
MRI brain

Top 10 universities in the world by Times of London

  • Harvard University, US
  • University of California at Berkeley, US
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
  • California Institute of Technology, US
  • Oxford University, UK
  • Cambridge University, UK
  • Stanford University, US
  • Yale University, US
  • Princeton University, US
  • ETH Zurich, CH

US News & World Reports' rankings of Universities


US News & World Reports' rankings of Liberal Art Colleges


Medical School Ranking based on grant funding level


The nation's biggest university endowments (in billion of dollars)

1. Harvard University -- $18.8 (9.8 percent)
2. Yale University -- $11.0 (4.9 percent)
3. Princeton University -- $8.7 (4.9 pecent)
4. University of Texas System -- $8.7 (0.9 percent)
5. Stanford University -- $8.6 (13.1 percent)
6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- $5.1 (-4.2 percent)
7. University of California $4.4 (4.0 percent)
8. Columbia University $4.4 (2.6 percent)
9. Emory University $4.0 (-11.7 percent)
10. Texas A&M System and Foundations $3.8 (1.6 percent)
Figures may differ slightly from those announced by universities, because of different ways of measuring endowment, such as whether to include money pledged but not delivered.
Source: National Association of College and University Business Officers.