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Grants and Funding

Requests for Proposals

Provides grants and funding information for invasive species. Resources are listed by closing date for applications (or letters of intent or pre-proposals) for the calendar year, with latest date listed first.

If you would like your grant information posted here, please contact us.

Deadline submission 2008:
| Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000


Florida Native Plant Society Conservation Grants
Florida Native Plant Society Conservation.
Grants invite local FNPS Chapters to submit proposals for grants for native plant conservation work in their communities. On-the-ground native plant community restoration, acquisition, habitat and native plant biodiversity enhancement projects are examples of projects this grant can assist. The awards target small non-profit or other types of organizations that need seed money to get a project off the ground. The grant awardee need not be a FNPS member but they must have a liaison with a recognized FNPS chapter.
Closing Date for Applications is Mar 6, 2009.

2009 Cleanwater Grants
BoatU.S. Foundation.
The BoatU.S. Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is offering grant funds up to $4,000 for non-profit groups to develop projects that help stop the spread of invasive species on local waterways.
The deadline for submitting applications is Feb 2, 2009.

Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) (open Nov 6, 2008)
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program.
The Department of Defense (DoD), through the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), is seeking to fund environmental research and development in the Sustainable Infrastructure focus area. SERDP projects include Southwest Ecological Systems on Department of Defense Lands: Altered Fire Regimes and Non-Native Invasive Plants. SERDP also will be funding environmental research and development through the SERDP Exploratory Development (SEED) Solicitation. SEED proposals are requested in response to Innovative Control/Eradication Approaches for the Brown Tree Snake (Bioga irregularis).
Closing Dates: For the Core solicitation, pre-proposals from the non-federal sector are due Jan 8, 2009, and federal proposals are due Mar 12, 2009. All SEED proposals are due Mar 12, 2009.

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Ecology of Infectious Diseases - 08-601
The Ecology of Infectious Diseases program solicitation supports the development of predictive models and the discovery of principles governing the transmission dynamics of infectious disease agents. To that end, research proposals should focus on understanding the ecological and socio-ecological determinants of transmission by vectors or abiotic agents, the population dynamics of reservoir species, the transmission to humans or other hosts, or the cultural, social, behavioral, and economic dimensions of disease communication. Research may be on zoonotic, vector-borne or enteric diseases of either terrestrial, freshwater, or marine systems and organisms, including diseases of non-human animals and plants, at any scale from specific pathogens to inclusive environmental systems. Proposals for research on disease systems of public health concern to developing countries are strongly encouraged. Investigators are encouraged to include links to the public health research community, including for example, participation of epidemiologists, physicians, veterinarians, medical social scientists, medical entomologists, virologists, or parasitologists.
Closing date for applications is Dec 10, 2008.

2009 Montana Noxious Weed Trust Fund Guidelines
Montana Department of Agriculture.
The grant program is designed to assist counties, local communities, researchers, and educators in their efforts to solve a variety of weed problems in Montana. The program provides cost-share funding for local cooperative weed management areas and education and research projects, including non-chemical research and demonstration programs.
Proposals are due Dec 1, 2008.

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Regional Integrated Pest Management Competitive Grants Program - North Central Region - USDA-CSREES-RIPM-001830
The Regional IPM Competitive Grants Program (RIPM) supports the continuum of research and extension efforts needed to increase the implementation of IPM methods. The RIPM program supports projects that develop individual pest control tactics, integrate individual tactics into an IPM system, and develop and implement extension and education programs. The program is administered by the land-grant university system's four regional IPM Centers (North Central, Northeastern, Southern, Western) in partnership with CSREES.
Closing Date for Applications is Nov 17, 2008.

Regional Integrated Pest Management Competitive Grants Program - Western Region - USDA-CSREES-RIPM-001829
The Regional IPM Competitive Grants Program (RIPM) supports the continuum of research and extension efforts needed to increase the implementation of IPM methods. The RIPM program supports projects that develop individual pest control tactics, integrate individual tactics into an IPM system, and develop and implement extension and education programs. The program is administered by the land-grant university system's four regional IPM Centers (North Central, Northeastern, Southern, Western) in partnership with CSREES.
Closing Date for Applications is Nov 17, 2008.

Long Island Sound Study: Preliminary Proposals 2009-2010 Long Island Sound Research
New York Sea Grant.
Connecticut Sea Grant (CTSG) and New York Sea Grant (NYSG) announce the Long Island Sound Study (LISS) extra-mural research program. The program intends to fund research in support of the LISS, a regional, community-based partnership to protect and restore Long Island Sound. Aquatic Invasive Species are included as a topical area for general research monitoring and assessment.
Preliminary proposals are due Sep 15, 2008.
The due date for full proposals is Nov 17, 2008.

United Sportsmen's League Wildlife Conservation Grant Program: Funding for Habitat Projects (PDF | 452 KB)
Missouri Department of Conservation.
Projects that demonstrate good planning, use of wildlife management practices, value in training about wildlife management principles and wildlife habitat improvement will be considered for funding. Your project should begin with a study of the management area to determine current conditions and to determine what practices are best for the land and its wildlife.
Applications must be postmarked by Nov 15, 2008.

