Texas State SealTexas Department of Insurance
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Mission Statement

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Agency Planning Elements
Agency Vision, Mission and Regulatory Approach

The agency planning elements include the vision, mission, regulatory approach and assessment of key factors impacting the agency. It also includes agency goals, objectives, strategies and performance measures. Action plans are another part of the Strategic Planning and Budgeting System that TDI develops internally through its business planning process.

Agency Vision

The Texas Department of Insurance envisions a financially stable and fair marketplace and an effective and efficient workers' compensation system.

Agency Mission

The Texas Department of Insurance regulates the marketplace firmly and fairly by enforcing and implementing the law. TDI strives to enhance internal and external communication for efficient and effective regulation and to promote outreach to educate the public.

Agency Regulatory Approach

The Texas Department of Insurance will exemplify friendly, courteous, ethical, and professional behavior in all areas of performance by:

  • providing the best value in services to the people of Texas
  • applying the law and the agency policy fairly and consistently throughout the state, and
  • communicating openly and providing timely and accurate information to the public we serve, and to all our fellow employees.
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For more information contact: PIO@tdi.state.tx.us

Last updated: 04/03/2007