U.S. Senator Richard Shelby
United States Senator, Alabama
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About Senator Shelby - Biography
Senator Shelby

May 6, 1934 in Birmingham, Alabama

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Married: Annette Nevin
Two children: Richard Jr. and Claude Nevin

* B.A., University of Alabama, 1957
* LL.B., University of Alabama, School of Law, 1963
* Lawyer, 1963-1978
* Tuscaloosa City Prosecutor, 1963-1971
* U.S. Magistrate, Northern District of Alabama, 1966-1970
* Special Assistant Attorney General, State of Alabama, 1969-1971
* Alabama State Senator, 1970-1978
* U.S. Representative, 1979-1987
* U.S. Senator, 1987-Present

Richard Shelby, Alabama’s senior United States Senator, was first elected to the Senate in 1986 with an undeniable commitment to Alabama and the simple philosophy that a smaller government can also be a more effective government. 
Senator Shelby is Ranking Member of the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee and Ranking Member of the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations Subcommittee.  In addition, he is a member of the full Appropriations Committee and the Special Committee on Aging.
Senator Shelby’s legislative agenda mirrors not only his conservative values, but his commitment to freedom, family and a strong prosperous economy. He has authored and introduced legislation to create a balanced budget constitutional amendment every Congress since his election to the United States Senate. A leading tax code reform proponent, Senator Shelby is the Senate sponsor of legislation that would replace the current tax code with a flat-rate tax.  President Bush has acknowledged that reform of the tax code is one of his priorities in a second term, and Senator Shelby intends to play an integral role in that debate.
Senator Shelby believes that national security is one of the primary responsibilities of the federal government and one that he takes very seriously.  From 1995 to 2003, Senator Shelby served on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. In this capacity, he and the other committee members provided oversight of the intelligence community, and following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Senator Shelby served diligently to investigate the intelligence failures that led to those attacks.
Although Senate rules allow members to serve only eight years on the Intelligence Committee, Senator Shelby remains committed to working with President Bush to ensure the safety of all Americans here and abroad.  Senator Shelby has been a strong proponent of intelligence reform, and he was involved in debate of the intelligence reform bill that President Bush signed into law in December, 2004.  Senator Shelby was pleased that the bill included the creation of a National Counterterrorism Center and immigration reforms, but he was disappointed that the bill did not call for a stronger, cabinet-level Director of National Intelligence that would have command and control authority over the entire intelligence community.
In the 110th Congress, Senator Shelby is the Ranking Member of the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. The Committee has oversight of the operation and regulation of our nation’s financial markets, urban transit programs and housing markets.  Senator Shelby has demonstrated a strong commitment to doing everything possible to restore the American people’s trust in our capital markets.  Through vigorous oversight and balancing the careful dynamic that exists between legislating and letting market forces correct their own weaknesses, tremendous progress has been made in the past three years.  In this Congress, Senator Shelby will continue to be a forceful advocate for transparency, accountability and honesty from corporate America.  He will also continue to work to ensure that our financial system operates in a safe and sound manner.
As part of the reauthorization of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Senator Shelby fought for language that allows every American to receive a free annual credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus.  This important right gives consumers the ability to keep track of their personal financial information and helps to guard against identity theft.  The Banking Committee also passed the American Dream Downpayment Act, a law that will provide $400 million for low-income first-time homebuyers to achieve the dream of homeownership.
Senator Shelby serves as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and is the Ranking Member of the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations Subcommittee.  This subcommittee will provide Senator Shelby with an opportunity to delve into new issues that have great importance to Alabama and the nation.  The subcommittee’s jurisdiction includes the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Economic Development Authority (EDA), the Department of Commerce and the Department of Justice among others.   Senator Shelby previously served as Chairman of the Transportation, Treasury and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee.  In this capacity, Senator Shelby was successful in nearly doubling the amount of federal highway funds that Alabama received for important infrastructure projects. 
Senator Shelby is also able to effectively oversee and provide funding for our nation’s defense and military infrastructure through his position on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.  He continues to fight each year to maintain the funding needed to protect not only the servicemen and women stationed around the world, but also to ensure that they have the training and equipment needed to survive and win any conflict. He also maintains careful watch over our nation’s defense and aerospace industries critical to not only the nation’s defense and readiness, but to Alabama’s thriving economy as well.
Senator Shelby’s support for veterans has been unwavering. He believes we must honor our veterans by honoring our commitments to them. From fighting to uncover the truth about the Gulf War Syndrome, to working to maintain veterans’ benefits, Senator Shelby has remained committed to those who have placed their love of God and country above all other priorities.
Senator Shelby also authored the law that made it a federal crime for parents to cross state lines to avoid paying child support, and he has consistently advocated on behalf of missing and exploited children. Every envelope that leaves Senator Shelby’s office includes a printed photograph of a missing child in order to increase the visibility and hope of finding that child.
Senator Shelby has received countless awards for his outstanding record on business, economic, family and seniors issues. Awards like the “Spirit of Enterprise,” from the U. S. Chamber of Commerce; “Guardian of Small Business,” from the National Federal of Independent Business; “Taxpayer’s Friend,” from the National Taxpayers Union; “Friend of the Family,” from the Christian Coalition; and “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights,” from the 60 Plus Association are a testament to his support of these important issues.
Prior to Senator Shelby’s election to the United States Senate, he served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives and eight years in the Alabama legislature.  He also served as a City Prosecutor in Tuscaloosa, U.S. Magistrate for the Northern District of Alabama, and Special Assistant to the Attorney General in Alabama.
            A fifth generation Alabamian, Senator Shelby is a graduate of the University of Alabama’s undergraduate and law programs. He and his wife, Annette Nevin Shelby, have two sons: Richard Jr. and Claude Nevin. Claude and his wife Lisa have one daughter, Anna Elizabeth Shelby, and one son, William Nevin Shelby.

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