Measuring Up 2002: The State-by-State Report Card for Higher Education


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StateName Category Grade Category Index Score High School Credential (20%) Math Course Taking (10%) Science Course Taking (15%) Algebra in 8th Grade (10%) Upper-Level Math in 12th Grade (5%) Math Proficiency (4%) Reading Proficiency (4%) Science Proficiency (4%) Writing Proficiency (4%) Math Proficiency among Low-Income (4%) College Entrance Exams (10%) Advanced Placement Exams (10%)
Alabama D– 61 87 60 59 43 70 47 55 52 55 24 63 25
Alaska B+ 87 100 83 83 83 83 88* 83 83 83 83 84 47
Arizona D 66 78 63 63 63 63 62 74 57 68 43 66 37
Arkansas D+ 67 90 89 74 77 20 41 61 55 42 33 60 25
California C– 71 88 60 46 110 46 53 58 36 65 19 67 86
Colorado B 85 87 82 82 82 82 75* 79 82 87 52* 104 63
Connecticut A 100 98 93 90 93 117 100 111 83 142 33 94 99
Delaware C+ 77 98 68* 64* 83* 74 56* 66 74 71 29* 64 74
Florida C+ 77 91 73 73 73 73 50* 61 73 61 29* 74 76
Georgia C– 70 89 67 67 67 67 56 66 55 74 24 58 58
Hawaii C– 72 98 69 69 69 69 47 50 36 48 38 67 62
Idaho C– 71 93 72 44 67 46 79 68 90 68 81 81 32
Illinois B+ 89 93 85 85 85 85 79 85 71 85 57 109 64
Indiana C– 72 95 77 77 37 52 91 69 83 69 62 64 30
Iowa B 83 97 79 90 80 80 93* 80 80 80 80 84 23
Kansas B 85 96 82 82 82 82 100 92 82 82 81 100 23
Kentucky C– 72 92 93 74 40 69 62 76 69 68 38 69 35
Louisiana F 56 87 81 59 20 54 35 47 43 39 19 59 17
Maine B+ 89 101 86 86 86 86 94 111 88 103 95 63 51
Maryland B+ 88 93 84 84 84 84 85 82 67 74 33 83 100
Massachusetts A 100 97 98 100 100 96 94 95 100 100 52 96 95
Michigan B 83 95 77* 74* 90* 79 82 79 88 79 43 89 47
Minnesota B– 81 98 63 56 43 77 118 97 100 81 129 96 41
Mississippi D 66 89 96 108 47 64 24 50 36 35 14 44 14
Missouri B– 80 99 89 79 73 76 65 76 86 55 43 87 29
Montana A– 90 97 86 86 86 86 109 100 110 81 119 85 30
Nebraska B 84 98 105 87 60 80 91 80 86 80 71 90 17
Nevada D 63 84 60 64 43 61 59 63 55 55 29 66 41
New Hampshire B 83 91 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 83 55
New Jersey A 97 96 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 87 92
New Mexico D– 61 89 54 49 57 64 38 63 48 58 29 63 33
New York B 86 93 84 87 47* 82 76 89 71 68 57 89 102
North Carolina B+ 89 92 107 77 83 138 88 82 64 87 62 61 76
North Dakota B 84 101 93 87 50 94 91 81 95 81 100 88 18
Ohio C+ 78 94 82 51 73 75 91 75 98 75 48 95 39
Oklahoma D+ 67 91 75 62 30 64 56 76 62 81 38 69 35
Oregon C 73 89 65 49 77 70 94 87 79 87 76 77 31
Pennsylvania B– 81 95 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 67 51
Rhode Island C 76 94 73 73 73 73 71 79 69 81 33 68 52
South Carolina D+ 67 91 64 64 64 64 53 58 48 48 29 53 57
South Dakota C 76 100 82 90 30 67 73 73 73 73 73 75 28
Tennessee D– 62 94 61 49 0 59 50 68 60 77 33 79 44
Texas C+ 79 85 98 62 76 100 71 74 55 100 52 67 62
Utah A 100 96 100 92 177 76 76 82 81 68 71 76 86
Vermont B– 80 97 72 69 70 70 94 76 95 76 67 73 54
Virginia B+ 89 93 85 85 85 85 76 87 74 87 38 74 107
Washington B– 80 93 76 76 76 76 77* 84 76 81 57* 82 40
West Virginia C+ 79 96 98 100 80 98 53 71 62 58 38 56 23
Wisconsin A– 90 96 98 95 60 93 94* 87 86 90 86 96 52
Wyoming C– 70 92 70 54 53 74 74 76 86 74 71 74 20
* Numbers refer to data from Measuring Up 2000, because updated state information was not available.
