Why Honors at UNT?

Membership in the Honors College has many benefits. Honors students at UNT may take advantage of any of these opportunities at no additional cost.

honors student

  1. Specially designed classes to provide a challenging but supportive academic environment;
  2. Training in research methods and skills, and opportunities to present research at undergraduate conferences;
  3. Advising by the Honors academic counselor;
  4. Eligibility to live in Honors Hall, a new residence hall designated for students in the Honors College;
  5. Free tickets to cultural events, including concerts and plays;
  6. Lunches with professors and deans so students can get to know members of the academic community;
  7. Use of the Honors lounge and study area;
  8. Invitations to special Honors events such as the Welcome Back picnic, the Honors Convocation, and all Stress-Free Week events;
  9. Assistance in applying for major scholarships;
  10. Special library privileges; and
  11. Priority registration.

When you graduate, you will be honored at a special reception and receive the Honors College Medallion to keep and wear at commencement. Your UNT transcript will note your involvement in the Honors College and the level of distinction you received.

Honors College members are also eligible to apply for membership in the Honors Council (PDF - requires Adobe Acrobat), a student-run organization that represents the interests of students in the college. Honors Council officers serve for one year and are expected to attend all Honors Council meetings and participate in Honors activities, as available.