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Technical Memorandum Summaries for Surface Water

This list was updated on 11/28/07.

This section of the report provides summaries of all the technical memorandums included in the latter section. These summaries are grouped according to category, and listed numerically within each group. The letters proceeding each number indicate the office that issued that memorandum: SW indicates Office of Surface Water, QW indicates the Office of Water Quality, WRD indicates the Water Resources Division.



SW08.03 Hydroacoustics Work Group - Charter, Membership, and Activities

SW08.02 Upgrade for Rio Grande/Workhorse Firmware to Address Potential Bias in Discharges Measured Using Water Mode 12

SW08.01 Release of WinRiver II Software (version 2.00) for Computing Streamflow from Acoustic Profiler Data

SW 07.01 Sontek/YSI FlowTracker firmware version 3.10 and software version 2.11 upgrades and additional policy on the use of FlowTrackers for discharge measurements.

SW 06.04 Availability of the report “Application of the Loop Method for Correcting Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Discharge Measurements Biased by Sediment Transport” by David S. Mueller and Chad R. Wagner (Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5079) and guidance on the application of the Loop Method



SW 93.16 Transmits the revised version OFR 91.84, "Streamgaging cableways." Prior versions are to be discarded.

SW 91.14 Announces that computational errors which were made in the calculations of cableway-anchor dimensions published in OFR 91.84 have been corrected and that other technical aspects will be addressed prior to reissuing the report.



SW 94.05 Explains the maximum sampling depths and transit rates for suspended sediment and water-quality samplers. Recommends not using the 1/8-inch or 3/16-inch nozzle on the D-77 sampler with a 3-liter container.

SW 93.06 Transmits Open-File Report (OFR) 92-457, "Simulation of soluble water transport and buildup in surface waters using tracers."

SW 89.17 Announces the availability of TWRI Book 3, Chapter A9, "Measurement of time of travel in streams by dye tracing."

SW 89.13 Announces the availability of Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations (TWRI) Book 3, Chapter A18, "Determination of stream reaeration coefficients by use of tracers." This chapter describes the slug-injection and constant-rate-injection methods used with rhodamine WT dye and propane, from test planning through subsequent computations.

SW 86.08 Advises that concentrations of dyes rhodamine WT and rhodamine B shall not exceed 10 parts per billion (ppb) passing any water intake that ultimately results in direct or indirect human consumption. Advises that special precautions should be taken when handling the dye. Documentation attached. Supersedes WRD 66.90, WRD 85.82, and SW 81.05.



SW09.01 Review and Correction of the Peak Flow File

SW08.04 Availability of the National Streamflow Statistics (NSS) program (Version 4.0) and accompanying documentation

SW 02.04 Request for review of National Flood Frequency Program, Version 3 software

SW 95.02 Announces the availability of WRIR 94-4002, "Nationwide summary of U.S. Geological Survey regional regression equations for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods for ungaged sites." The report contains a PC diskette of version 1.1 of the USGS National Flood Frequency program, including regression equations and procedures for estimating flood hydrographs.

SW 94.07 Solicits articles from Districts for 1992 and 1993 Flood Summaries. Provides examples of representative articles.

SW 93.19 Transmits articles for "Summaries of floods in the United States."

SW 92.11 States the importance of flow-process identification in mountain streams and provides guidance on how to properly identify flow processes, particularly when debris flows are possible.

SW 92.10 Provides guidelines for identifying and evaluating peak-discharge errors.

SW 92.09 Explains the procedures for determining and applying adjustments to discharge measurements made at a distance from the gaging station during periods of changing stage and discharge.

SW 91.10 Provides a list of salient papers describing the use and illustrating the potential applications of dendrogeomorphic analysis.

SW 90.16 Makes initial distribution of Water-Supply Paper 2339, "Guide for selecting Manning's roughness coefficients for natural channels and flood plains."

SW 90.09 Provides information and tables summarizing WRD's involvement in local flood-warning systems.

SW 89.12 Revises SW 77.17 limitations on publication and distribution of estimated flood-frequency information. Allows estimation and publication of discharges with recurrence intervals of up to 500\x11years.

SW 88.15 Discusses results from a FEMA audit of the flood-frequency process. States guidelines for completing FIA Form 1500.2 (Time and Cost Estimate).

SW 88.14 Announces National Flood Frequency (NFF) program for microcomputers, which enables the user to estimate flood magnitude and frequency almost anywhere in the country. Requests verification from the Districts.

SW 88.08 Transmits and discusses the National Research Council report on estimating probabilities of extreme floods.

SW 88.07 States guidelines for the operation of crest-stage programs.

SW 88.06 Discusses status of "Bulletin 17B" flood-frequency guidelines and gives the results of a survey of problems encountered in using the guidelines.

SW 87.01 Transmits report on feasibility of assigning a probability to the probable maximum flood.

SW 85.03 Transmits a letter from the FEMA requesting suggestions for changes to the FEMA flood-insurance study guidelines and specifications for study contractors.

SW 84.04 Transmits guidelines and specifications for flood-insurance studies. Lists WRD offices receiving Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines.

SW 83.05 Reiterates policy expressed in SW 77.03, that the determination of "probable maximum flood" is outside the scope of the WRD mission.

SW 82.10 Transmits and discusses the report "Techniques for estimating flood hydrographs for ungaged urban watersheds."

SW 81.06 Describes revisions made to the annual flood-frequency analysis program (J407) to conform with new WRC guidelines.

SW 81.01 Transmits report "Review and evaluation of urban flood-flow frequency procedures" that provides a concise and comprehensive review of techniques for estimating flood peaks and/or hydrographs for ungaged urban areas.

SW 80.07 Transmits report evaluating four dam-break flood-wave models and identifies a modified version of the National Weather Service model as best for several reasons.

SW 80.02 Advises Districts to prepare for adequate coordination and cooperation with other federal agencies during flood emergencies. Lists 1974-76 National Weather Services (NWS) rating extension sites of the NWS Flood Forecast Centers.

SW 79.01 Transmits the report "A rainfall-runoff modeling procedure for improving estimates of T-year floods for small drainage basins" and notes the usefulness of the maps and relations presented in the report.

SW 77.17 Revises limitations on the publication and distribution of estimated flood-frequency information. Supersedes SWB 69.11, 70.05, 73.16, and 76.07. See update SW 89.12.

SW 77.11 Transmits and discusses the report, "Computation of backwater and discharge at width constrictions of heavily vegetated flood plains" (WRI 76-12).

