Global development podcast

Are boys better than girls? – podcast

Girls share their thoughts on what holds them back, their dreams for the future, and what they think about boys
Interactive: what do 13-year-old girls aspire to?
Read a transcript of the podcast

Seven young women from across the world share their hopes and dreams for the future. The result is a fascinating snapshot of what it is like to be a 13-year-old girl in today's world.

Among the voices we hear are Assia in Kigali, Rwanda, who takes us around her family's banana plantation, and Ana in Peru, who finds the time to look after her ill mother and attend school, two hours away from home.

Reporters: Zofeen Ebrahim, Celeste Hicks, Deborah Doane, Dan Collyns, Zoe Flood, Stephanie Aglietti, Sibylla Brodzinsky.

You can also view this content in an interactive.

Source: Guardian

In this series of podcasts from the Guardian, every month we will explore the key issues affecting billions of people across the developing world

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