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@nytelyte Yeah well sometimes you're a jerkface!
Twitter looks good on you!
OMG! I'd kill puppies for Super Puzzle Fighter for iPhone!
Yup, I totally recommend this game... its quite cute and on sale for $2.99. You'll need a WiFi connection (or iTunes) to DL it, its huge!
Time for the Showcase Showdown!
Who's the next contestant on the Price Is Right?! OH YEAH I AM! This iPhone version is quite cute
Fuck you bagel! Get out of my teeth. I'll kill you with mocha.
I love the Biggest Loser. Great inspiration.
All this cold weather is good practice for France. Oui oui.
Well at least I have beer for next week.
Change of plans.
Oi! I really want a Black Xmass
@SisterMable Flickr doesn't lie about "most interesting" Woah.
@amygo I think I put the longest message inside yours too. :) Biggest...message...inside....AHHHNNN
@mosspink I've always secretly liked how I sound when I'm sick too. :)
I have a hot-tea.
My blog posting to Twitter is borked. Read my ranty piece tiny here
Seriously, ANOTHER FLASH 'throw a shoe at bush' game? Fuck internets, lets get original.
I knew there was an advantage to having a different email for that social network. ENIGMA!


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