SW 77.07 Distributes report "Flood-frequency--expected and unexpected probabilities" that compares the attributes and characteristics of flood-frequency curves computed with and without an expected probability adjustment.

SW 77.04 Encloses an announcement describing the availability of flood-frequency data at District offices and establishes policy for responding to requests for such information.

SW 77.03 Reiterates policy that determination of "probable maximum flood" has little value in the evaluation of flood hazards and is therefore outside the scope of the WRD mission. See update SW 83.05.

SW 77.02 Transmits reprint of an article from the Journal of Research of the U. S. Geological Survey entitled "Confidence limits for flood-frequency curves computed from samples from Pearson Type III populations."

SW 76.07 Announces forthcoming release and describes use and content of new Water Resources Council (WRC) report "Guidelines for determining flood-flow frequencies" that will supercede WRC Bulletin 15.

SW 76.03 Updating streamflow/basin characteristics file. Provides reminder to update streamflow characteristics, such as the T-year floods, in the streamflow/basin characteristics file when the log-Pearson Type III frequency curves are developed in flood-frequency or low-flow studies.

SW 75.16 Identifies appropriate uses for a procedure to estimate flow characteristics from channel size; presents guidelines for data collection, analysis and application; emphasizes field guidance by qualified consultant; encourages improvement in methodology; and reaffirms coordinating functions of the Surface Water Branch.

SW 73.16 States current policy regarding (1) publication of frequency characteristics for recurrence intervals longer than twice the period of record, (2) definition of flood characteristics at a gaged site either by probability analysis of the gage record or by a regional relation, (3) minimum sample size for use in regression analyses, and (4) adherence to, and latitude to deviate from, established guidelines for hydrologic interpretations.

SW 70.08 Requests that Districts review and correct printouts from the newly created flood-peak data file and establishes procedures for using this file with the log-Pearson type III frequency program for information needed for the planning of surface-water data programs.

SW 70.07 Transmits study of surface-water data programs. Reminds users that high-flow and low-flow frequency computations done by the STREAMFLOW STATISTICS program are done only for non-zero items. Instructions are furnished for computing the frequency curves adjusted for the zero flows. NOTE: Current (1988) versions of the STREAMFLOW STATISTICS program have the adjustments incorporated in the program code.



SW08.03 Hydroacoustics Work Group - Charter, Membership, and Activities

SW 06.05 Approval and Revision of Time-Series Data in ADAPS 4.6

SW 06.03 Availability of New Instantaneous Data Archive for Unit-Value Discharge Data

SW 06.01 Collection, Quality Assurance, and Presentation of Precipitation Data

SW 05.08 Policy and Guidance for Archiving Electronic Discharge Measurement Data

SW 05.06 StreamStats Advisory Committee and Water Science Center Requirements for StreamStats Proposal Preparation

SW 05.01 National depot for shift-adjusted ratings

SW 04.03 Revision of Agreement Forms for Gaging Station Transfers

SW 03.08 Agreement Forms for Gaging Station and Observation Well Installations and Transfers

SW 03.06 Guidance for Bridge Scour Studies

SW 03.05 Office of Surface Water announces the availability of scripts website

SW 03.03 Availability of Baseplot and Hydcomp software, user documentation, and support

SW 02.05 Availability of StreamStats informational web page and StreamStatsDB data base

SW 99.07 Addendum to Open-File Report "A Workbook for Preparing Surface Water Quality-Assurance Plans for Districts of the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division"

SW 97.05 Updating the Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN)

SW 96.05 Policy Concerning Accuracy of Stage Data

SW 95.05 Announces the availability of USGS Circular 1123, "Stream-gaging program of the U.S. Geological Survey." This report details the uses of streamflow data, history of the national program, funding, and other topics.

SW 95.03 Announces the availability of OFR 94-382, "Surface-water quality-assurance plans for Districts of the USGS, Water Resources Division." Seeks District input to quality-assurance plans. NOTE: CHANGE FTP PATH NAME TO

SW 94.08 Transmits the report "Summary of the nationwide analysis of the cost effectiveness of the U.S. Geological Survey stream-gaging program (1983-88)."

SW 94.01 Announces USGS participation in the GEWEX Continental Scale International Project (GCIP), an internationally coordinated effort to determine and model the spatial and temporal variation of water and energy budgets on a continental scale. Requests cooperation in supplying hydrologic data collection and management information.

SW 93.20 Announces availability of WRIR 93-4076, "Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN): Streamflow Data Set, 1874-1988."

SW 93.15 Informs the Districts that policy and technical guidance are being developed for the broadband acoustic doppler current profilers (BB-ADCP), provides interim policy on using BB-ADCP's for discharge measurements, and requests information on field experience with the meter.

SW 93.12 Clarifies procedures concerning the establishment of turning points as discussed in TWRI Book 3, Chapter A19, "Levels at streamgaging stations."

SW 93.05 Announces and transmits WRIR 92-4147, "Effectiveness of highway edgedrains."

SW 93.02 Transmits OFR 92-129, "Hydro-climatic data network: a U.S. Geological Survey streamflow data set for the study of climatic variations, 1874-1988."

SW 92.07 Revises, reemphasizes, and supplements existing guidelines, particularly those provided in WRD Memorandum No. 92.04, relative to the publication of streamflow statistics in the Annual State Data Reports.

SW 91.12 Establishes the dates for publishing the annual data report in the new format.

SW 91.03 Reminds WRD personnel that all current OSW Technical Memorandums are available on the National Computer Prime, QVARSA. These policy memorandums may be viewed or copied.

SW 90.17 Notifies authors that the OSW is willing to review report manuscripts at the time of colleague review, on a limited basis. Such a review may prevent the manuscript from being returned for technical reasons after it is submitted for Director's approval.

SW 90.15 Announces publication of Techniques of Water Resources Investigations Book 3, Chapter A19, "Levels at streamflow gaging stations."

SW 90.10 Establishes and clarifies Office of Surface Water policy regarding the frequency of levels at gaging stations.

SW 90.04 Announces the availability of the Office of Surface Water (OSW) policy statements (technical memorandums) on QVARSA, the National Center Prime computer.

SW 90.03 Further prohibits the release of Hydro-Climatic Data Network lists or data. Advises Districts to qualify data given to requestors from WATSTORE files that have not been reviewed for accuracy. Restates the WRD policy not to release interpretive material prior to the Director's approval.