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FY 2009 Open Rivers Initiative - NMFS-HCPO-2009-2001496 (open Jul 11, 2008)
The NOAA Open Rivers Initiative (ORI) provides funding to catalyze the implementation of locally-driven projects to remove dams and other river barriers, in order to benefit living marine and coastal resources, particularly diadromous fish. Projects funded through the Open Rivers Initiative have strong on-the-ground habitat restoration components that foster economic, educational, and social benefits for citizens and their communities in addition to long-term ecological habitat improvements for NOAA trust resources.
Closing date for applications is Oct 31, 2008.

Tahoe Research Supported by Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act (SNPLMA) Round 9 - USDA-FS-PSW-TAHOE-2008
The Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service (PSW) is seeking proposals as part of the Tahoe Science Program funded by the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act (SNPLMA). The purpose of the Tahoe Science Program is to provide high quality science to effectively meet environmental goals in the Tahoe Basin. PSW is requesting that interested researchers submit proposals for funding within this year's five science theme areas: 1) Effects of Wildfire and Fuel Treatments, 2) Water Quality, 3) Air Quality, 4) Watershed Restoration, and 5) Climate Change. Each proposal must be directed toward a particular subtheme within each of the themes; Invasive Species is a theme.
Closing Date for Applications is Oct 23, 2008.

Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Grant Program Restoration Grants
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board.
The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board has funded a process to identify restoration priorities at the basin scale. Closing date for applications is Oct 20, 2008.

Virginia Land Conservation Foundation Grant
Virginia Land Conservation Foundation.
The purpose of the foundation is to provide state funding used to conserve certain categories of special land. Those categories are open spaces and parks, natural areas, historic areas, and farmland and forest preservation. The money comes from the Virginia Land Conservation Fund, which is managed by the foundation. A portion of the fund may be used for developing properties for public use.
Closing date for applications is Oct 10, 2008.

Wisconsin Urban Forestry Grant (PDF | 1.7 MB)
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Forestry Division.
Each year the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Grant Program provides funding to communities across the State for projects that stimulate and support the development of urban forestry management programs. The grant funds assist communities with tree inventories, management plans, Emerald Ash Borer preparedness plans, ordinances, staff training, public awareness, and much more. For 2009, emphasis will be on emerald ash borer preparedness projects. This year approximately $425,000 is available to Wisconsin cities, villages, towns, counties, tribal governments, and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Applicants may request from $1,000 to $25,000 with a 50/50 match.
Closing date for applications is Oct 6, 2008.

Great Ships Initiative (open Nov 30, 2007)
Great Ships Initiative.
See full grant listing for GSI for information.
The deadline for submitting applications for General Research Services is Oct 4, 2008 (and Jan 4, 2008 and Apr 4, 2008). The deadline for submitting applications for Special Research Services is Mar 4, 2008 (and Dec 14, 2007).

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R7 Aquatic Nuisance Species Program - 701818R062 (open Jun 19, 2008)
Aquatic nuisance species (ANS)are non-native species that cause significant economic or environmental harm or present a threat to human health. Introductions of these aquatic invasive species have caused significant economic and ecological problems throughout North America. The Alaska Region of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service welcomes your participation in the ANS Program via a cooperative agreement for ANS control, assessment, or prevention.
Closing Date for Applications is Sep 30, 2008.

BASF Invasive Vegetation Management 2009 Matching Grant Program (PDF | 32 KB)
The Professional Vegetation Management group of BASF (ProVM) will continue their efforts to aid resource managers with science-based invasive plant management plans. ProVM strives to help customers achieve success and capitalize on available funding opportunities. ProVM will provide grants of up to $20,000 as non-federal matching funds for on-the-ground programs that include herbicide use for control of terrestrial and aquatic invasive plants. Funding is for labor associated with operational invasive plant control herbicide programs.
Closing date for proposals is Sep 29, 2008.

Shoreland Habitat and Water Restoration Conservation Partnership Grant Program
Minnesota Waters Programs.
This Minnesota Waters grant program provides funding assistance for innovative lake and river groups across the state carrying out shoreland habitat improvement and restoration projects, and/or lake and river inventorying and assessment projects to guide water resource improvement, restoration and management.
Closing date for applications is Sep 26, 2008.

New Hampshire Estuaries Project 2009 Local Grants
New Hampshire Estuaries Project.
The NHEP is accepting project proposals for its annual Local Grants Program. Selected projects will result in achievement or significant progress toward achievement of one or more Action Plans described in the NHEP Management Plan, which includes addressing invasive species.
Proposals are due Sep 25, 2008.

Request for Proposals for Cooperative Weed Management In Forested Areas In Arizona 2008 (PDF | 46 KB)
Arizona State Forestry Division.
Grant proposals for the invasive plant program are specifically requested to address noxious weed management in Arizona forests and woodlands.
Proposals are due Sep 19, 2008.

