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Community Preparedness Section


Cooperative Agreement Guidance & Applications

Office Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response
Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP)

  • FY 2007 HOSPITAL PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM Application .PDF ( 1.27 mb) .DOC (992 kb)
  • Hospital Preparedness Program Guidance .PDF (399 kb)
  • Partnership Guidance for the Hospital Preparedness Program .PDF (160 kb )
  • HPP PanFlu Suppplement Budget .XLS (1.45 mb)
  • Pandemic Influenza Supplement for Medical Surge Capacity and Capability Guidance .PDF (260 kb).DOC (344 kb)

The primary purpose of this supplemental one-time funding is to establish stockpiles of critical medical equipment and supplies and as well as to develop plans for maintenance, distribution, and sharing of these resources. The objective is to increase quantities of critical material at the state or sub-state level while minimizing individual hospital storage and/or carrying costs.

Texas was awarded $4.7 million; approximately $4 million will be available for the state to purchase identified items or to further the planning efforts for alternate care sites or mortuary services within the state.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Public Health Emergency Preparedness Cooperative Agreement

Updated Antiviral Contract Purchases

Stockpiling antivirals is one aspect of mitigating the effects of a serve flu epidemic. The federal government is encouraging states to purchase enough medication to treat 25% of their populations.

Local governments are eligible to purchase their own antivirals through DSHS.

Questions about this program can be answered by local health departments or by sending an email to

Questions and answers concerning the purchase of antivirals

Contract to Purchase Antivirals at the Subsidized Federal Rate
(MS Word 81 KB)*

List of local Health Departments:
Full Service
Health Service Regions


FY08 Statewide Public Health and Medical Priorities


A web-based CHEMPACK Training course was launched on May 1, 2007. This training will provide a broad overview of the CHEMPACK Program, a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) program that provides caches of nerve agent antidotes to communities throughout the United States.

This training is free-of-charge and should take the average learner about an hour to complete. In addition, 1.0 hours of Continuing Education will be awarded to doctors, nurses, pharmacists, social workers and health educators who complete the training. Furthermore, through a collaborative effort with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE), law enforcement officers that complete this training may submit a certificate of completion through their respective agencies for 1.0 hours of Continuing Education.

Access the course on the TRAIN system.

Interim Progress Report Part I

Part I of the FY08 continuation proposal for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Cooperative Agreement for Budget Period 8 (BP8) (our state FY08 fiscal year) has been released. This part contains narratives describing preparedness efforts for cross-cutting areas and Target Capabilities that will describe our FY07 mid-year progress in key areas of preparedness (attachment A). Attachment B of this part requires grantees to submit a Financial Status Report (FSR) to estimate financial obligations for Budget Period 7 (State FY07).


Notification/After Action Forms

Notification/After Action Blank Form
(MS Word 42KB)*

After Action Form - Sample (MS Word 49KB)

Texas-Mexico Forum Reports

Reports from two-day Texas - Mexico Public Health Preparedness and Response forums which were held to address the challenges of bioterrorismand disaster preparedness along the border.


These reports are in PDF format. To download Adobe Acrobat click here.



*Information on viewing the files on this page - Click here.

TX Extension Disaster Education Network logo


cdc logo

cdc logo

CDC information regarding public health threats is now available through the following courtesy link...

Report any suspected outbreaks or unusual expressions of illness to:
. .



Last updated November 16, 2007

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