Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Maintenance and Logistics Command Pacific (MLCPAC)

Alameda, California

Divisions and Offices

MLCPAC Command Staff

Command Staff (m) (510)437-3474


MLCPAC Division

Finance Division (f) (510)437-3049
Legal Division (l) (510)437-3330
Civil Engineering Division (s) (510)637-5500
Naval Engineering Division (v) (510)637-5800
Health and Safety Division (k) (510)637-1350
Personnel Division (p) (510)437-3660
Electronic Systems Division (t) (510)637-5400


MLCPAC Offices

Office of Civil Rights (mh) (510)437-1250
Logistics (mdl) (510)437-3562
Last Modified 8/20/2008