LANL Research Library Newsletter - August 1999

Please come to the Open House at the Research Library on Thursday August 5th from 1-3 p.m. (Note: this is a change of date and time), co-hosted by the Director's Office, with demonstrations of library resources and refreshments. Deputy Director Bill Press will speak.



A new interface and search engine is now available for INSPEC� at LANL, our version of the world's leading database for physics, electronics and computing.  The new system uses Verity's Topic search engine and is similar to SciSearch at LANL.  Features include:

  • Alerts - weekly email delivery of new information for searches of your choice
  • Easy limiting by date, language, document type, and electronic format
  • Phrase searching
  • Sorting of results by relevancy ranking, date, author or title
  • Ability to search individual author names with initials
  • Links to both print and electronic research library holdings
  • Ability to Mark All for printing, email or downloading

The INSPEC database has 6.4 million records covering the literature from 1969 to the present and updated weekly. INSPEC scans papers from approximately 4,200 journals, 1000 conferences, and other publications.

Kathy Varjabedian
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Keep on top of information technology with GartnerGroup

GartnerGroup Interactive at provides cutting-edge insights that support competitive decision making across the IT spectrum. Services and resources include comprehensive research, analysis and intelligence;  IT Journal, IT Vendor Directory, and information on hot topics such as software assess management and business technology. The web product allows one to search through the GartnerGroup content, to browse through selected publications, and to set up alerts on "My Homepage".

The Laboratory's contract with GartnerGroup has expanded to include all of the content in Gartner Advisory. Gartner Advisory contains the following categories:

More details on GartnerGroup Interactive and the content of the different advisory services and publications are available.

To access GartnerGroup, you will need the organization ID and password. These are available on the Library's sitemap.

A GartnerGroup representative will offer training August 10, 1:30 in the Research Library training room. Please contact to register for the class.

Frances Knudson
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Endnote about to arrive

EndNote is a popular research and bibliography tool that is used heavily in academic circles. Bibliography programs are a blend of database and word processing programs with a number of special features for managing bibliographic data thrown in. The Research Library will be introducing this practical piece of software to researchers at Los Alamos--especially those who perform extensive online research. The most popular feature of bibliographic software is that it instantly punctuates your bibliography into the style of various journals. EndNote generates bibliographies formatted to your specifications, which you can then export to your word processor--a tremendous time-saver.

EndNote can search remote databases, such as those mounted by the Research Library, and extract article information, abstracts, and full-text articles. The software is especially useful in a system such as the one provided by the Library, where there are no fee-based databases, thus no password or account barriers. EndNote removes much of the drudgery from compiling and maintaining bibliographies and referenced research notes.

Considering how powerful EndNote is, we believe the learning curve is surprisingly manageable, and it will become an important timesaving tool for Laboratory scientists.

Classes will offered this month at the Library Training Room: Tuesday, August 17th at 11 am; Thursday, August 19th at 1 pm; Tuesday August 24th at 11 am; and Thursday, August 26th at 1 pm. You may reserve a space by calling the Library at 7-4175, but walk-ins are welcome. If you would like to have a class presentation for your team or group, please call Frances Knudson at 7-9233 or e-mail:

Donna Berg
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The books are all shifted!

On July 27, 1999 the last book of the 1999 summer immense book shifting project was placed on its shelf. We're delighted to be done and hope you take time to visit the library and familiarize yourself with the new location of your favorite books. See the new floor plan map of the Library main level for a picture of the new arrangement, which puts the circulating collection on the north side, and the reference collection on the south side. We added 468 new shelves to the stacks this summer which translates to an additional four years of growth in the book collection at the current rate of acquisitions. If you have any questions, please contact Lynn or Marie at 667-3063.

Lynn Wysocki-Smith, Marie Harper
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Don't forget the Perseid shower

Conditions will be terrific this year for the Perseid meteors, expected to be most active in the early morning hours of August 12th and 13th. These are the most popular of all the major meteor showers and this year the Moon is New so the night sky will be dark. If you are going to watch the showers for fun, then all you need are your eyes and a lawn chair. You will feel warmer and will be able to observe longer if you keep your head and feet covered. Lay in a reclining lawn chair with your feet pointing south and look straight up. Spend about twenty minutes getting adapted to the dark--this will allow you to see the faintest meteors. Decent numbers of Perseids can be seen starting around 10 p.m. but the show is better after midnight or just before dawn.

Donna Berg
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Statistical highlight: Library web site usage

A five-year picture of usage of the Library's Web Site, reflecting the increasing reliance on Web-based information resources:

chart of library web site usage (10047 bytes)

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Research Library August Training
Date Session & Description Time
8/4 Research Library Tour 1:00-1:30
8/4 Introduction to Electronic Library Resources 1:30-2:00
8/10 BIOSIS� on the Web 1:00-1:30
8/11 Research Library Tour 1:00-1:30
8/17 EndNote�    New Session 11:00-Noon
8/18 Research Library Tour 1:00-1:30
8/19 EndNote� 1:00-2:00
8/24 EndNote� 11:00-Noon
8/25 Research Library Tour 1:00-1:30
8/26 EndNote� 1:00-2:00
8/26 InfoSurfing: Basic Web Searching Strategies 2:00-4:00

Classes are free. Pre-registration is appreciated. Register by email to or by calling the Library Service Desk at 7-5809. Please include your name, Z#, and the date and title of the session in your message.

Special classes and orientations can also be arranged; call 7-5809 for more information.

Susan Heckethorn
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Need a reminder?

If you would like to be notified by e-mail when a new issue of the LANL Research Library Newsletter is available, please enter your Z number or your email-address:

Newsletter Editorial Team: Donna Berg, Helen Boorman, Jack Carter, Lou Pray, and Kathy Varjabedian.

The name and e-mail address of the Library member who contributed an article appears at the end of the article. If you have comments or further questions, please contact that person. If you have general questions or comments about the Newsletter itself, please contact the Newsletter Editor, Kathy Varjabedian.

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