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If you would have told me in '97 that I'd be writing in 140 char posts, I would have said "Have you seen my GeoCities site?" It's got GIFS!
@sheafisher Ya, Sub Pop does that quite often. That's one of my favorite paintings at SLAM, along with the giant Gerhard Richtor.
Car is at body shop. New bumper it will have.
Wii boxed last night, moved up to 650 points. Arms hurt this morning.
Download Blitzen Trapper's Furr:
@JimmyRobbins Oh, ya, tell me about it. She's never wrong and it always happened EXACTLY as she remembered.
Here's tip: Don't leave popcorn out on the COMMUNITY FOOD TABLE (for 3+ days) and then get all passive-aggressive when I open the it up.
"The highway is alive tonight, but nobody's kiddin nobody about where it goes."
Received some pretty cool Makers Mark wrapping paper, ribbons and bourbon bottle gift tags yesterday.
"I don't want to be held in your debt. I pay it up in blood let I be wed I'm all ready cut up and half dead I'll end up alone like I began."
With Ma Bell I got the Ill Communication.
"After I finish counting sheep, I'm praying for rain. Maybe I'll finally get some sleep, praying for rain."
Amazed that I still meet people who have never shopped online.
Tarp over car=no ice this morning. Not covering the knots=really fucking tight knots.
I'm glad the winter weather looks like it won't be too bad. Driving might suck, but less ice on trees makes me happy.
Watching This American Life, Season 1, from Showtime.


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