Aquatic Ecosystems and Terrestrial Ecosystems
The Bullitt Foundation.
The mission of The Bullitt Foundation is to protect, restore, and maintain the natural physical environment of the Pacific Northwest for present and future generations. The Foundation invites proposals from nonprofit organizations that serve Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia, western Montana (including the Rocky Mountain range), and coastal Alaska from Cook Inlet to the Canadian border.
Inquiry deadlines are Sep 15, 2008 (and Mar 15, 2008). Once encouraged to apply, grant application deadlines are May 1, 2008 (and Nov 1, 2008).

Noxious Weed Control, Columbia County, Oregon
Bureau of Land Management - OR-RFA07-0023

The objective of this project is to establish a treatment program to control knotweed and encourage native plant associations, and outreach and education program to assist in early detection and rapid response of weed identification and treatments, and development of a weed guide to provide information about invasive species of concern throughout Columbia County.
Deadline for applications is Sep 13, 2008.

Riparian and Upland Restoration on Cibola NWR - CNWR-2008-02
Invasive species pose a serious threat to the health and integrity of natural communities on Cibola National Wildlife Refuge. An integral part of the invasive species program is the use of hand crews. Hand crews can work in areas where it is not possible or practical to use heavy equipment or aerial spraying. Hand crews can be used to re-treat and maintain restoration sites, to treat new infestations, to work in fragile habitat, and to reach areas not readily accessible to heavy equipment or aircraft. SWCC crews provide an effective economical means to meet this need and they benefit by gaining valuable work experience. Project and Purpose - The principal purpose of this agreement is to restore native habitat within the historic floodplain of the Lower Colorado River. All restoration efforts will occur on Cibola National Wildlife Refuge.
Closing date for applications is Sep 12, 2008.

Northwest Weed Management Partnership - OR-NOI08-0010
The lands managed by the BLM in the Willamette Valley are interspersed with private lands in a checkerboard pattern. However, the need for invasive plant control spans these boundaries. Partnering with Cascade Pacific Resource Conservation and Development, through the Northwest Weed Management Partnership (NWMP) provides an efficient and effective means to encourage local cooperators to discuss weed management issues and arrive at successful solutions through the recently established Cooperative Weed Management Areas and a variety of species Working Groups. The designation of Cooperative Weed Management Areas by a diverse group of individuals and agencies addresses a number of weed management issues from a broader perspective and brings together multiple resources to address common weed problems.
Closing date for applications is Sep 10, 2008.

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Delaware Estuary Watershed Grants Program
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
Provides grants to organizations working on a local level to protect and improve watersheds in the Delaware Estuary, while building citizen-based resource stewardship.
Deadline for full proposals Aug 1, 2008.

North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA)
DOI. FWS. Division of Bird Habitat Conservation.
The North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) of 1989 provides matching grants to organizations and individuals who have developed partnerships to carry out wetlands conservation projects in the United States, Canada, and Mexico for the benefit of wetlands-associated migratory birds and other wildlife.
The U.S. Standard Grants deadline is Aug 1, 2008 (and Mar 7, 2008).

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Noxious & Invasive Plant Control in Sheridan County, Wyoming - RFA-WY08-9015 (open Jun 20, 2008)
Project Background Information: Leafy spurge has inhabited portions of Sheridan County for an estimated 50 years and is listed on the Noxious Weed list for the State of Wyoming. Infested lands include the public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Project Objective: It is the goal of the BLM to reduce leafy spurge populations to an acceptable level. Total eradication is not feasible due to the survival characteristics of the plant, expense, topography, and the diversity of habitats that this plant occupies. Numerous large draws and their side drainages that flow into the Powder River contain leafy spurge. The objective is to reduce populations of leafy spurge so native perennial plants are able to outcompete this invasive species in the local plant communities.
Closing date for applications is Jul 31, 2008.

Alaska Native Plant Material Development Project - AK-RFA08-0014 (open Jul 3, 2008)
The principle purpose of this project is to develop a storehouse of local native seed that can be used for reseeding and rehabilitation of disturbed lands all over Alaska. The establishment of native species will prevent the infestation of noxious and invasive weeds that disturb natural processes, reduce forage and cover for wildlife and influence the natural fire regime.
Closing date for applications is Jul 28, 2008.

Avian Influenza Surveillance in the Atlantic and Mississippi Flyways - AFMFAI09 (open Jul 3, 2008)
At the request of Congress, a national surveillance effort has been launched for early detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Several federal agencies are involved. The USFWS and USDA-Wildlife Services have been charged with surveillance in wild migratory birds and funds have been appropriated for this purpose. The National Surveillance Plan for migratory birds was developed and is guided by an Interagency Steering Committee and has been stepped down regionally through the migratory bird Flyway Councils for implementation. Under each Flyway Plan, each state has responsibilities for procuring samples of various migratory birds for HPAI detection. Funding for this effort comes from both USFWS and USDA-WS. This announcement is for the USFWS component of this surveillance effort for funding available for surveillance projects in the Atlantic and Mississippi Flyways. Each award under this announcement will be for a period of one (1) year.
Closing date for applications is Jul 18, 2008.