Notes: Bold numbers refer to best-performing states. Red italicized numbers mean that the state is missing data; the italicized value is based on an average of the state’s other scores in the category. For more information about sources and grading, see "Sources and Grading".

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StateName Category Grade Category Index Score High School to College Rate (40%) Young Adult Enrollment (20%) Working-Age Adult Enrollment (40%)
Alabama D+ 67 64 74 51
Alaska D+ 69 45 74 76
Arizona B– 81 51 61 102
Arkansas D+ 67 73 59 50
California B+ 87 64 87 91
Colorado B 85 72 62 91
Connecticut A– 91 88 104 68
Delaware B 84 79 72 76
Florida D+ 69 52 76 68
Georgia F 55 57 59 40
Hawaii B– 82 69 101 67
Idaho C– 71 69 78 55
Illinois A 97 90 79 92
Indiana C+ 77 80 84 55
Iowa B+ 88 99 85 59
Kansas A– 92 83 95 80
Kentucky C– 70 68 79 52
Louisiana D 64 65 78 43
Maine C+ 78 81 68 63
Maryland B+ 87 76 84 82
Massachusetts A 100 100 91 82
Michigan B+ 89 78 93 78
Minnesota C+ 78 76 89 58
Mississippi D 65 63 82 46
Missouri C+ 78 73 76 68
Montana D+ 69 86 87 28
Nebraska A 97 96 86 83
Nevada C+ 78 48 59 100
New Hampshire B– 82 82 79 67
New Jersey A– 92 100 100 59
New Mexico A 95 69 72 112
New York B 83 81 90 64
North Carolina C+ 77 73 74 66
North Dakota B 84 110 92 36
Ohio C+ 77 75 80 61
Oklahoma C+ 77 68 68 73
Oregon D+ 67 59 60 64
Pennsylvania B– 82 87 88 57
Rhode Island A 99 88 88 95
South Carolina D+ 69 61 88 54
South Dakota B– 80 90 82 51
Tennessee D+ 68 62 77 54
Texas D+ 68 58 64 66
Utah C 76 64 82 68
Vermont C+ 77 75 81 60
Virginia B 84 76 75 78
Washington C– 72 69 80 57
West Virginia C– 70 75 75 47
Wisconsin B 84 81 81 69
Wyoming B– 81 78 82 67
Notes: Bold numbers refer to best-performing states. For information about sources and grading, see "Sources and Grading".

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StateName Category Grade Category Index Score Family Ability to Pay At Community Colleges* Family Ability to Pay At Public 4-Year Colleges* Family Ability to Pay At Private 4-Year Colleges* Need-Based Financial Aid (20%) Low-Priced Colleges (20%) Low Student Debt (10%)
Alabama F 57 78 75 74 1 47 91
Alaska D 63 83 83 100 0 59 96
Arizona D– 62 71 69 59 2 97 82
Arkansas C 74 95 88 83 32 67 96
California A 100† 68 62 42 44 293 83
Colorado C– 72 88 87 53 39 74 81
Connecticut C– 71 83 71 53 89 64 78
Delaware F 54 75 60 78 8 60 72
Florida D– 60 71 77 52 15 64 95
Georgia D 65 91 95 58 0 71 88
Hawaii D 65 84 72 70 2 92 84
Idaho D+ 69 94 89 81 1 72 92
Illinois B 85 88 76 63 123 70 87
Indiana D+ 69 74 72 61 72 51 93
Iowa C 73 85 90 70 56 51 100
Kansas C– 72 97 92 78 16 71 94
Kentucky C 74 95 92 80 34 62 98
Louisiana D 63 97 82 39 1 70 91
Maine F 56 70 69 51 37 40 91
Maryland D– 62 80 70 56 39 54 79
Massachusetts D– 62 78 71 41 83 52 77
Michigan D+ 68 83 68 85 45 60 97
Minnesota B 85 100 100 68 100 49 97
Mississippi D 64 85 78 75 1 66 102
Missouri D+ 67 98 81 68 18 71 91
Montana F 51 65 67 67 6 37 93
Nebraska D 66 90 80 70 12 67 97
Nevada D+ 68 75 76 61 25 82 85
New Hampshire F 45 67 61 56 6 31 78
