Residents" drinking games
is spreading the thanks around tonight: now I'm thankful for Google which spots strings of words in a nanosecond.
thanks BF for blessing the Cowboys with her presence, cheering, and a victory.
@DethIm Why do I get nervous on behalf of the Cowboys when folks from KC are cheering them on?
hoping B.F. is cheering loud enough at Texas Stadium to get the Cowboys through the 4th quarter
@ktraphagen gods or minds? or both?
AT&T DSL: attempting to rival lack of Mac shortcut keys in "aids to my productivity". Thanks for making me restart the browser. Good times.
thinking I'll pretty much be stressed and grumpy until my papers are all graded
I go to be wondering why music that evokes a culture that's never been mine nonetheless makes me nostalgic?
Tweetdeck installed, now Twitter doesn't update my facebook. Thought .20b was supposed to take care of that problem?


thomasknoll wyclif Joshua Rudd Aaron Webb Chris Tilling Todd Hiestand Bruce Reyes-Chow Jake Bouma Andy Crouch Doug Pagitt Tony Jones JenniferBean jboyce leehuang robogiles Kathy Hanson msconnie Deth Im Erik Ullestad sturnbull jeffmeyers jg75 / Jeff Gissing Keith Williams Gordon Duncan document JennPappa joanpball skimdiv MarkAHorne Marc abbykk leslieveen kristenrudd Tim Ghali hlovejones Mike Hayes