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Have discovered ENTIRE OTHER WORLD downstairs, plus soft one and I played a rousing game of Find Jincy. Again! Again! Again!
I resent being referred to as "just a barncat". I suspect I am actually from the rare Yucatan Fighting Cat lineage, thank you very much.
Have apparently gained weight and can no longer fall asleep without falling off the soft one's rack. Constant vigilance is required. Damn.
HATE giant plastic neck cone! HATE! Hate! Hate! Have vanquished it *somewhere*. They will never find it. Win-win-win!
the bathroom rug has a delicate bouquet: rubber, clean toes and anticipation. Very beguiling. Must schedule regular bitings throughout day.
@fredlet Really? Do you think the soft one will still let me sleep on her rack if I'm Pickled Jincy? Don't want it to mess with my T&A time.
@thatsmybix Is it ringworm or maybe I'm a member of a Fight Club? First rule about Fight Club, you don't ask if you've got ringworm
Have eaten and am now rethinking Nocturnal Jincy Ninja Action. To sleep, perchance to lick the soft one's delicious nostril. Bliss!
Had fulfilling morning attacking, maiming and pillaging Sunday paper, slept for seven hours and now ready for Nocturnal Jincy NInja Action!
@thatsmybix it's just the sniffles! My allergies! Damn, if that man tries to stick that rod up my bum again, Ninja Jincy swears vengeance!
Used to be invincible, but now have realized that a good belly rubbing is my undoing. Hope arch nemesis, bird on string, doesn't find out.
No, I did NOT put three holes in a paper lampshade by climbing onto the back of the chaise and biting the hell out of it. Why do you ask?
Have vanquished bird on string! Victory is Jincy's! Wait... the bird has a twin! You will meet the same end as your brother! **snerfle**
Goal for the day: all shiny objects must be bitten thoroughly, starting with this crap hanging on the walls. Jincy the mirror slayer!
If you'd like some of my crunchy tasties, I'd be more than happy to share, so why can't I have any of your beguiling supper? Plate snobs.
@dmacvittie meow meow to you too, sir
No, I am not a LolCat and I deeply resent the implication.
Oh look. I am a movie star! That damn light bug.
@sashaw In my fervor to attack the light bug, I did not realize that the flat thing was for the type talking. My bad.
@ladyloo Indeed! It is I! I am Jincy! Also, I am sleepy. And delicious. And ready to kick some major ass...snerk...zzzzz.