Noxious Weed Control in Dove Creek, Dolores County, Colorado - CO-NOI08-0013 (open Jun 21, 2008)
The treatment of noxious weeds on BLM land in Dolores County within Dove Creek Mandatory Weed Control District. The recipient and BLM will work together with private and non-federal landowners to prevent, contain and control the spread of noxious weeds. Because these plants move rapidly from one owner’s land to another, joint efforts to eradicate, contain or control noxious weeds will reduce adverse impacts on public and private lands and reduce costs to both BLM and adjacent land owners. To provide education to landowners and public lands users regarding the benefits of invasive species management.
Closing date for applications is Jul 18, 2008.

Aquatic Invasive Species Vector Risk Assessments Request for Proposals (PDF | 74 KB)
California Ocean Protection Council.
Funding to develop aquatic invasive species vector risk assessments to better understand the role played by the specified six vectors in the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species in Callifornia, and to develop recommendations on management actions to limit the introduction of aquatic invasive species from the various vectors.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Jul 14, 2008.

Oregon State Weed Board Grant Program (open Apr 1, 2008)
Oregon Department of Agriculture. Plant Division. Noxious Weed Control.
The Oregon State Weed Board (OSWB) has approximately 2.3 million dollars that will become available during the 2007-2009 biennium for funding noxious weed control projects. It is a priority of the OSWB to fund projects that restore, enhance or protect fish and wildlife habitat, watershed function, and native salmonid or water quality. The implementation of a comprehensive watershed approach to integrated control of noxious weeds is the most effective strategy to minimize impacts and protect natural resources in Oregon from invasive noxious weeds.
Closing date for applications is Jul 11, 2008.

Rangeland Research Program (open May 19, 2008)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The goal of RRP is to contribute to the improvement of U.S. rangeland resources and the ecosystem services they provide by supporting the development of new and emerging rangeland science methodologies which specifically address the interrelationships between multiple disciplines. The primary purpose of RRP is to provide U.S. agricultural producers, rural landowners, and land managers with integrated science strategies to make informed land management decisions with an emphasis on enhancing the restoration and sustainable integrity of rangelands. One of the three emphasis areas of this project is integrated science strategies to control and manage invasive species.
Closing date for applications is Jul 7, 2008.

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Noxious Weed Control in Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota - MT-RFA08-0003 (open Mar 3, 2008)
Noxious Weed Control in Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota to control or eradicate noxious weeds on public lands managed be the BLM in these three states.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Jun 30, 2008.

Noxious Weed Control (New Mexico) - NM-RFA08-0001 (open Feb 20, 2008)
The objective of this agreement is to inventory, manage, educate, reduce the spread of, and prevent the further invasion and establishment of noxious and invasive weeds within New Mexico. The Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management(BLM), State Office and all District Offices proposes to make competitive federal financial assistance awards to non-federal entities in order to develop and implement Integrated Weed Management Plans in New Mexico.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Jun 30, 2008.

National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program / Grants.gov - CWG-09 (open Feb 15, 2008)
DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act established the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program to acquire, restore, and enhance wetlands in coastal States through competitive matching grants to State agencies. Example of restoration effects includes: planting native vegetation and removal of exotic plants and animals that compete with native fish and wildlife and alter their natural habitats.
The closing due date is Jun 27, 2008.

National Forest Foundation Matching Awards Program Requests for Proposals
National Forest Foundation.
The National Forest Foundation (NFF), a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, chartered by Congress, engages America in community-based and national programs that promote the health and public enjoyment of the 193-million-acre National Forest System, and administers private
gifts of funds and land for the benefit of the National Forests. NFF notes it will fund collaborative projects that address invasive species on and around National Forests and Grasslands nationwide through project activities such as treatments for noxious weeds and plant succession to protect crucial habitat for rare species; removal of invasive exotic species; and planting of native species in damaged riparian areas.
Pre-proposals for Round 2 are due Jun 6, 2008.

Cottonwood Creek Non-native Plant Management and Control - AFRP-08-N03 (open May 14, 2008)
Funding is available through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Anadromous Fish Restoration Program (AFRP) to complete environmental compliance documents and permitting; and locate and eradicate non-native noxious weeds, specifically arundo (Arundo donax), salt cedar (Tamarix chinensis), tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius), and pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana) within the riparian corridor of Cottonwood Creek, with an emphasis on eradicating arundo and salt cedar. Within the context of this Request for Proposals, these species are referred to non-native invasive species to be targeted, or NIS target species. The first priority for treatment (focused project area) for this Project is located on the South Fork of Cottonwood Creek, which lies in Tehama County, CA, and its tributaries, down to the confluence of the South Fork with the mainstem of Cottonwood Creek. Second priority for treatment is the mainstem of Cottonwood Creek, from the uppermost identified location of the above-identified NIS target species. Successful applicant will have experience in non-native plant management and control; and environmental compliance and permitting.
Closing date for applications is Jun 11, 2008.

