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Gah! Sometimes the RLS is so bad! Like, for instance, tonight!!
Schlefly Imperial Stout float FTW
@paulhuse different insufferable friend than @walljm!
Gah. We have the most insufferable friend IRL who keeps getting our vent info!
So far the food is great, but the poor server is frazzled.
At Maggiano's for dinner. Hopefully it'll be better than @iceman565's dinner.
@mhoff54 you have a great vacation, handsome man!
This traffic is a small price to pay.
@mhoff54 That card you got from Barlow Productions is hilarious!
@walljm you may want to ask @aphexddb about that experience. He uses it to power his business and loves it.
@aphexddb everywhere except work. Slacker.
Worried about @mhoff54 - wife just went to the ER.


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