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The National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program : Related Regional Programs : Abstracts


Ator, S.W., 2000, Design of a multi-purpose stream network in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain [abs]: Linthicum, Md., December 1, 2000, Program and abstracts - 6th Annual Meeting of the Maryland Water-Monitoring Council.

Ator, S.W., Denver, J.M., and Hancock, T.C., 2001, Considering variable hydrogeology in an assessment of regional shallow ground-water quality in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA [abs]: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 82, no. 20, p. S164.

Ator, S.W., Denver, J.M., and Hancock, T.C., 2000, Relating surficial hydrogeology to shallow ground-water quality in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain [abs.], Austin, Tex., April 25 – 27, 2000, National Water Quality Monitoring Conference.

Ator, S.W., Denver, J.M., Hancock, T.C. and Kelley, S.K., 2000, Use of a Hydrogeologic Framework to Examine the Effects of Agricultural Fertilizers and Manure Applications on Nutrients in Shallow Ground Water of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain [abs.], in Wilde, F.D., Britton, L.J., Miller, C.V., and Kolpin, D.W., comps., Effects of animal feeding operations on water resources and the environment: Fort Collins, Co., Proceedings of the technical meeting, August 30 – September 1, 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-024, p. 75.

Ator, S.W., Denver, J.M., Pitchford, A.M., Neale, A.C., Ebert, D.W., and Nardi, M.R., 2002, Relating stream chemistry to watershed influences—Design and initial results of the Landscape Indicators for the Pesticides Study, Mid-Atlantic Coastal Streams (LIPS-MACS) [abs.]: Towson, Md., March 2002, Towson University Geographic Information Sciences Conference.

Ator, S.W., Ferrari, M.J., and Pheiffer, Thomas, 1998, Nitrate and selected pesticides in ground water of the Mid-Atlantic Region [abs.]: Reno, Nev., July 7 – 9, 1998, Proceedings of the National Water-Monitoring Council Meeting.

Ator, S.W., Ferrari, M.J., and Pheiffer, Thomas, 1998, Nitrate and selected pesticides in ground water of the Mid-Atlantic Region [abs.]: Baltimore, Md., November 30 – December 2, 1998, List of abstracts for the MAIA Working Conference.

Ator, S.W., and Lindsey, B.D., 1996, Radon in ground water of the Lower Susquehanna and Potomac River Basins [abs.]: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 77, Spring Meeting Supplement.

Bachman, L.J., Zynjuk, L.D., and Phillips, P.J., 1992, The significance of hydrologic landscapes in estimating nitrogen loads in base flow to estuarine tributaries of Chesapeake Bay [abs.]: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 73, no. 14, Spring Meeting Supplement, p. 113.

Bohlke, J.K., Denver, J.M., Wanty, R.B., and McMahon, P.B., 1996, Some hydrogeological controls on the distribution of nitrate in agricultural watersheds [abs.]: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 77, Spring Meeting Supplement, p. W37.

Brayton, M.J, 2002, Deployment and testing of the Greenspan AQUALAB Analyzer at the Morgan Creek NAWQA trend site in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed [abs]: National Conference on Water-Quality Field Activities, November 19-22, 2002, Orlando, Fla.

Denver, J.M., Ator, S.W., Krantz, D.E., and Newell, W.L., 2001, Hydrogeologic factors affecting the transport of nutrients and pesticides to shallow ground water and small streams of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA [abs.]: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 82, no. 20, p. S6.

Ferrari, M.J. and Ator, S.W., 1998, Pesticides in surface waters in the Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment Region [abs.]: Reno, Nev., July 7 – 9, 1998, Proceedings of the National Water-Monitoring Council Meeting.

Ferrari, M.J., Ator, S.W., and Blomquist, J.D., 1998, Pesticides in surface waters in the Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment Region [abs.]: Baltimore, Md., November 30 – December 2, 1998, List of abstracts for the MAIA Working Conference.

Hancock, T.C., Ator, S.W., and Denver, J.M., 2000, Use of a hydrogeologic framework in relating surficial hydrogeology to shallow ground-water quality in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain [abs], in Younos, T. and Poss, J., eds., 2000 Virginia Water Research Symposium, Advances in Land and Water Monitoring Technologies and Research for Monitoring of Water Resources: Blacksburg, Va., Special Report SR 19 2000, Virginia Water Resources Research Center, 2001. 

Hutchens, J.J., Blocksom, K.A., Klemm, D.J., Ator, S.W., Denver, J.M., Pitchford, A.M., and Mehaffey, M.H., 2002, Assessing a hydrogeologic classification system in Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain streams using benthic macroinvertebrates, [abs.]: Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Pitchford, A.M., Ator, S.W., Denver, J.M., Olsen, A.R., and Neale, A.C., 2002, Mid-Atlantic coastal streams study—Statistical design for regional assessment and landscape model development [abs.]: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment meeting, April, 2002.

Contact Information:

Judy M. Denver, Supervisory Hydrologist:

U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division MD-DE-DC
1289 McD Drive
Dover, DE 19901
Tel: (302) 734-2506
Fax: (302) 734-2964

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