SW 90.02 Prohibits the release of lists of stations for the Hydro-Climatic Data Network, or related information, until publication of the overall list by WRD.

SW 89.15 Thanks Districts for participating in the Hydro-Climatic Data Network project and asks for a final review of the lists of stations according to clarified criteria. Cautions against release of preliminary lists to requestors.

SW 89.07 Establishes policy that assigns responsibility for maintenance of current meters. Defines the purpose and use of the timed spin test.

SW 89.06 Transmits the OFR "Levels at streamflow gaging stations." Advises all personnel involved in running levels at gaging stations to become familiar with procedures described in this report.

SW 88.15 Discusses results from a Federal Emergency Management Agency audit of the flood-frequency process. States guidelines for completing FIA Form 1500.2 (Time and Cost Estimate).

SW 88.12 Transmits Transportation Research Circular Number 327 published by the Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences. This report contains problem statements and should be of help in developing programs with State highway agencies.

SW 88.07 States guidelines for the operation of crest-stage programs.

SW 88.05 Announces use of stations in WATSTORE to define a Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN). Outlines background, criteria, and strategy for selection of stations within each District. Releases suggested station lists and solicits comments.

SW 88.03 Discusses policy on shift adjustment application and computation of records using ADAPS.

SW 88.02 States results of the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) request for case studies that demonstrate the importance of water data.

SW 87.03 Transmits report summarizing the activities and recommendations of the ad-hoc committee formed to investigate alternative publication formats of the USGS Annual Data Report. The report contains summaries of data received from State and District Offices.

SW 85.03 Transmits a letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency requesting suggestions for changes to the FEMA flood-insurance study guidelines and specifications for study contractors.

SW 84.02 Transmits a report published by the Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, on highway research problem areas in hydrology, hydraulics, and water quality.

SW 77.04 Encloses an announcement describing the availability of flood-frequency data at District offices and establishes policy for responding to requests for such information.



SW 98.02 Distribution of ASCE Report, "Predicting Travel Time and Dispersion in Rivers and Streams," by Harvey E. Jobson

SW 97.03 Distribution of Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4050, Enhancements to the Branched Lagrangian Transport Modeling System, by Harvey E. Jobson

SW 96.06 Distribution of Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4013, "Prediction of travel time and longitudinal dispersion in rivers and streams," by Harvey E. Jobson

SW 96.04 Distribution of Open-File Report 95-137, User's Guide to the Culvert Analysis Program, by Janice M. Fulford

SW 96.03 Distribution of Open-File Report 94-360, User's Guide to SAC--A Computer Program for Computing Discharges by Slope-Area Method, by Janice M. Fulford

SW 93.17 Provides tables of Manning's n values for types of corrugated pipe not covered in the TWRI, Book 3, Chapter A3, and revises the values given for multiplate culverts in the TWRI. Recommends revision of some culvert computations.

SW 92.11 States the importance of flow-process identification in mountain streamflow and provides guidance on how to properly identify flow processes, particularly when debris flow are possible.

SW 92.10 Provides guidelines for identifying and evaluating peak-discharge errors.

SW 90.16 Makes initial distribution of Water-Supply Paper 2339, "Guide for selecting Manning's roughness coefficients for natural channels and flood plains."

SW 87.05 Transmits and discusses the report "Bridge waterways analysis: Research report" describing the theory and methods used in a Water-Surface PROfile computation model (WSPRO).

SW 84.07 Transmits and discusses "Computer program NCALC user's manual--verification of Manning's roughness coefficients in channels."

SW 84.02 Transmits a report published by the Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences on highway research problem areas in hydrology, hydraulics, and water quality.

SW 83.07 Announces the availability of four surface-water programs converted from the Amdahl to run on the Prime that do: culvert ratings, slope-area discharge determinations, step-backwater and floodway analysis, and cross-section plots, and suggests policies for implementing on the Distributed Information System.

SW 82.03 Distributes TWRI Book 7, Chapter C3, "A model for simulation of flow in singular and interconnected channels" and calls attention to stage-fall or other slope-type rating techniques.

SW 80.07 Transmits report evaluating four dam-break flood-wave models and identifies a modified version of the National Weather Service model as best for several reasons.

SW 77.11 Transmits and discusses the report "Computation of backwater and discharge at width constrictions of heavily vegetated flood plains" (WRI 76-129).

SW 74.14 Describes correction to procedure in Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations (TWRI) Book 3, chapter A4 for computing the contraction ratio for indirect measurement of peak flow at bridge openings. (This memo is not stored in electronic file because of the numerous subscripts and Greek symbols used in the equations.)



SW 91.13 Distributes OFR 91-244, "Proceedings of the United States-People's Republic of China bilateral symposium on droughts and arid-region hydrology."

SW 89.11 Announces the availability of generalized least squares regression program for regionalizing low-flow characteristics. Recommends low flow regionalization techniques and describes techniques for undertaking the analysis.

SW 86.02 Summary of Open-File Report 85-95 "Low-Flow Frequency Estimation at Partial Record Sites"--Attachment (pdf= 64K) (for full report check SW 85.09)

SW 85.17 States policy, supplemental to that in the WRD Publications Guide, on methods of estimating or determining low-flow statistics and on documenting, coordinating, and securing approval for release of low-flow statistical information.

SW 85.09 Transmits copies of OFR 85-95 "Low-flow frequency estimation using base-flow measurements."

SW 79.06 Transmits guidelines for collection, analysis, and reporting of low-flow information. Attachment

SW 76.03 Updating streamflow/basin characteristics file: Provides reminder to update streamflow characteristics, such as the T-year floods, in the streamflow/basin characteristics file when the log-Pearson Type III frequency curves are developed in flood-frequency or low-flow studies.

SW 70.07 Reminds users that high-flow and low-flow frequency computations done by the STREAMFLOW STATISTICS program are done only for non-zero items. Instructions are furnished for computing the frequency curves adjusted for the zero flows. NOTE: CURRENT (1988) VERSIONS OF THE STREAMFLOW STATISTICS PROGRAM HAVE THE ADJUSTMENTS INCORPORATED IN THE PROGRAM CODE.



