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OK, we're live. See the Grammar Girl video special: Sarah Palin, turkey, and irony.
Sorry Grammar Girl is late this week; we're having a problem with our hosting company. I expect it will be out by tonight.
@stevegarfield You once pointed me to a great tutorial on how to post video from my server to my website, and now I can't find it. Again?
@cubiclequeen I'm glad you like the Christmas cards! I'm going to order a whole bunch tomorrow.
@spicedogs I know it's controversial, but I cover using "they" as a singular pronoun here and cite references:
Although I realize I don't actually help anyone by being informed on a second-by-second basis..
Should be working, but can't tear myself away from #mumbai coverage. Grammar doesn't seem important on days like today.
@dansmath I had a wonderful dog named Dude, so I could get behind your idea.
@krug95 I'm OK with "they" as a singular pronoun:
@breeawn In American English, the period goes inside the quotation mark at the end of a sentence. In British English, it goes outside.
@ffluvssg1 Crazy! That use of "slay" isn't in my first-glance dictionary, and it isn't in the OED.
@nthused Yes! "The Big Book of Irony" is a small book.
@ffluvssg1 I've never seen "slay" used as a noun in a headline. Do they mean a murder or a contraption you ride in on snow?
Here's a wonderful post on exclamation points by @CliveAndrews
Deliberate overuse of exclamation points can be ironic ... but requires the reader's knowledge that the writer is not an idiot. - Winkokur.
My new favorite quote to follow, from "The Big Book of Irony" by Jon Winkokur
"Politely Ending Conversations" by @lisabmarshall (The Public Speaker) could come in handy during the holidays!
@archivist08 Thanks, I'll check out your app!


Dunstan Jason Goldman Jerry Richardson Pete Hopkins Wayne Sutton Jason Greg Tim freiheit arvind s grover Dave Winer Elmo Daniel Johnson, Jr. William Freitas Keith Williams Matthew Bischoff mdy randy stewart seth ponek Colin O'Brien Shannon Daniel Morrison Rich Frank Gilroy Bernie C Steve Dembo Chris Brogan Graham English Chris Wilson Bill Palmer Michael Bailey Jim Robert French Doug Haslam Jim Long kate
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