New Jersey C– 72 74 64 62 98 49 87
New Mexico C– 70 83 77 43 24 84 98
New York F 56 55 59 42 86 30 83
North Carolina C 75 89 88 55 29 100 87
North Dakota D 65 87 87 118 3 46 105
Ohio F 55 68 61 59 35 43 87
Oklahoma C 74 98 102 71 15 67 95
Oregon F 53 66 60 44 21 54 85
Pennsylvania D+ 67 76 59 51 102 44 85
Rhode Island F 43 58 50 40 18 46 73
South Carolina D+ 67 91 68 71 33 67 89
South Dakota F 59 83 87 73 0 35 100
Tennessee D– 61 79 74 60 19 62 91
Texas D+ 67 81 72 59 17 89 91
Utah B 86 103 108 156 3 75 98
Vermont F 56 59 47 52 84 32 74
Virginia B– 81 102 85 75 42 100 84
Washington C– 70 80 77 57 63 58 85
West Virginia F 57 63 68 57 27 43 95
Wisconsin C 76 94 95 65 61 49 95
Wyoming D 66 85 87 0 0 66 98
* Weights within the Family Ability to Pay indicators are based on enrollment by type of institution. The zero score for Wyoming on Family Ability to Pay at Private 4-Year Colleges is weighted at zero, and as a result does not affect the state’s overall grade for affordability.
† Actual Index Score is over 100.
Notes: Bold numbers refer to best-performing states. For information about sources and grading, see "Sources and Grading".

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StateName Category Grade Category Index Score Students Returning at 2-Year Colleges (10%) Students Returning at 4-Year Colleges (10%) Bachelor’s Degree Completion within 5 Years (15%) Bachelor’s Degree Completion within 6 Years (15%) All Degree Completion (50%)
Alabama A 96 77 89 70 74 116
Alaska F 43 43 43 29 40 48
Arizona C+ 78 77 86 66 80 80
Arkansas C– 72 88 85 58 56 75
California C+ 77 76 101 80 98 65
Colorado C+ 77 75 90 75 77 75
Connecticut B+ 87 76 100 98 100 80
Delaware B 86 76 99 101* 98 77
Florida B+ 88 100 95 78 86 87
Georgia B 84 88 87 63 66 94
Hawaii C 75 70 87 56 78 79
Idaho B– 80 80 81 46 70 93
Illinois B– 80 82 92 81 89 75
Indiana B– 82 74 93 71 86 84
Iowa A 93 77 98 90 99 94
Kansas B– 80 81 88 69 76 82
Kentucky C 73 82 85 66 62 73
Louisiana D+ 68 68 83 48 56 75
Maine B 84 100 92 85 90 78
Maryland B– 80 92 99 89 90 67
Massachusetts A– 91 92 101 101 103 83
Michigan C 76 79 93 72 90 70
Minnesota B+ 88 88 96 83 85 89
Mississippi C+ 79 92 89 67 72 80
Missouri B– 82 86 90 73 81 82
Montana C 76 76 80 57 62 85
Nebraska C+ 79 84 91 65 71 83
Nevada F 54 79* 91 45 61 42
New Hampshire A 100† 106 97 100 99 102
New Jersey B– 81 95 98 88 94 69
New Mexico D 63 83 83 45 58 61
New York B+ 88 100 94 81 84 88
North Carolina B 85 81 97 87 91 80
North Dakota B 84 84 87 57 69 97
Ohio B– 80 89 90 82 82 76
Oklahoma C– 70 75 85 60 61 72
Oregon C 75 64 95 78 82 70
Pennsylvania A 98 97 99 92 100 100
Rhode Island A 95 95 97 97 105 91
South Carolina B 84 84 93 79 88 83
South Dakota B– 82 82 78 69 69 92
Tennessee C+ 77 87 88 71 77 74
Texas C– 70 65 89 62 74 69
Utah C+ 79 63* 88 56 85 86
Vermont A 97 97 93 99 98 98
Virginia B 84 87 98 89 95 76
Washington A– 90 78 100 85 100 88
West Virginia C– 72 83 86 58 62 75
Wisconsin B 85 79 97 85 88 82
Wyoming B 84 88 91 62 81 89
* Numbers refer to data from Measuring Up 2000, because updated state information was not available.
