Commission on Water Resource Management

Surface Water Hydrologic Units

Early efforts to update the Commission's Water Resource Protection Plan (WRPP) highlighted the need for surface water hydrologic units to delineate and codify Hawaii's surface water resources. Surface water hydrologic units served as an important first-step towards improving the organization and management of surface water information that the Commission collects and maintains, including diversions, stream channel alterations, and water use.

In developing the surface water hydrologic units, the Commission staff reviewed various reports to arrive at a coding system that could meet the requirements for organizing and managing surface water information in a database environment, and could be easily understood by the general public and other agencies. For all intents and purposes, surface water hydrologic units are synonymous with watershed areas. Though Commission staff recognized that while instream uses may generally fall within a true surface drainage area, noninstream uses tend to be land-based and therefore may not always fall within the same drainage area.

In June 2005, the Commission adopted the report on surface water hydrologic units and authorized staff to implement its use in the development of information databases in support of establishing IFS. The result is a surface water hydrologic unit code that is a unique combination of four digits.

Surface Water Hydrologic Units report Click to view the Surface Water Hydrologic Units report