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hitting the pre-school Thanksgiving Program at 9:20 then a day of developing.
@hotdogsladies new 5ives on a weekly or monthly basis would radically improve my quality of life.
@coldunknown reminds me of the day I learned that canned tuna was pre-cooked.
Realizing that if @god and @d2h would have intended for non-programmers to edit email templates, they would have included a method for it.
@protocool According to @gilesgoatboy you might trade access to Propane for cash or perverse favors. Is that the case?
@gilesgoatboy can pre-release versions of propaneapp be acquired through bribery or flirtation?
fiddling with @ddemaree's GiftBox iPhone App this morning got me excited about Christmas shopping. Will post itunes link when publicly avail
@KatieRogers I would gleefully pay $100 for a Postal Service follow-up album of similar quality.
while we're on the topic of SCM-themed parodies of Pixies songs, how about "Rebaser"?
A quick summary of how fun it is to be the father of a 7-year-old:
arrival of the the new Malcolm Gladwell book brightens an otherwise disappointing day.
Curious why none of my twitter clients work on the GoogleGuest wifi.
enjoying @orderedlist's Netshare connection en route to Google Ann Arbor to play with AppEngine
In Bristol a few minutes early.
@jnunemaker Prepare for the sweet rush of O-love. makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
You could also suggest that the Big 3 automakers have actually been dead since the late 60's and haven't been given a proper burial yet.
When Ford and GM die, the optional undercoating is no longer an option.
When Ford and GM die, the Pontiac Aztek dies with them.


Jack Dorsey Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi Hillary Hartley Sarah Hatter John Nunemaker Matthew Bischoff Lisa McMillan Jim Long Geoffrey Grosenbach Scott Raymond William H Harle Jr. Steve Smith Avi Bryant Kristin Pishdadi Jesse Newland Mel Kirk Ryan Carson David Ellen Nemesis lucylou Alex Payne rands John Gruber Neven Mrgan Obie Kevin Andy Clark Trevor Dave Nicole Ramsey Josh Peek Darth Vader Brian Christiansen Kyle Neath Brent Simmons Diana LeRoi-Schmidt
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