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National Academies Press National Academies Press is the publisher for reports produced by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council. Over 3000 titles at this site are online for free, including new releases. To identify a full-text book, select a title link and look at the top left for the red tab labeled, "Read This Book Online, Free!"
National Center for Biotechnology Information NCBI, affiliated with the National Library of Medicine, is a national resource for information about molecular biology. NCBI creates databases and tools for researchers, including Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database (OMIM), Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), GenBank and many more.
National Center for Health Statistics Publications National Center for Health Statistics Publications contains health and vital statistics, the publication, Health, United States, plus information about where to write for vital records. Many of the statistical tables are available in spreadsheet format.
National Climatic Data Center Online Document Library National Climatic Data Center Online Document Library contains such publications as Monthly Climatic Data of the World (MCDW), Storm Data (SD), Local Climatological Data (LCD). PLEASE NOTE: If you are on campus and are prompted for a password, please come to the Government Documents Service Desk.
National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts The NCJRS Abstracts Database contains summaries of over 174,000 U.S. and international publications, including federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, audiovisual presentations, and unpublished research. The NCJRS Abstracts Database excludes most legal decisions, opinions, and statutes. The collection has been developed to meet the needs of criminal justice professionals, researchers, policymakers, and technical and legal experts
National Environmental Publications Information System The Environmental Protection Agency's National Environmental Publications Internet site (NEPIS) contains thousands of full-text, on-line EPA documents, searchable by keyword, title, and publication number.
Natural and Alternative Treatments Natural & Alternative Treatments contains detailed information on more than 180 different conditions and the conventional and natural treatments used to treat them, over 200 herbs and supplements, plus drug-herb and drug-supplement interactions for more than 75 drug categories. Learn more about functional foods A to Z brought to you by TEXShare.
Natural Product Updates Natural Product Updates (NPU) provides graphical abstracts of new developments in natural product chemistry, selected from over 80 primary journals. Coverage includes isolation studies, biosynthesis, new natural products and known compounds from new sources, structure determinations, and new properties and biological activities.
Nature Publishing Group Online Journals Full-text access is provided to Nature, EMBO Journal, and EMBO Reports from 1997 to current, Nature Biotechnology from May 1998, Nature Cell Biology from May 1999, Nature Materials from September 2002, Nature Medicine from May 1998, Nature Physics from October 2005, and Nature Structural and Molecular Biology from May 1998. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Beth Thomsett-Scott at bscott@library.unt.edu
Naxos Music Library Including all of the Naxos, Marco Polo and Dacapo catalogues of over 130,000 tracks, Naxos Music Library allows UNT users to stream a wide variety of classical, jazz, new age, and world music. New releases are added monthly. Please be sure to click on the red Log Out button on the upper right hand of the screen when you are finished using Naxos.
NBER Working Papers National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Papers: Nearly 500 are published each year, and many appear in scholarly journals. NBER researchers initially report their findings in scientific papers aimed at other professional economists in academic institutions, business, government, and the business media around the world. Topics: Economics, Finance, Labor Studies, Stocks and Bonds, Management, Industrial Organization, International Finance, International Trade, Productivity and Technological Change, Taxation
NetAdvantage - Standard and Poor's Standard and Poors NetAdvantage is a comprehensive source of business and investment information, offering on-line access to Standard & Poors research products such as Industry Surveys, Stock Reports, Corporation Records, The Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives, The Outlook, and Mutual Fund Reports. NetAdvantage provides searching and screening tools to facilitate academic research, job searches, case studies, competitive intelligence, strategic planning, due diligence and M&A activities. Included is private company information on over 85,000 companies that are not publicly traded. NAICS code searching is available to identify potential customers, vendors, and strategic partners. The database includes biographies of thousands of corporate executives and directors. Export tools allow researchers to download data into spreadsheet programs for further analysis. Click here for tutorial
netLibrary Contains electronic books you can read online. With the release of NetLibrary 4.0 the online checkout feature for eBooks has been discontinued. You will need to create a login name and password with netLibrary. Click here for an interactive tutorial on how to set up a netLibrary account. UNT has access to 50,479 netLibrary eBooks through Amigos Library Services, Texas State Library, and by direct purchase. There are records in the online catalog for all the titles to which UNT has access. To search entire netLibrary collection you must edit your preferences in the "my account" section.
Newspaper Source Newspaper Source indexes Christian Science Monitor and LA Times cover-to-cover. Selective coverage of 18 national and international newspapers. Business and news articles from 150 US regional newspapers. Updates from 6 news wire services. EBSCOhost database by way of TexShare.
Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue (NSTC) Volumes I & II (1801 - 1870) Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue (NSTC) Volumes I & II (1801-1870) (catalog) Series I and II contain all bibliographic records from the Bodleian, British Library, Cambridge University Library, Trinity College, Dublin, National Library of Scotland and the University of Newcastle upon Tyne for 1801-1870 and all records from Harvard University and the Library of Congress for 1816-1870. Series III contains bibliographic records for all books published in Britain, its colonies and the United States of America, between 1871 and 1919. CD-based using Citrix.
Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue III Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue (NSTC) Volume III (1871-1919) (catalog) Series III contains bibliographic records for all books published in Britain, its colonies and the United States of America, between 1871 and 1919. CD-based using Citrix.
NLM Gateway A gateway to medical resources, the NLM Gateway allows you to search several databases at the same time. The databases searchable through the NLM Gateway are MEDLINE/PubMed, OLDMEDLINE, LOCATORplus, MEDLINEplus, DIRLINE, AIDS Meetings, Health Services Research Meetings, Space Life Sciences Meetings, and HSRProj. The databases index books, journal articles, conference proceedings, health topics, drug information, and research projects in progress. Some full-text is included.
North American Industry Classification System North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the online version of the NAICS manual, updated every 5 years. NAICS is a "system for classifying business establishments. Adopted in 1997 to replace the old Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system, it is the industry classification system used by the statistical agencies of the United States." The online manual "includes definitions for each industry, tables showing correspondence between 1997 NAICS and 1987 SICs, and a comprehensive index."

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