About the Honors College

Dr. Gloria Cox with students

The Honors College is a focal point of academic excellence at the University of North Texas. In partnership with other colleges at UNT, the Honors College designs, creates, and supports learning opportunities, both within and beyond the classroom, to enhance intellectual growth and academic accomplishment for the highly talented and motivated students who choose to be members. The Honors College has more than 1,100 members.

The Honors College brings to students the opportunity for a broad-based, liberal education that helps them build an excellent intellectual and academic foundation. An Honors education is wonderful preparation for graduate and professional study, career building, and, indeed, the learning pursuits of a lifetime.

Our faculty and staff members include:

Dean: Dr. Gloria Cox
Associate Dean: Dr. Susan Eve
Academic Counselor: Mr. Sean Ryan
Administrative Coordinator: Mrs. Vicki Hill
Event Coordinator: Ms. Diana Dunklau