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    December 2000

  Newsletter index



Table of Contents

LinkSeeker integrates electronic resources

Do you search any of the LANL library databases? Navigation within these databases just got better thanks to a new library development product called LinkSeeker.

LinkSeeker provides a reference-linking service among electronic resources. One of the Research Library's goals is to provide seamless integration from one resource to another. LinkSeekers allows users to click through from a citation in one database to the full text of an article in another or to be able to tell if this paper has been cited and by whom, plus many more options:

  • Request the item
  • Find other articles by this author
  • Find other articles that cite this author
  • Find out about the journal itself (publishing information)
  • Find out if the library owns this publication
  • Find the email of the author
  • Ask a librarian for help locating more information

Simply follow the icon in Research Library databases for these extra services while searching. A window will pop up such as this:

Please send comments to linkseeker@lanl.gov.

Lou Pray

The Research Library needs you!

The Library Advisory Board is looking for new members to serve staggered three-year terms beginning January 2001. Are you a regular library or information user, very interested in library issues or comfortable with using electronic information services?

The Library Advisory Board has been collaborating with Library managers since 1986 to enhance the effectiveness of the Library for Laboratory users and to provide advice and recommendations to Library management. The Library Advisory Board has the following objective: to enhance the effectiveness of the Research Library and scholarly communications for Laboratory users, and to provide advice and recommendations to Library management on policy, planning and resources. Board members provide direct interaction between Laboratory scientific and engineering staff and Library management. Board members articulate the needs of the organization they represent.

Board member responsibilities include:

  • Recommend directions for research library and digital library development consistent with Laboratory needs. Evaluate and provide feedback on advanced technologies for the Library.
  • Provide the Library management with relevant user feedback and advice on library products and services to support Laboratory research needs and any other issues that impact the Library.
  • Review Library policies and services and recommend appropriate changes.
  • Communicate user needs to the Library, and communicate information about library products/services to the Laboratory research community.
  • Review and provide recommendations to the Research Library and Laboratory senior management on the Library budget and other related issues.
  • Advise the Library and Laboratory management on Laboratory needs for access to scholarly publication and information. Advise Library and Laboratory management on issues pertinent to intellectual property and scholarly publishing.

Further information can be found on the Advisory Board web page.

Board members meet regularly on the first Monday of each month for approximately one and one-half hours. If you are interested in joining the Library Advisory Board, send a brief statement describing your general research interests and the information issues that interest you to Allan Hartford at hartford@lanl.gov and Rick Luce at rick.luce@lanl.gov.

Rick Luce

Trial access to Jane's Online

The Research Library has arranged for trial access to Jane's Publishing Group online reference books, journals and special publications. You can enter the online library from http://www.janesonline.com/, and the trial period continues through December 14, 2000.

Jane's is a leading publisher on global defense, geopolitics, transportation and law enforcement, known for titles such as Jane's international defense review, Jane's strategic weapon systems, Jane's space directory.

Comments from users are critical in the Library's deciding to purchase the package, so please be sure to send your comments to mharper@lanl.gov, library@lanl.gov, or call Marie Harper (7-3065) with questions.

Marie Harper

Books lost in the Cerro Grande fire

During the Cerro Grande fire, the Research Library lost 231 books that were in people's offices or homes. Six months after the fire (and a new fiscal year later), the majority of those items either are, or are in the process of being, replaced.

In the spirit of generosity that was so evident during and after the fire, many Lab people responded to the Library's plea for copies of lost books. In addition to the list being posted here at the Lab, it also was circulated (unbeknownst to us) among government and military libraries in the US, bringing in gifts from the Battelle Technical Information Center, DOE Headquarters and Picatinny Arsenal.

88 titles which are still in print have been placed on order (for a total cost of close to $10,000), and some of those replacements have started to trickle in. Additionally, our "wish list" of out-of-print titles has been sent to book dealers, in the hopes that some of them can be located. If you happen to have one of these books in your office and would like to pass it on to the Research Library, please mail it to Marie Harper at P-362. Questions or comments? Call Marie at 7-3065 or send e-mail to mharper@lanl.gov.

Marie Harper

SWEIS Yearbook: Wildfire 2000

One of the most significant documents on the Cerro Grande fire is a special edition of the Site-Wide Environmental Impact statement (SWEIS) known as the Special Yearbook Edition--Wildfire 2000 (LA-UR-00-3471).

This document has been in great demand and the Report Library Staff have mounted it electronically with other reports about the fire. The web address for the SWEIS report is: http://lib-www.lanl.gov/la-pubs/00393627.pdf (4.1 Mb PDF file). A collection of reports about the fire may be found on the Cerro Grande Fire page.

