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Linking Policy

Texas Department of Insurance Web Sites

Links to Other Websites

[ Adopted August 2006 ]

As a convenience, TDIĀ“s Web sites offer links to certain government, university and insurance-related Web sites created and maintained by public and private entities. TDI has no control over linked sites nor can it be held responsible for material found on any non-TDI Web site. A link to another Web site does not constitute an endorsement of the content, viewpoint, accuracy, opinions, policies, products, services or accessibility of the site. For more information, please read the state's general guidelines on linking to agency Web sites.

Link Policy

The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) complies with the State Web Site Link and Privacy Policy at http://www.dir.state.tx.us/standards/link_policy.htm.  TDI encourages organizations that link to TDI's Web sites to comply with the provisions of the State Web Site Link and Privacy Policy, especially regarding protection of the privacy rights of individuals, and to make reasonable efforts to provide accessible sites.

TDI does not permit links from TDI Web sites to Web sites whose primary purpose is to market or sell any type of product, good, or service. This includes Web sites operated by businesses and other commercial entities, insurance company Web sites, and Web sites operated by trade or industry associations whose members are regulated by TDI. Linked Web sites may not contain advertising of any type. Upon approval of the TDI Webmaster and TDI Agency Counsel, links to the following types of websites are permitted:

  • Web sites operated by federal government agencies or institutions.
  • Web sites operated by other State of Texas agencies or institutions.
  • Web sites operated by other U.S. state agencies or institutions.
  • Web sites operated by noncommercial entities, if the primary purpose of the site is to educate or inform.
  • Web sites that provide a consumer benefit or service, such as free health services for the uninsured, underinsured, or the elderly.
  • Web sites operated by charitable or non-profit organizations, if the primary purpose of the site is to educate or inform.

Requests to link from TDI Web sites must be approved by the TDI Webmaster and the TDI Agency Counsel. In determining whether or not to allow a link from TDI Web sites, the TDI Webmaster and TDI Agency Counsel may consider whether the proposed link provides information or services of benefit to Texas consumers.

Other Web sites may link to TDI's Web sites without restriction, although no reciprocal agreement may be required.

For more information contact: Webmaster@tdi.state.tx.us

Last updated: 10/30/2007