SW 03.05 Office of Surface Water announces the availability of scripts website

SW 03.03 Availability of Baseplot and Hydcomp software, user documentation, and support

SW 00.01 Availability of Y2K compliant versions of Branch and TDDS software packages

SW 99.03 Availability of GenScn, a Tool for the Generation and Analysis of Model Simulation Scenarios for Watersheds

SW 98.04 NWIS Surface-Water Users Group

SW 98.03 Availability of an Alternative One-Dimensional, Unsteady Flow Model; the Full Equations Model (FEQ)

SW 97.03 Distribution of Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4050, Enhancements to the Branched Lagrangian Transport Modeling System, by Harvey E. Jobson

SW 96.09 Geographical Reference Data for Modeling and Management Applications

SW 96.04 Distribution of Open-File Report 95-137, User's Guide to the Culvert Analysis Program, by Janice M. Fulford

SW 96.03 Distribution of Open-File Report 94-360, User's Guide to SAC--A Computer Program for Computing Discharges by Slope-Area Method, by Janice M. Fulford

SW 95.08 Release of Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4168, "Users Manual for an Expert System (HSPEXP) for Calibration for the Hydrological Simulation Program - Fortran"

SW 94.02 Announces the creation of a Basin Modeling Action Team to focus and direct USGS watershed river basin modeling. Requests user input on requirements for a watershed and river basin modeling system.

SW 91.05 Distributes the user's manual for WSPRO--a computer model for Water-Surface PROfile computations.

SW 90.18 Releases the report, "User's manual for ANNIE, a computer program for interactive hydrologic analyses and data management."

SW 90.12 Transmits WRIR 89-4061, "Proceedings of the advanced seminar on one-dimensional, open-channel flow and transport modeling." The report summarizes the presentations made June 15-18, 1987, at Stennis Space Center, Mississippi.

SW 90.11 Provides policy on the publication of estimated flows from flow routing, regression equations, and in some cases, rainfall-runoff modeling. While publication in the annual data report or WATSTORE storage of estimated data from models, such as BRANCH, where data are collected at the site is permitted-- publication of data at a site where supporting data are not collected is only permitted for short periods, such as for filling in missing record.

SW 90.07 Transmits a report, "Twelve selected computer stream sedimentation models developed in the United States."

SW 90.05 Announces the availability of the transport modeling system, DAFLOW, and the publication of the user's manual, WRIR 89-4133.

SW 89.11 Announces the availability of generalized least squares regression program for regionalizing low flow characteristics. Recommends low flow regionalization techniques and describes techniques for undertaking the analysis.

SW 89.04 Announces and discusses a new version of the software package ANNIE. Describes the Watershed Data Management (WDM) file, which contains programs for models and data analysis. Discusses plans for supported software.

SW 88.04 Announces and discusses Branched Lagrangian Transport Model (BLTM) which is available on PRIME.

SW 87.05 Transmits and discusses the report "Bridge waterways analysis: Research report" describing the theory and methods used in a Water-Surface PROfile computation model (WSPRO).

SW 87.04 Transmits and discusses "Computer program NCALC user's manual--verification of Manning's roughness coefficients in channels."

SW 84.03 Identifies watershed simulation models supported by the Surface Water Branch and describes Branch support in distributing model software, providing assistance in use of software, setting goals for future software, and providing test cases for quality control.

SW 84.01 Describes and transmits USGS WRI report 83-4160 "A digital model for streamflow routing by convolution methods" (CONROUT).

SW 83.07 Announces the availability of four surface-water programs converted from the Amdahl to run on the Primes that do: culvert ratings, slope-area discharge determination, step-backwater and floodway analysis, and cross-section plots and suggests policies for implementing on the DIS.

SW 82.13 Transmits OFR 82-430 that describes selected digital computer programs for modeling flow and water quality in surface-water systems.

SW 82.09 Provides update of OFR 77-884 "User's guide for U.S. Geological Survey rainfall-runoff models -- Revision of OFR 74-33."

SW 82.03 Distributes TWRI Book 7, Chapter C3, "A model for simulation of flow in singular and interconnected channels," and calls attention to stage-fall or other slope-type rating techniques.

SW 80.07 Transmits report evaluating four dam-break flood-wave models and identifies a modified version of the National Weather Service model as best for several reasons.

SW 79.05 Explains how to retrieve rainfall-runoff data from WATSTORE on-line Unit and Daily Values Files for use with the distributed routing rainfall-runoff model using program J149D to process unit and daily data for input to J347 on the RE2 computer.

SW 79.01 Transmits the report "A rainfall-runoff modeling procedure for improving estimates of T-year floods for small drainage basins" and notes the usefulness of the maps and relations presented in the report.

SW 78.09 Distributes a user's guide for U.S. Geological Survey rainfall-runoff models.

SW 78.05 Transmits a report describing computer program A697 for routing a hydrograph either downstream or upstream through an uncontrolled reservoir.

SW 77.12 Transmits report "Computation of records of streamflow at control structures," that documents the hydraulic theory and outlines procedures for gaging and computation of discharge at dams that are the basis of program E466.

SW 76.04 Establishes policy for updating and retention of daily rainfall, unit rainfall, and unit discharge data in the rainfall/runoff model files and for deletion of all unnecessary data not used in calibration.

SW 70.07 Study of surface-water data programs: Reminds users that high-flow and low-flow frequency computations done by the STREAMFLOW STATISTICS program are done only for non-zero items. Instructions are furnished for computing the frequency curves adjusted for the zero flows. NOTE: Current (1988) versions of the streamflow statistics program have the adjustments incorporated in the program code.



SW 87.08 Transmits and discusses report describing new procedures for hydrologic regression and network analysis using generalized least square regression and for extension and improvement of NARI (WSP 2178). Suggests using ANNIE, an interactive data processor, for least squares regression data preparation, transformations, manipulations, and guidance.

SW 87.06 Announcement of Interagency Working Group on Network Analysis. Discusses purpose, membership, and activities of the working group.

SW 85.15 Announces the availability of the CONVERT program to convert discharge measurement data from Prime ADR system files to the format required by the network analysis programs (K-CERA).

SW 83.04 Transmits report "Cost-effectiveness of the stream-gaging program in Maine" and identifies this report as the prototype for network analysis in other District.

SW 83.02 Transmits World Meteorological Organization report on "Concepts and techniques in hydrological network design."