2008 Louisiana Native Plant Society Grants (PDF | 27 KB)
Louisiana Native Plant Society.
2008 grant applications are now available to organizations and full-time graduate students. LNPS anticipates awarding two grants of $500 each. One grant will be awarded to an organization and one grant will be awarded to a graduate student.
Closing date for applications is Jun 1, 2008.

Washington Native Plant Society Conservation Grants
Washington Native Plant Society.
The WNPS Conservation Committee is soliciting proposals for Conservation Grants of up to $500 that further the goals of conservation of Washington native plants. Through its grant process, the committee’s goal is to support or enhance on-the-ground conservation or restoration projects.
Closing date for applications is Jun 1, 2008.

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To Coordinate and Conduct one (1) to two (2) Non-native Invasive Species Watershed Symposia in the San Francisco Bay-Delta and the Sacramento Valley - NISP0801 (open May 7, 2008)
Funding is available through the USFWS STFWO STFWO Non-Native Invasive Species Program to support projects that will provide education to and build the capacity of CALFED watershed groups in the prevention, management, or control of NIS in CALFED ecosystems.
Deadline for applications is May 21, 2008.

Intermediary Support for Ecological Protection and Restoration Projects in the Great Lakes Basin Request for Applications / Grants.gov - EPA-R5-GL2008-2 (open Mar 19, 2008)
Environmental Protection Agency. Great Lakes Funding Program.
Under this Request for Applications, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (U.S. EPA's) Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) is requesting Great Lakes application packages, including proposal narratives and all application materials, for one award which will support a sub-award program in coordination with federal agencies, foundations, and corporations, to implement ecological protection and restoration activities throughout the Great Lakes basin. GLNPO anticipates that a total of approximately $3,000,000 in federal funds will be awarded incrementally over a five year period. GLNPO anticipates selecting only one Applicant for an award.
Deadline for applications is May 21, 2008.

Lake Tahoe Regional Development Program - 08SF200026 (open Apr 15, 2008)
The Bureau of Reclamation has issued a Solicitation for Grants/Cooperative Agreements for the following program: Lake Tahoe Regional Development Program (LTRDG). Invasive species can alter ecosystem dynamics by competing with native species and changing the habitat suitability for a number of species. Species, such as Eurasian watermilfoil have infested Lake Tahoe and other waterbodies in the Lake Tahoe basin. In addition, other invasive species such as zebra and quagga mussels have recently been introduced to Nevada. For this priority, the LTRDP is particularly interested in project proposals to implement an intensive inventory effort to locate infestations, reduce new introductions, and control or eradicate existing infestations of invasive species.
Deadline for applications is May 15, 2008.

Land Management and Conservation Program Internship (Alaska) - AK-RFA08-0013 (open May 2, 2008)
The objective of this project is to create an arrangement between the BLM and an organization willing to act as an intermediary to provide a consistent number of interns annually. The overall objective would be to further conservation of sensitive BLM resources, especially threatened, endangered, and sensitive plant and animal species (including fish), by enhancing the capability of professional staffs. This would be achieved by establishing a mentoring program whereby recent college graduates work directly with conservation and land management program projects while receiving professional development opportunities and experience with a federal land management agency.
Applicants should submit their proposals by May 14, 2008.

Expert IPM Decision Support System / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-SRGP-001444 (open Mar 26, 2008)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The purpose of the Expert Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Decision Support System (EIPMDSS) program is to support development of expert systems that help guide, demonstrate and multiply impacts of USDA supported IPM programs. The EIPMDSS created and maintained by the successful applicant will help these programs establish and communicate IPM research, education, and extension priorities; allow a diverse group of stakeholders to obtain access to selected program outputs; compile LOGIC model based program reports; and synthesize program impacts.
Deadline for applications is May 12, 2008.

2008 Washington State NRCS Conservation Innovation Grants / Grants.gov - SDA-NRCS-WA-0801 (open Mar 17, 2008)
USDA. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Washington.
Washington's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is participating in the 2008 Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) State Component. CIG is a voluntary program intended to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies while leveraging Federal investment in environmental enhancement and protection, in conjunction with agricultural production. Subtopics may include invasive species management on grazing, effoects of pest, diseases, and fragmentation on forest and grazing land quality/health and others. Up to $150,000 is available for the Washington CIG state competition. The CIG State Component offers eligible entities the opportunity to apply for grants up to $50,000.
Deadline for applications is May 1, 2008.

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Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management (PREISM), Fiscal 2008 / Grants.gov - PREISM-2008-001 (open Mar 5, 2008)
USDA. Economic Research Service.
ERS's Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management (PREISM) is now accepting proposals for grants and cooperative agreements for its 2008 Competitive Award Program. The two priority research areas for 2008 are (1) Efficient Prevention and Management of Invasive Species, and (2) International Dimensions of Invasive Species Management. Funding for competitive awards in fiscal 2008 is approximately $750,000.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Apr 25, 2008.

Florida Bureau of Invasive Plant Management Research Program, Fiscal Year 2008-2009 (open Feb 18, 2008)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
The Bureau of Invasive Plant Management funds scientific research projects to improve Florida's invasive plant management programs by ensuring they are cost-efficient and the control techniques employed are effective, safe, and environmentally compatible. For fiscal year 2007-2008, the bureau is spending a total of $2.8 million on scientific research and outreach projects. The bureau is obligated by law to spend at least $150,000 per year on biological control research.
The closing due date for pre-proposals is Apr 16, 2008 with full proposals due end of Jul 2008.

