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NOAA's Historic Coast & Geodetic Survey (C&GS) Collection
Catalog of Images

1600 thumbnail picture
Astro setup in Mojave Desert. Richard Cohen preparing to record in truck. Astro party of Lt.(j.g.) Albert Theberge
Mojave Desert, California 1972
1601 thumbnail picture
Vernon Burns preparing Wild T-4 for observations. Astro party of Lt.(j.g.) Albert Theberge
Mojave Desert, California 1972
1602 thumbnail picture
Richard Maxey setting up Wild T-4. Astro party of Robert A. Pryce
Iowa 1971
1603 thumbnail picture
Vernon Burns at twilight - determining initial azimuth. Astro party of Lt.(j.g.) Albert Theberge
Mojave Desert 1972
1604 thumbnail picture
A. E. Theberge discussing Wild T-4 with Afghani student. Astro party of Lt.(j.g.) Albert Theberge
Nebraska Sand Hills 1973
1605 thumbnail picture
A. E. Theberge discussing Wild T-4 with Afghani student. Astro party of Lt.(j.g.) Albert Theberge
Nebraska Sand Hills 1973
1606 thumbnail picture
Latitude observatory at Ukiah, California. International program to determine variation of latitude
Ukiah, California 1930?
1607 thumbnail picture
Use of Navy Transit satellite receiver. Determining latitude and longitude simultaneously. Multiple passes over several hours to get good position
1608 thumbnail picture
Texas Instruments TI4100 GPS receiver. Determining latitude and longitude simultaneously
1609 thumbnail picture
Use of Texas Instruments TI4100 GPS receiver. Determining latitude and longitude simultaneously
Alaska 1984
1610 thumbnail picture
Use of Navy Transit satellite receiver. Determining latitude and longitude simultaneously
Goldstone Lake, California 1980?
1611 thumbnail picture
Jasper Bilby with light reconnaissance buggy. Recon work on the 98th Meridian
Minnesota 1903
1612 thumbnail picture
500 lb. stone being lowered for Brown Valley Base. 98th Meridian survey. Jasper Bilby on right
South Dakota 1903
1613 thumbnail picture
Marking complete for Station Stephen East Base. 98th Meridian survey
Minnesota 1903
1614 thumbnail picture
Setting mark on Station Twin. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife
Southeast Alaska 1929
1615 thumbnail picture
Setting mark near White Pass
Southeast Alaska 1936
1616 thumbnail picture
Driving mark into the muskeg. Crew from PIONEER
Amlia Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 1941
1617 thumbnail picture
Deep driven rods for bench marks. Crew from PATHFINDER
Kodiak Island, Alaska 1969
1618 thumbnail picture
Digging a hole for a bench mark
Southeast United States
1619 thumbnail picture
Using gas drill to drill hole for bench mark
Southeast Alaska
1620 thumbnail picture
Mixing cement to set bench mark
Southeast Alaska
1621 thumbnail picture
Mark after being set in ground
Southeast Alaska
1622 thumbnail picture
Different types of bench marks
1623 thumbnail picture
Original Station Winton North Base. Mark displaced by steam shovel. Triangulation party of E. O. Heaton
Rochester, New York 1925
1624 thumbnail picture
Station Yolo SE Base. Triangulation party of Frank G. Johnson
Sacramento Valley, California 1939
1625 thumbnail picture
Northwest Coast Indians deep-sixing bottle used as survey mark. Bottle set by party of George Davidson in 1852. Smallpox came after surveyors left. Indians felt bottle had evil spirits, dug up, and threw away
Cape Flattery, Washington 1853
1626 thumbnail picture
Reference bottle at Station Principio
1627 thumbnail picture
Triangulation station at Meade's Ranch. Control point for the North American Datum
1628 thumbnail picture
Historical monument explaining significance of Meade's Ranch. Control point for the North American Datum
1629 thumbnail picture
Old reference mark for Deming South Base. Triangulation party of Frank G. Johnson
Deming, New Mexico 1939
1630 thumbnail picture
Hatcher Mountain Monument. Triangulation party of Frank G. Johnson
New Mexico 1939
1631 thumbnail picture
Monument showing effects of wind erosion
1632 thumbnail picture
Ferdinand Hassler's observing tent. Probably the original sketch was by John Farley
New York area 1838?
1633 thumbnail picture
View of summit station on Uncompaghre Peak - 14300 feet. 39th Parallel triangulation. Triangulation party of William Eimbeck
Colorado 1895
1634 thumbnail picture
Observing station on Tushar Mountain - 12146 feet. 39th Parallel triangulation. Triangulation party of William Eimbeck
Utah 1885
1635 thumbnail picture
Observing station on Round Top - 10386 feet. 39th Parallel triangulation. Astro and triangulation party of George Davidson
California 1876
1636 thumbnail picture
Map of the 39th Parallel Arc. The first great geodetic arc in the western hemisphere
United States 1871 - 1901
1637 thumbnail picture
Instrument station near Station 189. "Care needed in moving". International Boundary Survey
141st Meridian - Alaska - Canada 1906
1638 thumbnail picture
Recorder attempting to find error in readings. International Boundary Survey
Alaska - Canada Boundary
1639 thumbnail picture
Triangulation station along 141st Meridian. Bandana for mosquitos. International Boundary Survey
Alaska - Canada Boundary
1640 thumbnail picture
White Pass West Base along the 141st Meridian. International Boundary Survey
Alaska - Canada Boundary
1641 thumbnail picture
Signal and small pole for observations on short lines. Triangulation party of J. B. Miller
1642 thumbnail picture
Mosquito protection. Survey work along Kuskokwim River. Survey crew off the YUKON
1643 thumbnail picture
Observing at triangulation station POW. Combined operations party of C. G. Quillian
Pow Island, Hassler Harbor, Southeast Alaska 1915
1644 thumbnail picture
Primary triangulation work. Combined operations party of _ Daniels
Clarence Strait, Southeast Alaska 1916
1645 thumbnail picture
C&GS 12" theodolite. Used in Clarence Straits work
1646 thumbnail picture
8" Wanschaff theodolite. Triangulation party of C. L. Garner
Texas 1918
1647 thumbnail picture
Observing tent used to shelter instrument from the wind. Triangulation party of E. W. Eickelberg
Oregon - California area 1920
1648 thumbnail picture
Station Caribou before being struck by lightning. William Scaife on left. Elevation 9816 feet. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife
Idaho 1922
1649 thumbnail picture
Station Caribou after being struck by lightning - Elevation 9816 feet. Elevation 9816 feet. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife
Idaho 1922

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007