Title 46--Shipping



TEXT PDF170.001 Applicability.
TEXT PDF170.003 Right of appeal.
TEXT PDF170.005 Vessel alteration or repair.
TEXT PDF170.010 Equivalents.
TEXT PDF170.015 Incorporation by reference.
TEXT PDF170.020 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.
TEXT PDF170.050 General terms.
TEXT PDF170.055 Definitions concerning a vessel.
TEXT PDF170.070 Applicability.
TEXT PDF170.075 Plans.
TEXT PDF170.080 Stability booklet.
TEXT PDF170.085 Information required before a stability test.
TEXT PDF170.090 Calculations.
TEXT PDF170.093 Specific approvals.
TEXT PDF170.095 Data submittal for a vessel equipped to lift.
TEXT PDF170.100 Addresses for submittal of plans and calculations.
TEXT PDF170.105 Applicability.
TEXT PDF170.110 Stability booklet.
TEXT PDF170.120 Stability letter.
TEXT PDF170.125 Operating information for a vessel engaged in lifting.
TEXT PDF170.135 Operating information for a vessel with Type III subdivision.
TEXT PDF170.160 Specific applicability
TEXT PDF170.170 Calculations required.
TEXT PDF170.173 Criterion for vessels of unusual proportion and form.
TEXT PDF170.174 Specific applicability.
TEXT PDF170.175 Stability test: General.
TEXT PDF170.180 Plans and information required at the stability test.
TEXT PDF170.185 Stability test preparations.
TEXT PDF170.190 Stability test procedure modifications.
TEXT PDF170.200 Estimated lightweight vertical center of gravity.
TEXT PDF170.235 Fixed ballast.
TEXT PDF170.245 Foam flotation material.
TEXT PDF170.248 Applicability.
TEXT PDF170.250 Types and classes.
TEXT PDF170.255 Class 1 doors; permissible locations.
TEXT PDF170.260 Class 2 doors; permissible locations.
TEXT PDF170.265 Class 3 doors; required locations.
TEXT PDF170.270 Door design, operation, installation, and testing.
TEXT PDF170.275 Special requirements for cargo space watertight doors.
TEXT PDF170.285 Free surface correction for intact stability calculations.
TEXT PDF170.290 Free surface correction for damage stability calculations.
TEXT PDF170.295 Special consideration for free surface of passive roll stabilization tanks.
TEXT PDF170.300 Special consideration for free surface of spoil in hopper dredge hoppers.