Grants for Management of Eurasian Watermilfoil
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
To reduce the adverse affects of Eurasian Watermilfoil on recreational opportunities in Minnesota lakes and to slow the spread of the exotic to other lakes.
Deadline for applications is Apr 16, 2008.

Invasive Weed (Pepperweed) Control at San Luis and Merced NWR - FWS-R8-REFUGES-08-11 (open Mar 22, 2008)
This project will result in the control of 300 acres of grasslands with a perennial pepperweed problem at the San Luis and Merced NWRs. Partners will provide the necessary herbicide and the Service will conduct the application and monitoring.
Closing date for applications is Apr 8, 2008.

Integrated Research, Education, And Extension Competitive Grants Program: National Extension Integrated Pest Management Special Projects Program (EIPM) / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-SLBCD-001324 (open Feb 11, 2008)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
In FY 2008, the National Extension Integrated Pest Management Special Projects Program (EIPM) will provide funding to advance the goals of the National Roadmap for Integrated Pest Management (PDF | 37 KB) by addressing priority national needs associated with the design, development, implementation and evaluation of Extension integrated pest management programs. EIPM encourages the submission of proposals to help pest managers implement IPM methods that will enhance farm conservation efforts and the protection of natural resources.
The deadline for submitting applications is Apr 8, 2008.

Salt Cedar (Invasive) Control at the San Joaquin River NWR - FWS-R8-REFUGES-08-08 (open Mar 21, 2008)
This project would monitor the infestation and provide control on 800 acres while the invasive plants are still young.
Closing date for applications is Apr 7, 2008.

Monitoring and Control of Invasive Yellow Star Thistle at Merced NWR - FWS-R8-REFUGES-08-01 (open Mar 21, 2008)
Monitoring work on this invasive species and conduct control efforts (chemical and burning) regarding this species (on 2600 acres). The monitoring efforts allow the station to gauge the success of its control programs.
Closing date for applications is Apr 7, 2008.

Nebraska Riparian Vegetation Management Grant Program - scroll down to view grant application and instructions (open Mar 14, 2008)
Nebraska Department of Agriculture.
The Nebraska Department of Agriculture is accepting grant proposals for projects to control riparian vegetation overgrowth in the state's fully and over-appropriated river basins.Grant funds can only be disbursed to weed management entities, local weed control authorities, and natural resources districts whose territory includes Nebraska Department of Natural Resources' designated fully or over-appropriated river basins. This is the second round of funding authorized in the legislation, and $2 million is available. Grant awards will be made in May.
Deadline for applications is Apr 7, 2008.

Great Ships Initiative (open Nov 30, 2007)
Great Ships Initiative.
See full grant listing for GSI for information.
The deadline for submitting applications for General Research Services is Apr 4, 2008 (and Jan 4, 2008 and Oct 4, 2008). The deadline for submitting applications for Special Research Services is Mar 4, 2008 (and Dec 14, 2007).

Shell Marine Habitat Program – Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The Shell Marine Habitat Program is a partnership between the Shell Oil Company, the National Oceanic and the Atmospheric Administration, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The purpose of this partnership is to provide grants for projects that benefit marine habitat in and around the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the Bristol Bay, North Slope Borough, and Northwest Arctic Borough areas of Alaska.
Pre-proposals are due Apr 1, 2008.

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Interregional Research Project #4 Minor Crop Pest Management Program (IR-4) / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-SRGP-001345 (open Feb 20, 2008)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
For FY 2008, CSREES is soliciting applications to fund five projects including an IR-4 National Headquarters (HQ) and four geographically-based Regional IR-4 Centers corresponding to the four USDA administrative regions: North Central, Northeastern, Southern, and Western (a state/territory listing by region is provided at the end of Part I. B.). The primary goal of the IR-4 program is to provide safe, effective and economical pest management solutions for growers of minor/specialty crops. The amount available for support of this program in FY 2007 is approximately $10.6 million.
The closing due date is Mar 31, 2008.

State of Idaho Conservation Innovation Grants
USDA. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Idaho.
The Conservation Innovation Grant program (CIG) is a voluntary program intended to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies while leveraging Federal investment in environmental enhancement and protection, in conjunction with agricultural production. Idaho is making up to $250,000 in CIG funding available.
The deadline for submitting applications is Mar 28, 2008.

2008 Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act Grants (open Feb 15, 2008)
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking pre-proposals for projects to restore Great Lakes fish and
wildlife resources through its Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Grants Program. All proposals should focus on the restoration of fish and/or wildlife resources in the Great Lakes Basin and should be consistent with the goals of the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act of 2006 and the recommendations of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration's "Strategy to Restore and Protect the Great Lakes".
Pre-proposals are due Mar 28, 2008.