SW 05.03 Interim Plan for Accessing Confined-Space Stilling Wells

SW 05.02 Requirements for coating lead sounding weights, cleaning and testing potential lead-contaminated areas, and monitoring lead in blood

WRD 99.32 Water Resources Division Policy for Safety Associated with Measurements, Sampling, and Related Streamgaging

WRD 99.01 SAFETY-Traffic Control Plan for Field Operations from Bridges and along Roadways



SW 04.02 The Graphical Constituent Loading Analysis System (GCLAS) for computing discharges of suspended sediment and other water-quality constituents

SW 04.01 Water Resources Discipline Policy on Storage and Publication of Fluvial-Sediment Data with Updated Method Codes

SW 03.06 Guidance for Bridge Scour Studies

SW 01.03 Collection and Use of Total Suspended Solids Data

SW 00.03 Software for Computing Streamflow from Acoustic Profiler Data

SW 99.04 Guidelines from the 1998 Sediment Laboratory Chiefs Workshop

SW 99.02 Sediment and Ancillary Data on the World Wide Web

SW 99.01 Guidance for Collecting Discharge-Weighted Samples in Surface Water Using an Isokinetic Sampler

SW 98.05 A National Quality Assurance Program for Sediment Laboratories Operated or Used by the Water Resources Division

SW 97.04 Distribution of Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4310, Method for Rapid Estimation of Scour at Highway Bridges Based on Limited Site Data, by Stephen R. Holnbeck and Charles Parrett

SW 96.11 Initiation of a Sediment Laboratory Quality Assurance Project

SW 96.10 Distribution of "Channel Scour at Bridges in the United States," by Mark N. Landers and David S. Mueller (Federal Highway Administration Publication FHWA RD 95 184), and of "Bridge-Scour Data Management System User's Manual," by mark N. Landers, David S. Mueller, and Gary R. Martin (U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-754)

SW 96.08 Sixth Federal Interagency Conference Proceedings and Attachments

SW 96.07 Sediment Laboratory Procedures

SW 95.10 Consolidation of Sediment Laboratories

SW 95.09 Endorsement of Sediment Records Calculation Program (SEDCALC)

SW 95.06 Distribution of "Evaluation of pipet and x-ray procedures for determining particle-size distributions of sediment," Federal Interagency Project Report KK

SW 95.01 Provides information on the mission and services of the Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project (FISP).

SW 94.04 Summarizes documentation relevant to office procedures for sediment records computations, supplementing SW 92.08.

SW 93.21 Transmits the policy and techniques for converting sediment concentrations expressed in parts per millions (ppm) to milligrams per liter (mg/L).

SW 93.11 Recommends the use of the Sedigraph as an alternative method of analysis for fall diameter.

SW 93.10 Encourages field tests of deca (cone) splitters used in SW projects.

SW 93.08 Makes recommendations for use of retransformation methods in regression models used to estimate sediment loads ("The bias correction problem"). Corrections made in SW 93.13 are incorporated here.

SW 93.04 Discourages the use of an 1/8-inch nozzle with DH-51 and DH-77 sediment samplers because of its generally poor hydraulic performance and its tendency to clog (Corrects OSW 93.01).

SW 93.01 Summarizes documentation that describes instrumentation and field methods for collecting sediment data. See update SW93.04.

SW 92.08 Provides a compilation of all sediment memorandums issued by OSW, OWQ, and WRD since 1971. See update SW 94.04.

SW 92.06 Provides updated parameter codes for the collection and publication of bedload data.

SW 92.05 Provides policy on suspended sediment filers. The asbestos mat shall not be used. The Whatman 934 AH shall be used instead.

SW 92.03 Provides guidelines for the transmittal of bridge-scour data and information to cooperators.

SW 91.15 Presents guidelines for the analysis of sediment analyses procedures in computing sediment records.

SW 91.11 Announces certification training for sediment laboratory operations.

SW 91.10 Provides a list of salient papers describing the use and illustrating the potential applications of dendrogeomorphic analysis.

SW 91.02 Announces the availability of a comprehensive list of reports related to sediment and geomorphology.

SW 90.08 Establishes current policy and provides guidelines for the collection and publication of bedload data.

SW 90.07 Transmits a report, "Twelve selected computer stream sedimentation models developed in the United States."

SW 90.06 Asks Districts and project offices to update the publication, "Notes on sedimentation activities, calendar year 1988," in preparation for the 1989 publication.

SW 90.05 Announces the availability of the transport modeling system, DAFLOW, and the publication of the user's manual, WRIR 89-4133.

SW 89.10 Announces the availability of the report "Use of surface-geophysical methods to assess riverbed scour at bridge piers."

SW 88.17 Transmits and discusses the report "Field methods for measurement of fluvial sediments" (OFR 86-531). Solicits comments concerning proposed WRD policy on bedload sampler procedures.

SW 88.01 Transmits and discusses the "Notes on sedimentation activities, calendar year 1986."

SW 87.07 Transmits and discusses the report "Pilot study for collection of bridge-scour data."

SW 87.02 Transmits the report "Notes on sedimentation activities, calendar year 1985." Solicits updating of information from State and District Offices.

SW 86.06 Describes and announces the availability of the DH-81 suspended-sediment sampler.

WRD 82.28 Announces and defines the two types of water-quality analytical methods (Approved and Special) that are recognized by WRD.

QW 81.02 Announces availability and describes operation of D-77 Water-Quality Sampler. Sampler is approved for use within the USGS, under cited conditions.

QW 80.18 Problems with installation of plastic nozzles on samplers. Using pliers to tighten nozzles may cause plastic nozzles to bend.

QW 80.17 Describes a new sample splitter for water-quality samples. The cone splitter is described, as well as differences between the cone splitter and the churn splitter.

QW 80.06 All samplers should be fitted with color-coded nozzles to help identify which nozzle to use with a given sampler.

QW 80.03 Identifies one of the most common causes of malfunction of Point-Integrating Sediment Samplers P-61 and P-63.

QW 78.03 Answers several questions about the operation of churn splitters.

QW 77.08 Announces the publication of "Relationship of sediment discharge to streamflow," detailing some of the best techniques available for estimating sediment discharge or yield.

QW 77.03 Describes three DH sampler models that are acceptable for use within WRD for sampling under ice.

QW 76.17 Clarifies proper methods to be used for sampling mixtures of water and suspended sediment in streams.

QW 72.13 Forwards TWRI Book 3, Chapter C3, Computations of fluvial-sediment discharge.

QW 72.04 Provides instructions for use of suspended-sediment samplers for use in the collection of samples to be analyzed for organic substances.

QW 71.09 Presents the guidelines for sampling and analysis of water-quality constituents associated with solids.

QW 71.05 Presents the philosophy upon which the guidelines for sampling and analysis of water-quality constituents associated with suspended solids will be established.



