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State of Hawaii Department of Taxation Banner
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Useful Links

Council on Revenues

The Council on Revenues prepares revenue estimates of the state government for each fiscal year of the six-year state program and financial plan. The Council on Revenues is attached to the Department of Taxation for administrative purposes.

Tax Review Commission

State of Hawaii Website

The Hawaii State Government main page, includes highlights for current events, FAQs, useful information, and links to all state agencies.

Capitol Website

The Hawaii State Legislature main page, includes information on acts, bills, committee reports, and other useful information.


Internal Revenue Services - links to all the federal tax forms.


Federation of Tax Administrators - links to other State's tax forms.


The Multistate Tax Commission is an organization of state governments that works with taxpayers to administer, equitably and efficiently, tax laws that apply to multistate and multinational enterprises.

Offers in Compromise

Pursuant to the Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 231-3(10), the director of the department of taxation with the approval of the governor, may compromise any tax claim where the tax exceeds $50,000 and may compromise any tax claim where the tax is $50,000 or less without seeking the approval of the governor. In the latter case, the department shall post each proposed compromise on the department's Internet website for five calendar days before the director signs the compromise. Here ....

State Authorized Tobacco Licensees

A person or entity is an authorized licensee if the person or entity's name appears on the following list published by the Department of Taxation. This list may be updated at anytime to add or remove names from the list as necessary. Here ....

County Websites

Property taxes in Hawaii are administered by the counties.


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State of Hawaii Department of Taxation  |  P.O. Box 259  |  Honolulu, Hawai'i 96809-0259  |  (808) 587-4242