RRC Railroad Commission of Texas
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Whats New at the RRC
arrow All RRC Offices Will Be Closed from 12 Noon on November 21, 2007 through November 23, 2007 for the Thanksgiving Holidays
arrow Pipeline Safety is a Priority at the Texas Railroad Commission (PDF)
arrow Barnett Shale Information
Drilling Permit Processing Time as of November 9, 2007
Expedited Permits: approximately 5 Business days
Standard Permits: approximately 24 Business days
Informal Complaints Regarding Natural Gas Purchasing, Selling, Shipping, Transportation, or Gathering Practices
Agency Services

Crude Oil & Natural Gas

Financial Information

Natural Gas Transportation


Surface Mining/Reclamation

Customer Survey

How to Use the RRC Web Site

Oil well photo collage
Michael L. Williams, Victor G. Carrillo, Elizabeth A. Jones
About the RRC  Mission Statement, History, Agency Organization, Sunset Review, Service Evaluation Survey
Electronic Filing E-File (EDI)-Oil & Gas, E-File (EDI)-Gas Services, RRC Online System (Drilling Permits Application (W-1) - Production Form PR - Annual Disposal/Injection Well Monitoring Report (H-10) - Pipeline Integrity (PS-80, PS-81, PS-87, PS-89), Texas Damage Reporting Form
Interactive DataProduction Data Query (PDQ),
Oil & Gas Field Information, Well Records, EDMS, Gas Tariff Query System, Production Reports Query (PR), Drilling Permit Query (W-1), Public GIS Map Viewer for Oil, Gas, and Pipeline Data, Annual Disposal/Injection Well Monitoring Report (H-10)
Clean Coal Technology Executive Order, FutureGen, Council Members
Texas Energy Planning Council Executive Order, Press Releases, Council Members, Meetings
Kids World Home Sweet Home, School House, Camp RRC, RRC Park, What's The Risk?
Search Oil and Gas Well Records, Oil & Gas Records, Information Pertaining to Leases & Royalties, Request Well Records, Central Records, Annual Reports Filed by Gas Utilites, Pipeline Permits
Rules & Regulations Oil & Gas, Gas Utilities & Pipelines, LP-Gas, Mining, Dockets
In Print Publications, Forms, Electronic Public Information, Well Log List for GIS Map Viewer
Maps Oil & Gas, Coal, Digital Map Data, LP-Gas Regions, Pipeline Safety Regions, Historical Coal Mining in Texas, Public GIS Map Viewer for Oil, Gas, and Pipeline Data
SafetyOil and Gas, Propane, Pipelines
Education Energy Curriculum, Seminars, Training
Hub, Procurement & Contract Info News, HUB Program, General Information, Mentor Protege Program

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