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@seismic007 Same problem. Naps are king.
Happy Turkey/Tofurkey!
My mother is having her Thanksgiving lunch in Indonesia right now. And I'm leaving to pick Katy up from work.
clean clothes and trash bags
Anyone in with FFFFOUND!? Invite this clown.
Replacing Katy's iPod battery was easier than I expected.
Oh shiiit! The internet is a bloody black hole, and this is stupidly ingenious. (
Finally "Flickred" some photos. Check out my aforementioned display shelf. (Flickr:
Finished display shelf last night and now it's stinky, dry, and nice. The handmade fancy thing is not perfect, but a good learning make.
@etherbrian Re: WALL-E: I just hated the awful live action human scenes. It ruined the animated world effect.
"Dog attack @ McAllister dog park, San Antonio, TX" (http://sanantonio.craigslis...)
@manicminute That's wild and definitely infuriating (about the dog attack). Hope something happens.
"Christophe the Insultor" (
Back from the Texas Renaissance Festival. Good "old" times, etc.
watched The Terminator and High Art
We gotta black up the windows and nail up the doors/ And keep right on 'till the end of the war"
"Mr. Churchill says/ We gotta hold up our chins/ We gotta show some courage and some discipline/
@fatorchid I meant to buy cottage cheese. Sour cream bastards were right next to the good stuff.
Just got the iSongbook ($120 on eBay). It amazes me how long I tolerated my awful notebook noise makers.
Military recruiters at SAC have people playing Guitar Hero.


Jason Cosper Xeni Jardin Scott Beale Dan Cederholm Robert S Andersen Andrew Parker Keith Garrett Murray Beep. Martin Sutherland Derek Christopher Clark rands John Gruber Neven Mrgan josh d Alec Peden David Lanham Louie Mantia Jacqui Cheng Hugh MacLeod Jeffrey Zeldman Glass Jesse Baer Michael Simmons Dean Cameron Allen CNN Breaking News BBC Entertainment nostrich Zack Schiller Tom Stoelwinder Twitterrific Brent Simmons Logan Rockmore Daniel Jalkut Fake Henry Rollins
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