SW08.04 Availability of the National Streamflow Statistics (NSS) program (Version 4.0) and accompanying documentation

SW 05.06 StreamStats Advisory Committee and Water Science Center Requirements for StreamStats Proposal Preparation

SW 02.05 Availability of StreamStats informational web page and StreamStatsDB data base

SW 02.04 Request for review of National Flood Frequency Program, Verion 3 software

SW 00.02 COMPUTATION--Errors in flow-duraction-curve computations

SW 95.02 Announces the availability of WRIR 94-4002, "Nationwide summary of U.S. Geological Survey regional regression equations for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods for ungaged sites." The report contains a PC diskette of version 1.1 of the USGS National Flood Frequency program, including regression equations and procedures for estimating flood hydrographs.

SW 93.08 Makes recommendations for use of retransformation methods in regression models used to estimate sediment loads ("The bias correction problem"). Corrections from SW 93.13 are incorporated here.

SW 93.02 Transmits OFR 92-129, Hydro-Climatic Data Network: A U.S. Geological Survey streamflow data set for the United States for the study of climatic variations, 1874-1988.

SW 92.12 Transmits OFR 92-115, A Computer Program (FLOWSTAT) for Summarizing Daily and Peak Streamflow Statistics.

SW 92.07 Revises, reemphasizes, and supplements existing guidelines, particularly those provided in WRD Memorandum No. 92.0, relative to the publication of streamflow statistics in the Annual State Data Reports.

SW 89.12 Revises SW 77.17 limitations on publication and distribution of estimated flood-frequency information. Allows estimation and publication of discharges with recurrence intervals of up to 500 years.

SW 89.11 Announces the availability of generalized least squares regression program for regionalization of low flow characteristics. Recommends low flow regionalization techniques and describes techniques for undertaking the analysis.

SW 89.04 Announces and discusses a new version of the software package ANNIE. Describes the Watershed Data Management (WDM) file, which contains programs for models and data analysis. Discusses plans for supported software.

SW 88.14 Announces National Flood Frequency (NFF) program for microcomputers, which enables the user to estimate flood magnitude and frequency almost anywhere in the country. Requests verification from the Districts.

SW 88.08 Transmits and discusses the National Research Council report on estimating probabilities of extreme floods.

SW 88.06 Discusses status of "Bulletin 17B" flood-frequency guidelines and gives the results of a survey of problems encountered in using the guidelines.

SW 88.05 Announces use of stations in WATSTORE to define a Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN). Outlines background, criteria, and strategy for selection of stations within each District. Releases suggested station lists and solicits comments.

SW 87.08 Transmits and discusses report describing new procedures for hydrologic regression and network analysis using generalized least square regression and for extension and improvement of NARI (WDP 2178). Suggest using ANNIE, an interactive data processor, for least squares regression data preparation, transformations, manipulations, and guidance.

SW 87.01 Transmits report on feasibility of assigning a probability to the probable maximum flood.

SW 86.07 Transmits report "Simulation of flood hydrographs for Georgia streams. This report describes a simplified method of estimating flood hydrographs for ungaged rural or urban streams using a dimensionless unit hydrograph with basin lag and T-year peak discharge from regional multiple-regression analysis.

SW 86.03 Describes procedures for retrieval of daily values, computation of streamflow statistics, and entry of statistics into the streamflow basin characteristics file.

SW 85.17 States policy, supplemental to that in the WRD Publications Guide, on methods of estimating or determining low-flow statistics, and on documenting, coordinating, and securing approval for release of low-flow statistical information.

SW 85.09 Transmits copies of OFR 85-95 "Low-flow frequency estimation using base-flow measurements".

SW 84.06 Transmits "Computer routines for probability distributions, random numbers, and related functions," a report that describes a collection of subroutines that can be used to expedite the development of Fortran programs that perform probability or statistical calculations or Monte Carlo simulations.

SW 83.05 Reiterates policy expressed in SW 77.03, that the determination of "probable maximum flood" is outside the scope of the WRD mission.

SW 82.04 Transmits WRC Bulletin 17B and describes changes in weighing regional and station values of skew.

SW 81.06 Describes revisions made to the annual flood-frequency analysis program (J407) to conform with new WRC guidelines.

SW 81.01 Transmits report "Review and evaluation of urban flood-flow frequency procedures" that provides a concise and comprehensive review of techniques for estimating flood peaks and/or hydrographs for ungaged urban areas.

SW 80.05 Announces new computer program K957 for Pearson Type III frequency analysis of untransformed data using either computed or supplied skew values.

SW 80.04 Transmits documentation of procedures for retrieving data from the streamflow basin characteristics file and for executing Statistical Analysis System (SAS) programs.

SW 79.01 Transmits the report "A rainfall-runoff modeling procedure for improving estimates of T-year (annual) floods for small drainage basins" and notes the usefulness of the maps and relations presented in the report.

SW 77.17 Revises limitations on the publication and distribution of estimated flood-frequency information. Supersedes SWB 69.11, 70.05, 73.16, and 76.07. See update SW 89.12.

SW 77.07 Distributes report "Flood-frequency--expected and unexpected probabilities" that compares the attributes and characteristics of flood-frequency curves computed with and without an expected probability adjustment.

SW 77.04 Encloses an announcement describing the availability of flood-frequency data at District offices and establishes policy for responding to requests for such information. See update SW 77.17.

SW 77.03 Reiterates policy that determination of "probable maximum flood" has little value in the evaluation of flood hazards and is therefore outside the scope of the WRD mission. See update SW 83.05.

SW 77.02 Transmits reprint of an article from the Journal of Research titled "Confidence limits for flood-frequency curves computed from samples from Pearson Type III populations."

SW 76.07 Announces forthcoming release and describes use and content of new Water Resources Council (WRC) report "Guidelines for determining flood-flow frequencies" that will supercede WRC Bulletin 15.

SW 76.03 Updating streamflow/basin characteristics file. Provides reminder to update streamflow characteristics, such as the T-year floods, in the streamflow/basin characteristics file when the log-Pearson Type III frequency curves are developed in flood-frequency or low-flow studies.

SW 73.16 States current policy regarding (1) publication of frequency characteristics for recurrence intervals longer than twice the period of record, (2) definition of flood characteristics at a gaged site either by probability analysis of the gage record or by a regional relation, (3) minimum sample size for use in regression analyses, and (4) adherence to, and latitude to deviate from, established guidelines for hydrologic interpretations.