† Actual index score is over 100.
Notes: Bold numbers refer to best-performing states. Red italicized numbers mean that the state is missing data; the italicized value is based on an average of the state’s other scores in the cateogry. For information about sources and grading, see "Sources and Grading".

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StateName Category Grade Category Index Score Adults with Bachelor’s Degree or Higher (30%) Increased Income from Education: Bachelor’s Degree (15%) Increased Income from Education: Some College or Associate’s Degree (10%) Population Voting (12.5%) Charitable Contributions (12.5%) Quantitative Literacy (6.7%) Prose Literacy (6.7%) Document Literacy (6.6%)
Alabama C 73 66 65 41 93 99 72 72 72
Alaska C+ 79 76 66 57 100 91 78 78 78
Arizona B– 80 73 75 83 68 96 81 84 80
Arkansas D– 60 58 48 31 77 92 57 46 45
California A– 90 86 91 100 73 96 86 87 82
Colorado A 100 102 68 28 89 93 171 164 138
Connecticut A– 90 100 94 36 84 100 88 88 88
Delaware A 99 80 100 103 83 99 129 125 119
Florida C 76 77 59 79 76 94 75 65 62
Georgia D+ 68 72 58 60 73 96 48 47 41
Hawaii B– 80 82 72 60 74 97 79 79 79
Idaho C 74 65 52 56 83 90 87 100 87
Illinois B– 81 80 73 56 85 96 84 80 76
Indiana C 74 68 72 40 83 90 81 79 76
Iowa C+ 79 75 55 51 97 94 98 84 80
Kansas C+ 78 82 67 59 84 95 76 64 60
Kentucky C– 72 62 54 74 83 93 70 70 70
Louisiana C– 71 65 64 65 86 95 64 56 49
Maine D+ 68 63 47 35 99 94 67 67 67
Maryland A 94 98 106 51 87 99 92 92 92
Massachusetts A– 90 104 85 52 89 99 70 79 77
Michigan B+ 87 72 97 110 92 97 87 73 60
Minnesota A– 90 92 79 52 111 98 88 88 88
Mississippi C 76 63 57 94 84 95 74 74 74
Missouri D+ 67 80 46 7 93 93 64 56 44
Montana C 75 77 68 22 97 90 74 74 74
Nebraska C 76 81 53 38 87 97 74 74 74
Nevada C– 72 61 66 83 67 93 78 70 61
New Hampshire B 83 89 66 53 88 95 81 81 81
New Jersey B+ 89 97 103 46 76 101 81 77 77
New Mexico C 75 69 74 49 83 90 73 73 73
New York C+ 78 88 76 35 78 101 67 64 58
North Carolina D+ 68 68 72 57 78 95 38 40 34
North Dakota C+ 79 79 56 52 106 93 78 78 78
Ohio C 76 71 71 50 86 90 81 77 76
Oklahoma C 74 68 69 66 83 96 71 68 53
Oregon B 85 74 76 100 90 90 83 83 83
Pennsylvania B– 81 79 87 59 80 97 83 68 70
Rhode Island A– 90 87 81 84 91 100 88 88 88
South Carolina C 76 68 63 68 89 97 75 75 75
South Dakota D+ 68 76 46 2 92 92 66 66 66
Tennessee D+ 69 60 67 74 74 94 60 50 52
Texas C+ 78 77 83 75 68 92 66 65 60
Utah B 84 87 72 61 81 98 82 82 82
Vermont B– 81 93 57 36 96 89 79 79 79
Virginia B 83 87 68 76 74 96 81 81 81
Washington B 85 87 68 49 88 92 100 95 100
West Virginia F 53 50 52 16 74 87 45 35 31
Wisconsin C+ 78 73 68 30 99 94 93 90 72
Wyoming D 66 63 42 37 98 86 65 65 65
Notes: Bold numbers refer to best-performing states. Red italicized numbers mean that the state is missing data; the italicized value is based on an average of the state’s other scores in the cateogry. For information about sources and grading, see "Sources and Grading".

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