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Center for Financial Research

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CFR Working Papers
FDIC Papers and Publications
FDIC Current Analysis
Historical Studies

CFR Working Papers
  • The CFR Working Paper Series includes original research authored by CFR Fellows and FDIC staff. The CFR sponsors original research on issues associated with deposit insurance, banking performance, risk measurement and management, corporate finance, and financial policy and regulation. The results of CFR sponsored research, FDIC staff research, and other invited papers on these CFR research lines appear in the CFR Working Paper Series.
  • CFR Conference Papers presented at past CFR sponsored conferences have been archived and are available for viewing or for download.
  • The CFR Seminar Series Library includes recent papers presented by invited scholars and FDIC staff at the regular (weekly) CFR seminar.
FDIC Papers and Publications
  • The FDIC Working Paper Series of the FDIC's Division of Insurance and Research provides a public outlet for the research efforts of the Division’s staff. Research topics include deposit insurance, bank resolution policy, bank performance, community banking issues, bank industry structure, economic analysis of financial regulation and supervisory policies, and other relevant topics. The authors welcome comments from readers.
  • The FDIC Banking Review is a quarterly publication that provides original research on issues related to banking and deposit insurance. Recent issues have presented research on topics such as small business lending, the year 2000 problem, the banking crisis of the 1980s, interstate banking, electronic money, and the problems facing the Japanese banking system.
FDIC Current Analysis
  • The FDIC Outlook provides a quarterly analysis of current national and regional trends that may affect the risk exposure of insured depository institutions.
  • FDIC State Profiles provides an executive summary of macroeconomic and banking conditions in each state.
  • FYI is an electronic bulletin summarizing FDIC analysis of emerging issues in banking and the economy.
  • The Future of Banking is a series of papers that examine the likely trends in the structure and performance of the banking industry over the next ten years, as well as policy issues associated with the changing dynamics of the industry.
Historical Studies
  • The History of the 80s provides a detailed analysis of the causes (economic, financial, legislative and regulatory) that led to the extraordinary number of bank failures in the 1980s and early 1990s. It analyzes the legislative, regulatory and supervisory responses to those failures. An assessment of the implications the experiences of the 1980s and early 1990s hold for deposit insurance and bank supervision in the future.
  • Managing the Crisis is a two book publication and is the result of a study conducted by the FDIC. They examine the challenges faced by the FDIC and RTC in resolving troubled banks and thrifts during the financial crisis of the 1980s and early 1990s.
  • Resolution of Banking Crisis A Review describes some of the principles that authorities should and do consider when resolving banking crises, and possible resolution options. It also assesses the resolution practice in recent systemic banking crises.
  • Resolutions Handbook documents the lessons learned about resolving failing financial institutions from the banking crisis of the 1980's and 1990's. The number of failing institutions, their varied businesses, and asset sizes afforded the FDIC a wide range of resolution experiences.
  • Government Studies on Deposit Insurance lists the major U.S. government studies written after 1980 on the related topics of deposit insurance and bank failures.
  • Deposit Insurance: An Annotated Bibliography contains citations and abstracts for books, journal articles, working papers, dissertations, conference proceedings, congressional hearings, and government and international agency reports on deposit insurance published between 1989 and 1999.
  • S&L Crisis: A Chrono-Bibliography A chronology with links to bibliographies covering the years 1966 - 1989. The list includes general books and articles and statutory and regulatory changes.
  • Deposit Insurance Options Paper. Published by the FDIC, August, 2000. The "Options Paper" was published by the FDIC as part of a comprehensive review of the U.S. deposit insurance system. Intended to provoke discussion, the Paper identified three fundamental areas for review: the processes for pricing risks, the funding of insurance losses, and the establishment of coverage limits.

Last Updated 10/29/2007 cfr@fdic.gov

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