SW 70.08 Requests that Districts review and correct printouts from the newly created flood-peak data file and establishes procedures for using this file with the log-Pearson type III frequency program for information needed for the planning of surface-water data programs.

SW 70.07 Transmits study of surface-water data programs. Reminds users that high-flow and low-flow frequency computations done by the STREAMFLOW STATISTICS program are done only for non-zero items. Instructions are furnished for computing the frequency curves adjusted for the zero flows. NOTE: Current (1988) versions of the STREAMFLOW STATISTICS program have the adjustments incorporated in the program code.



SW09.01 Review and Correction of the Peak Flow File

SW08.04 Availability of the National Streamflow Statistics (NSS) program (Version 4.0) and accompanying documentation

SW 98.01 Distribution of Report, "Proceedings of the Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team Workshop on Hydrology, Ecology, and Hydraulics, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, February 15-16, 1995"

SW 92.12 Transmits OFR 92-115, A Computer Program (FLOWSTAT) for Summarizing Daily and Peak Streamflow Statistics.

SW 86.03 Describes procedures for retrieval of daily values, computation of streamflow statistics, and entry of statistics into the streamflow basin characteristics file.

SW 80.04 Transmits documentation of procedures for retrieving data from the streamflow basin characteristics file and for executing Statistical Analysis System (SAS) programs.

SW 78.05-2 Transmits guidelines on entering synthesized flow data into the Streamflow and Basin Characteristics computer file. Provides guidance on entry of synthesized or derived flow records into the streamflow and basin characteristics computer file.

SW 77.13 Transmits a user's guide for program J763 that allows users to review the contents of the streamflow and basin characteristics file for each station selected by station number range, District(s) and/or State(s).

SW 76.03 Updates streamflow/basin characteristics file. Provides reminder to update streamflow characteristics, such as the T-year floods, in the streamflow/basin characteristics file when the log-Pearson Type III frequency curves are developed in flood-frequency or low-flow studies.

SW 75.16 Identifies appropriate uses of a procedure to estimate flow characteristics from channel size; presents guidelines for data collection, analysis and application; emphasizes field guidance by qualified consultant; encourages improvement in methodology; and reaffirms coordinating functions of the Surface Water Branch.

SW 70.08 Requests that Districts review and correct printouts from the newly created flood-peak data file and establishes procedures for using this file with the log-Pearson type III frequency program for information needed in planning surface-water data programs.



SW08.03 Hydroacoustics Work Group - Charter, Membership, and Activities

SW08.02 Upgrade for Rio Grande/Workhorse Firmware to Address Potential Bias in Discharges Measured Using Water Mode 12

SW08.01 Release of WinRiver II Software (version 2.00) for Computing Streamflow from Acoustic Profiler Data

SW 07.01 Sontek/YSI FlowTracker firmware version 3.10 and software version 2.11 upgrades and additional policy on the use of FlowTrackers for discharge measurements.

SW 06.05 Approval and Revision of Time-Series Data in ADAPS 4.6

SW 06.04 Availability of the report “Application of the Loop Method for Correcting Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Discharge Measurements Biased by Sediment Transport” by David S. Mueller and Chad R. Wagner (Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5079) and guidance on the application of the Loop Method

SW 07.01 Sontek/YSI FlowTracker firmware version 3.10 and software version 2.11 upgrades and additional policy on the use of FlowTrackers for discharge measurements.

SW 06.02 Quality-Assurance Plan for Discharge Measurements Using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5183)

SW 05.09 Classifying Measurement Type in the Automated Data Processing System (ADAPS)

SW 05.08 Policy and Guidance for Archiving Electronic Discharge Measurement Data

SW 05.07 Use of the Program HYDRA to Estimate or Modify Unit Values in ADAPS

SW 05.05 Guidance on the use of RD Instruments StreamPro Acoustic Doppler Profiler

SW 05.04 Release of WinRiver Software version 10.06 for Computing Streamflow from Acoustic Profiler Data

SW 05.01 National depot for shift-adjusted ratings

SW 04.04 Policy on the use of the FlowTracker for discharge measurements

SW 03.07 Calibration and Quality Assurance of Mag-Head Pygmy Meters

SW 03.04 Release of WinRiver Software Version 10.05 for Computing Streamflow from Acoustics Profiler Data

SW 03.03 Availability of Baseplot and Hydcomp software, user documentation, and support

SW 03.02 DATA--Guidance fo rthe Use of the Program HYDRA to Estimate or Modify Edited Unit Valudes from ADAPS

SW 03.01 Discharges computed using Sontek RiverSurveyor Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

SW 02.03 Release of WinRiver Software (version 10.03) for Computing Streamflow from Acoustic Profiler Data

SW 02.02 Policy and Technical Guidance on Discharge Measurements using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers

SW 02.01 Configuration of Acoutic Profilers (RD Instruments) for Measurement of Streamflow

SW 00.03 Software for Computing Streamflow from Acoustic Profiler Data

SW 99.06 Care and Maintenance of Vertical-Axis Current Meters

SW 99.05 Development of New Standard Rating Tables for the Price Type AA and Pygmy Current Meters

SW 97.02 National Coordination and Suport for Acoustic Coppler Current Profiler Activities

SW 96.12 Recommend Starting Torque for Shaft Encoders

SW 96.05 Policy Concerning Accuracy of Stage Data

SW 96.02 Interim Policy and Technical Guidance on Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers

SW 96.01 Distribution of Open-File Report 95-701, Quality Assurance Plan for Discharge Measurements Using Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers by Stephen W. Lipscomb

SW 95.05 Announces the availability of USGS Circular 1123, "Stream-gaging program of the U.S. Geological Survey." This report details the uses of streamflow data, history of the national program, funding, and other topics.

SW 94.03 Provides guidelines for the frequency of discharge measurements during ice-effected periods.

SW 93.15 Informs the Districts that policy and technical guidance are being developed for the broadband acoustic doppler current profilers (BB-ADCP), provides interim policy on using BB-ADCP's for discharge measurements, and requests information on field experience with the meter.

SW 93.14 Distribution of Open-File Report 92-144, "Determination of Error in Individual Discharge Measurements"

SW 93.12 Clarifies procedures concerning the establishment of turning points as discussed in TWRI Book 3, Chapter A19, "Levels at streamgaging stations."

SW 93.03 Announces and transmits Water-Resources Investigative Report (WRIR) 92-4060, "Comparison of conventional onsite recorders and satellite telemetry for surface-water data collection."