Donna Berg

Finding government publications through NTIS

There is now a version of the NTIS (National Technical Information Service) database available free on the Web. NTIS Electronic Catalog at http://www.ntis.gov/search.htm has 400,000 titles from 1990 to the present. Searching is limited to titles and topic, and the majority of records do not have summaries (abstracts). But this can be useful for keeping up with current research.

The NTIS Electronic Catalog offers online ordering, but LANL staff may wish to contact the Report Library (library@lanl.gov or 7-4446) first - we have many of the reports listed by NTIS. Another useful feature of the NTIS Electronic Catalog is alerts. You can get free e-mail notification of "best-sellers" and news and updates about NTIS products and services. Alerts in specific subject areas are available for a fee.

If you need to search more thoroughly, the Research Library has the NTIS database for 1980 - 1996 (1.2 million records). This is a telnet (character-based) interface with many indexes and full bibliographic records with abstracts and subject terms. To access, telnet to library@lanl.gov.

Or, NTIS and other vendors such as DIALOG offer the entire NTIS database, with 2 million records going back to 1964, abstracts and more searching options. This is available for a fee; one option is a $15 "day pass" - see http://grc.ntis.gov/daypass.htm for more information. Contact library staff as library@lanl.gov or 7-5809 for more information or assistance in searching NTIS.

Version Coverage Indexing Features Free?
NTIS Electronic Catalog on the web 1990 titles, topic online ordering, alerts Y
NTIS from the Library via telnet 1980-1996 full


NTIS from online vendors 1964- full abstracts N

Kathy Varjabedian

Developments in MathSciNet and Current Index to Statistics

The American Mathematical Society has released new enhancements and features to MathSciNet--the online database covering over 60 years of mathematical literature from Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications. Enhancements include:

  • a new Clipboard feature that allows users to collect citations from multiple searches onto one file for download or display in ASCII or BibTeX format
  • more publishers linking to MathSciNet, including ScienceDirect (over 1,100 journals), Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP, 20 journals), SIAM (10 journals), and New York Journal of Mathematics
  • an alphabetical listing of the more than 190 journals with links from MathSciNet
  • links from reviews to over 120,000 original articles.

This release of MathSciNet also offers clearer navigation on search results pages, improved journal and author search capabilities, and more, such as a primary-only Mathematics Subject Classification search, improved navigation from the MathSciNet home page, and translation information in bibliographic data.

The Current Index to Statistics has announced the availability of a new experimental search engine for web queries. The new interface allows more complex queries with logical combinations of restrictions by author, title or title/keywords, and journal. It also has another new feature to facilitate extracting an author's bibliography for a set of years (possibly under a number of forms of the same name). The new search engine is accessible to all CIS subscribers who have arranged for access to the main server. A link to the new server appears at the top of the main query page, http://query.statindex.org/, or you can link directly to the new instructions at http://www.statindex.org/CIS/query/helppage/

Frances Knudson

New electronic journals in the Research Library

The following new electronic journals have been added to the library collection and are available from your desktop:

Biology Acta Biotheoretica
American Journal of Epidemiolog
y http://aje.oupjournals.org/
Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
European Journal of Epidemiology
European Journal of Plant Pathology http://www.kluweronline.nl/jrnltoc.htm/0929-1873
Virtual Journal of Biological Physics

Agriculture and Human Values
Agroforestry Systems
Ethics and Information Technology
European Foreign Affairs Review

Algebras and Representation Theory http://www.kluweronline.nl/jrnltoc.htm/1386-923X

Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology

Carol Hoover

Students work for the Library Without Walls

Cesar Ruiz and Andres Monroy, UGS students from the Univ. de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico, spent four months working with the Library Without Walls Team at the Research Library. Their efforts can be seen in the LinkSeeker product and the soon to be unveiled "My Library".

Holiday closure

The Research Library will be accessible to badgeholders during the holiday closure. Library staff will be off but the copiers and computers will be left on for use by our customers. The unclassified elevator in the Study Center, SM-207, will be operating during the closure.

Happy Holidays from the Research Library!


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Newsletter Editorial Team: Donna Berg, Helen Boorman, Jack Carter, Lou Pray, and Kathy Varjabedian.

The name and e-mail address of the Library member who contributed an article appears at the end of the article. If you have comments or further questions, please contact that person. If you have general questions or comments about the Newsletter itself, please contact the Newsletter Editor, Kathy Varjabedian.


Los Alamos National Laboratory