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Home > Industry Analysis > Research & Analysis > Managing the Crisis: The FDIC and RTC Experience

Managing the Crisis: The FDIC and RTC Experience

Managing The Crisis History - Volume One Table of Contents (66Kb PDF file - PDF help or hard copy)

Symposium - Volume Two Table of Contents (29Kb PDF file - PDF help or hard copy)

Chronological Overview

Managing the Crisis is a two book publication and is the result of a study conducted by the FDIC. They examine the challenges faced by the FDIC and RTC in resolving troubled banks and thrifts during the financial crisis of the 1980s and early 1990s.

The Chronological Overview describes U.S. economic and banking conditions, resolution activity, and significant FDIC/RTC milestones during the financial crisis.

Last Updated 2/04/2003 Publicinfo@fdic.gov

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