SW 92.09 Explains the procedures for determining and applying adjustments to discharge measurements made at a distance from the gaging station during periods of changing stage and discharge.

SW 92.07 Revises, reemphasizes, and supplements existing guidelines, particularly those provided in WRD Memorandum No. 92.0, relative to the publication of streamflow statistics in the Annual State Data Reports.

SW 92.04 Provides guidelines on the correct current meter to use for discharge measurements when ice is present.

SW 92.01 Transmits two papers on bubble-gage errors, "Bubble-gage registration errors caused by gas column density," and "Temperature sensitivity of mercury-manometer bubble gages."

SW 91.09 Provides information relating to the concerns that have been expressed about the accuracy of stage measurements made with U.S. Geological Survey gas-purge manometer and pressure-sensor systems (bubble gages).

SW 91.06 Announces the availability of OFR 90-554, "Evaluation of selected methods for determining streamflow during periods of ice effect."

SW 91.01 Announces the approval of standard rating for OAA current meter (Price AA meter with metal bucket wheel and optical head).

SW 90.15 Announces publication of Techniques of Water Resources Investigations Book 3, Chapter A19, "Levels at streamflow gaging stations."

SW 90.10 Establishes and clarifies Office of Surface Water policy regarding the frequency of levels at gaging stations.

SW 90.01 Establishes the policy that current meters equipped with polymer rotors should not be used by WRD personnel for measurement of stream velocity.

SW 89.18 Provides errata sheets to replace erroneous air-line and wet-line correction tables in WSP 2175.

SW 89.16 Discusses an air-bubbling technique to keep controls free of ice during winter conditions.

SW 89.14 Warns that polymer-rotor current meters register less velocity, on the average, under field conditions than do metal-rotor meters, particularly when conditions are more turbulent.

SW 89.09 Conveys the status of investigations of the differences in performance of polymer solid-cup rotors as compared to metal open-cup current-meter rotors under field conditions.

SW 89.08 Discusses policy as it relates to the measurement of stage for the purpose of determining stream discharge a regular daily discharge gaging stations. Reaffirms the accuracy goal of plus or minus 0.01 ft.

SW 89.07 Establishes policy that assigns responsibility for maintenance of current meters. Defines the purpose and use of the timed spin test.

SW 89.06 Transmits the OFR "Levels at streamflow gaging stations." Advises all personnel involved in running levels at gaging stations to become familiar with procedures described in this report.

SW 89.03 Transmits and discusses the article "Uncertainties in the single determination of river discharge: a literature review."

SW 89.01 Gives approval of a standard rating for the polymer-rotor pygmy current meter and releases the meter for general field use.

SW 88.18 Makes recommendations concerning current meter and ice weight usage when making discharge measurements under ice cover. Supersedes HIF Memo 82.06 and WE 84.05.

SW 88.13 States policy on electromagnetic current meter calibration. Notes some current meters sustain substantial changes with varying water temperature and conductivity.

SW 88.12 States general guidelines to improve and standardize discharge measurements using winter equipment.

SW 88.11 Transmits the report of the Automated Data Processing System (ADAPS) Review Team.

SW 88.10 States concerns over the accuracy of polymer current-meter rotors and discusses a pending investigation of the rotors.

SW 88.09 Authorizes the release of solid-cup polymer AA (PAA) current meter rotors for supply to the field and approves the standard rating for the meter. Recommends careful scrutinization for consistency of measurement results as opposed to other meters.

SW 88.07 States guidelines for the operation of crest-stage programs.

SW 88.03 Discusses policy on shift adjustment application and computation of records using ADAPS.

SW 87.09 Transmits questionnaire to assess the reliability of current methods for determining stream discharge during ice-affected periods.

SW 85.14 Provides replacement table to correct erroneous value of minimum velocity for Price-Pygmy current meter given in table 1 of SW Branch Technical Memorandum 85.07 dated May 13, 1985.

SW 85.11 Transmits report "Development and testing of highway storm-sewer flow measurement and recording system."

SW 85.08 Announces the development of the Ultrasonic Ranger by the Instrument Development Laboratory and recommends its use where stage gaging is difficult and accuracy requirements are lower.

SW 85.07 Provides guidance on the type of current meter to use for various field conditions and consolidates and updates current-meter information contained in TWRI's.

SW 84.05 States interim policy on the use of equipment for measuring flow under ice cover.

SW 83.06 Transmits report prepared by Environment Canada that discusses three methods of computing winter streamflow records: (1) backwater method; (2) interpolated discharge method; and (3) adjusted discharge method.

SW 82.01 Emphasizes the need for timely computer storage of unit-values data that are collected as part of hydrologic studies in urban areas

SW 81.04 Notes the problem of bubble gages overregistering in streams with very high sediment concentration and suggests procedures for making gage-height record corrections at such times.

SW 81.03 Emphasizes the need for in-place calibration of the Marsh-McBirney Model 280 VMFM (Velocity Modified Flow Meter) and provides step-by-step procedure for such calibration.

SW 81.02 States the need to check the manufacturers' calibrations and to individually rate Marsh McBirney model 201 electromagnetic meters. See update SW 81.03.

SW 78.05-2 Provides guidance on entry of synthesized or derived flow records into the streamflow and basin characteristics computer file.

SW 78.01 Transmits an errata sheet for the report "Computation of records of streamflow at control structures."

SW 77.12 Transmits report "Computation of records of streamflow at control structures," that documents the hydraulic theory and outlines procedures for gaging and computation of discharge at dams that are the basis of program E466.



SW 93.03 Announces and transmits WRIR 92-4060, "Comparison of conventional onsite recorders and satellite telemetry for surface-water data collection."

SW 90.09 Provides information and tables summarizing WRD's involvement in local flood-warning systems.



SW 93.18 Availability of OFR 93-39, "Procedures for adjusting regional regression models of urban-runoff quality using local data."

SW 91.08 Announces a two-part municipal permitting regulation recently published by the U.S. EPA which offers opportunities for USGS urban-stormwater investigations both locally and nationally.

SW 90.13 Announces the anticipated issuance of EPA stormwater permitting regulations and discusses opportunities for WRD to be of service to municipalities in obtaining the data needed for monitoring.

SW 82.10 Transmits and discusses the report "Techniques for estimating flood hydrographs for ungaged urban watersheds."

SW 82.01 Emphasizes the need for timely computer storage of unit-values data that are collected as part of hydrologic studies in urban areas.

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