2008 Request for Research and Technology Development Proposals to Improve Management of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (PDF | 112 KB)
USDA. FS. Northern Research Station.
The USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station and Northeastern Area and Region 8 State and Private Forestry are jointly requesting proposals for innovative projects to advance the management of the hemlock woolly adelgid in the eastern United States. Projects can relate directly to biological control, chemical control, host resistance, silviculture, socio-economic analysis, or address aspects of biology and ecology of HWA, its hosts or its natural enemies that influence the successful application of these management tactics. Priority will be given to HWA management solutions that have immediate application potential.
Proposals are due Mar 17, 2008.

2008 Noxious Weed Control Grant (DOC | 85 KB) (open Feb 15, 2008)
Utah Weed Control Association.

The Utah Weed Supervisors Association (UWSA) is now accepting Noxious Weed Control Grant applications for the 2008 season. This funding will be for the controlling and eradicating noxious and invasive weeds.
Applications are due Mar 15, 2008.

Aquatic Ecosystems and Terrestrial Ecosystems
The Bullitt Foundation.
The mission of The Bullitt Foundation is to protect, restore, and maintain the natural physical environment of the Pacific Northwest for present and future generations. The Foundation invites proposals from nonprofit organizations that serve Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia, western Montana (including the Rocky Mountain range), and coastal Alaska from Cook Inlet to the Canadian border.
Inquiry deadlines are Mar 15, 2008 (and Sep 15, 2008). Once encouraged to apply, grant application deadlines are May 1, 2008 (and Nov 1, 2008).

Cooperative Weed Management Area Grant Program - Request for Proposals (open Jan 3, 2008)
Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources.
The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) is accepting proposals for Cooperative Weed Management Area Grants for the development of Cooperative Weed Management Areas and the restoration of natural and conservation lands through invasive species removal and replanting with local ecotype seed.
Applications due Mar 14, 2008.

Sudden Oak Death Research
USDA. Forest Service. Pacific Southwest Research Station.
USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station will award approximately $750,000 for new research projects for Sudden Oak Death/Phytophthora ramorum.
Proposals are due Mar 14, 2008.

Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) Annual Solicitation (open Jan 10, 2008)
Environmental Security Technology Certification Program.
The Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), a Department of Defense (DoD) program that promotes innovative, cost-effective environmental technologies through demonstration and validation at DoD sites. Includes topic area for control on non-native invasive species on DoD lands and waters.
Pre-proposals are due Mar 13, 2008.

North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA)
DOI. FWS. Division of Bird Habitat Conservation.
The North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) of 1989 provides matching grants to organizations and individuals who have developed partnerships to carry out wetlands conservation projects in the United States, Canada, and Mexico for the benefit of wetlands-associated migratory birds and other wildlife.
The U.S. Standard Grants deadline is Mar 7, 2008 (and Aug 1, 2008).

Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) (open Nov 8, 2007)
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program.
The Department of Defense (DoD), through the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), will be funding environmental research and development in its core thrust area of Sustainable Infrastructure. The objective of this effort it to identify, develop, and transition environmental technologies that relate directly to defense mission accomplishment through tools and techniques that will permit the DoD to manage lands in a sustainable manner for natural resources (e.g. ecosystem management, land management, maritime sustainability), cultural resources, and the built infrastructure (e.g. air/water quality, solid waste, noise). This also encompasses the technologies required to sustain deployed forces. Invasive Species has the potential to reach parties interested in this funding opportunity.
All SEED proposals are due Mar 6, 2008. For the Core solicitation, pre-proposals from the non-federal sector are due Jan 8, 2008, and federal proposals are due Mar 6, 2008.

Great Ships Initiative (open Nov 30, 2007)
Great Ships Initiative.
See full grant listing for GSI for information.
The deadline for submitting applications for General Research Services is Apr 4, 2008 (and Oct 4 and Jan 4). The deadline for submitting applications for Special Research Services is Mar 4, 2008 (and Dec 14, 2007).

Vermont Aquatics Nuisance Species Grant-in-Aid Grants (PDF | 376 KB)
Vermont Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Program.
The deadline for submitting applications is Mar 3, 2008.

2008 FLEPPC Kathy Craddock Burks Education and Outreach Grants
Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council.
The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council is soliciting grant proposals for non-native invasive plant education and outreach projects in the State of Florida. The intent of these grants is to provide funding to organizations or individuals who wish to educate the public about non-native invasive plants and their effects on the environment and economy of Florida. Proposals will be accepted from individuals, public or private nonprofit organizations, and academic institutions.
The closing due date is Mar 1, 2008.

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Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species (MAP) (DOC | 75 KB)
Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species.
In 2008, the MAP is offering a limited Small Grants Competition (SGC) to encourage interested groups and individuals to submit proposals for possible funding.Up to $40,000 is available to fund several projects. MAP encourages projects that are in the $7,000 to $10,000 range.
Full proposals are due Feb 29, 2008.

