Photograph of hoary cress on the side of a major highway in Europe with the mountains in the background. Hoary Cress Consortium  A scientific group exploring the biological control, ecology, and systematics of the Lepidium draba and Lepidium appelianum.

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  • Al-Shehbaz, I.A. and Mummenhoff, K. 2002. Cardaria, Coronopus, and Stroganowia are united with Lepidium (Brassicaceae). Novon 12:5-11.

  • Barr, C.C. 1942. Reserve food in the roots of whiteweed. Journal of Agricultural Research 64:725-740.

  • Bellue, M.K. 1933. New weeds confused with hoary cress. Monthly Bulletin of the California State Department of Agriculture. 22:288-293.

  • Bellue, M.K. 1946. Weed Seed Handbook. Series VI. Monthly Bulletin of the California State Department of Agriculture. 22:287.

  • Corns, W.G. & C. Frankton. 1952. Hoary cresses in Canada with particular references to their distribution and control in Alberta. Scientific Agriculture 32:484.

  • Frazier, J.C. 1943. Nature and rate of development of the root system of Lepidium draba. Botanical Gazette 105:244.

  • Hickman, J.C. 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press, Berkeley.

  • Hulbert, H. W., Spence, H. L., and Benjamin, L. V. 1934. The eradication of Lepidium draba. Journal of the American Society of Agronomy 26:858-864.

  • Miller, R. F., Svejcar, T. J., Rose, J. A., and McInnis, M. L. 1994. Plant development, water relations, and carbon allocation of heart-podded hoary cress. Agronomy Journal 86:487-491.

  • Miller, T. W. 1991. Hoary cress and related whitetops (Cardaria draba, C. pubenscens and C. chalapensis). Pacific Northwest Extension Bulletin 359:

  • McInnis, M. L., Larson, L. L., and Miller, R. F. 1993. Nutrient composition of whitetop. J Range Manage. 46:227-231.

  • Mulligan, G. A. and Findlay, J. N. 1974. The biology of canadian weeds. 3. Cardaria draba, Cardaria chalepensis, and Cardaria pubescens. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 54:149-160.

  • Mulligan, G.A. C.E. Frankton. 1962. Taxonomy of the genus Cardaria with particular reference to the species introduced into North America. Canadian Journal of Botany 40:1411-1425.

  • Mummenhoff , K. et al. 2001. Chloroplast DNA phylogeny and biogeography of Lepidium (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 88:2051-2063.

  • Munz, P.A. & D.D. Keck. 1959. A California Flora. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.

  • Robbins, W.W., M.K. Bellue & W.S. Ball. 1952. Weeds of California. California Department of Agriculture. Sacramento, CA.

  • Scurfield, G. 1962. Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. (Lepidium draba L.) Journal of Ecology 50:489-499.

  • Selleck, G.W. 1965. An ecological study of lens- and globe-podded hoary cresses in Saskatchewan. Weeds 13:1-5.

  • Simonds, A.O. 1938. The anatomical development of Lepidium draba. Journal of Agricultural Research 57:917-928.

  • Stoker, G. L., Tingey, D. C., and Evans, R. J. 1934. The effect of different methods of storing chicken manure on the viability of certain weed seeds. Journal of the American Society of Agronomy 26:600-609.

  • Waterhouse, D. M. and Mahoney, J. E. 1983. Effect of pre-fallowing application of glyphosate on hoary cress (Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.). Australian Weeds. 2:141-143.

  • Williams, R.D., D. Ball, T.C. Miller, R. Parker, J.P. Yenish, T.W. Miller, C. Eberlein, G.A. Lee, D.W. Morishita. 1998. Pacific Northwest Weed Control Handbook. Oregon State University Extension Publication.



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