FY 2008 Request for Applications for the Integrated Research, Education, And Extension Competitive Grants Program: Integrated Pest Management Risk Avoidance and Mitigation Program and Integrated Pest Management Crops at Risk Program / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-ICGP-001211 (open Dec 27, 2007)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
These programs seek to solve critical agricultural issues, priorities, or problems through the integration of research, education, and extension activities. The program is designed to fund the development of new integrated pest management (IPM) approaches or the improvement of existing IPM systems. The program areas included in this Program RFA are: 1) Crops at Risk; and 2) Risk Avoidance and Mitigation. Projects funded within these program areas will cover a broad range of new methodologies, technologies, systems and strategies for implementing integrated crop and pest management programs.
The closing due date is Feb 29, 2008.

Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants (BRAG) Program / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-BRAP-001212 (open Dec 20, 2007)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The purpose of the USDA Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grants (BRAG) Program is to assist Federal regulatory agencies in making science-based decisions about the effects of introducing genetically modified organisms into the environment. Investigations of effects on both managed and natural environments are relevant. Estimated total program funding is $3 million.
The closing due date is Feb 28, 2008.

FLEPPC Julia Morton Invasive Plant Research Grant Program (PDF | 83 KB)
Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council.
The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC) has available funding for a small number of research grants/scholarships for students conducting studies related to invasive exotic plant management in Florida.
The closing due date is Feb 27, 2008.

Ballast Water Technology Demonstration Program--Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation (RDTE) Facility - OAR-SG-2008-2001279 (open Dec 28, 2007)
The Ballast Water Management Demonstration Program supports projects to develop, test, and demonstrate ballast water treatment methods in order to reduce the threat of introduction of aquatic invasive species to U.S. waters through the discharge of ballast water.
Preliminary proposals are due Feb 21, 2008 (4 p.m. EST) and Apr 24, 2008 (4 p.m. EST) for full proposals.

Ballast Water Technology Demonstration Program--Treatment Technology Demonstration Projects - OAR-SG20082001206 (open Dec 28, 2007)
The Ballast Water Management Demonstration Program supports projects to develop, test, and demonstrate ballast water technologies and practices in order to reduce the threat of introduction of aquatic invasive species to U.S. waters through the discharge of ballast water. This FFO is for projects dealing with technologies and practices necessary for successful ballast water management. For example, this could include technologies or practices that treat ballast water, or that make it possible to test, evaluate, regulate or use ballast water treatment technologies or practices.
Letters of Intent are due Feb 21, 2008 (4 p.m. EST) and Apr 3, 2008 (4 p.m. EST) for full proposals.

Conservation Innovation Grants (open Dec 19, 2007)
USDA. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
The Conservation Innovation Grant program (CIG) is a voluntary program intended to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies while leveraging Federal investment in environmental enhancement and protection, in conjunction with agricultural production. The CIG National Component offers eligible entities the opportunity to apply for grants of up to $1 million. NRCS is making available up to $20 million in the nationwide competition.
The deadline for submitting applications is Feb 20, 2008.

Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant Species Assistance Fund (PDF | 61 KB) (open Dec 2007)
Nebraska Department of Agriculture. Noxious Weed Program.
Grant program objectives: Provide funds to weed management programs in Nebraska; promote collaborative efforts to survey and manage noxious and invasive weeds; support innovative integrated approaches to weed management; build public awareness of the adverse impacts of noxious weeds and invasive plants and need for proactive control.
Deadline for proposals is Feb 1, 2008.

2008 Cleanwater Grants
BoatU.S. Foundation.
The BoatU.S. Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is offering grant funds up to $4,000 for non-profit groups to develop projects that help stop the spread of invasive species on local waterways.
The deadline for submitting applications is Feb 1, 2008.

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Eurasian Watermilfoil Program (open Oct 31, 2007)
Idaho State Department of Agriculture.
In response to the continuing economic and environmental crises created by the growing infestations of Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) in Idaho's pristine waters, the Idaho Legislature authorized the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) to fund projects for on-the-ground eradication of EWM in Idaho.
The deadline for submitting applications is Jan 31, 2008.

Great Ships Initiative (open Nov 30, 2007)
Great Ships Initiative.
See full grant listing for GSI for information.
The deadline for submitting applications for General Research Services is Jan 4, 2008 (and Apr 4, 2008 and Oct 4, 2008). The deadline for submitting applications for Special Research Services is Mar 4, 2008 (and Dec 14, 2007).

Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) (open Nov 8, 2007)
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program.
The Department of Defense (DoD), through the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), will be funding environmental research and development in its core thrust area of Sustainable Infrastructure. The objective of this effort it to identify, develop, and transition environmental technologies that relate directly to defense mission accomplishment through tools and techniques that will permit the DoD to manage lands in a sustainable manner for natural resources (e.g. ecosystem management, land management, maritime sustainability), cultural resources, and the built infrastructure (e.g. air/water quality, solid waste, noise). This also encompasses the technologies required to sustain deployed forces. Invasive Species has the potential to reach parties interested in this funding opportunity.
For the Core solicitation, pre-proposals from the non-federal sector are due Jan 8, 2008, and federal proposals are due Mar 6, 2008. All SEED proposals are due Mar 6, 2008.

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Last Modified: Dec 02, 2008
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